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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I see, Anyways gowing to update my topic with this :)
  2. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    lol i like how mediafire and the click here icon looks! NIce work on the boot loader.
  3. DrX1969

    DrX1969 Member

    Man, I was just having a look at filetrip and there seems to be a wood firmware for just about every bloody r4 clone on the planet now, except the r4-III.
    Post Merge: [time]1312368312[/time]
    Can't quite understand why...
  4. Konizx

    Konizx New Member

    Okay this is what I get when I load the wood onto my r4, I used the WAIO because I'm not sure what kind of clone I actually have.

    This is a picture of the card I have if anyone can help me out with this, (Mainly I'm having an issue with cars 2 rom, It's always saying corrupted save data. :\

    It says
    Revolution for DS

    Help? D:
  5. cobramat

    cobramat Member

    @Konizx...with this card you must use YSMenu,find it here --> http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
  6. Konizx

    Konizx New Member

    So do I just install this over the firmware? I've been using v1.4.3 for r4i and that's the only firmware I've been getting to work :\
  7. cobramat

    cobramat Member

    use the wood4TT 1.25 and copies the contents of the folder R4-SDHC SDHC_R4i TTMenu of YSMenu in your microSD...so it works for me
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Your flashcards isnt yet known if its compactible with the firmware.
    Your best change would be Wood for M3.

    If not use the firmware: YSMenu v1.17a12 unofficial
  9. kezerb

    kezerb Active Member

    Anyone know where I can find an up to date cheat database that's compatible with the latest Wood?
  10. soulfu

    soulfu New Member

    How do i use cheats on this firmware
    Post Merge: [time]1312774196[/time]
    How Do i Use the cheats on this but thx it actually worked
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Try reading page 1 "Wood R4 Setup Guide".

    Download RetroGameFan's DS-Scene Rom Tool : http://filetrip.net/f25536-RetroGameFan-DS-Scene-Rom-Tool--1205.html

    Steps :
    1. Download, extract, install on Windows, Run Program
    2. Go to DATABASES
    3. Choose CMP DATABASE
    4. Choose CHECK FOR UPDATES, wait till download done
    5. There are 3 options in the bottom screen of CMP DATABASE UPDATE, mark the USRCHEAT
    6. Then press INSTALL UPDATE, wait till download done

    *There are 2 method of approach for the next steps.

    method 1:
    7. Go to DATABASES
    8. Go to CMP DATABASE
    9. Choose INSTALL TO MEDIA
    10. Choose USRCHEAT
    11. Locate the SD Micro, and decide which folder to place the usrcheat.dat
    12. Press OK. Done

    method 2:
    7. Go to DS-Scene Rom Tool Folder
    8. Open the DATA Folder
    9. Open the DATABASES Folder
    10. Extract CMP_USRCHEAT.rar
    11. Copy the USRCHEAT.dat into your SD Micro. Done

    By the way, the program is also useful for patching roms, you can download the patching file by:
    1. Go to DATABASES
    2. Go to AP DATABASE
    4. Go to FILE and choose OPEN
    5. Choose the game rom to patch
    6. If there is an available Patching Offset, it will be marked as green under the AP PATCH sub menu
    7. Go to EXPORT
    8. Tick the APPLY PATCH
    9. Choose EXPORT ROM
    10. It will create a game rom ending with gamename_apfix.nds. Done
  12. kezerb

    kezerb Active Member

    Thank you prectorian :)
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You're welcome. Just check for updates through that program. Usually updated monthly.
    You can edit the cheats, replace the GAME ID, and check if the game you want to cheat is in there or not, by using R4CCE.exe.
    You can find the guide and program in the TUTORIAL SECTION.
  14. ianshen23

    ianshen23 New Member

    Excuse me I Simply Love your firmware but when Are you guys Upgrading i want to test out Atumeste Kirby
  15. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Almost 100 pages...
    Normally i would be going nuts about this but now i think everyone is just sad.
    No offences
  16. I wanna play Foto Showdown, but since it doesn't work on TTMenu (it only shows "for nintendo dsi only") I decided to install Wood R4 on my R4i SDHC. But how do I set up Wood R4? Mine is R4i SDHC V1.45 (www.ndiLL.net) And it's a clone. :-\
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    None of us here do any updating to Wood R4 firmware, we merely post the update information links. The person who does the updating/upgrading is Yellow Wood Goblin. However, Yellow Goblin usually update his Wood releases 2x a month. His last update was 1st August. Please wait till then as he never do an early release, especially not just for 1 game fix.

    Unfortunately, doesn't matter if its YSMENU or WOOD, Foto Showdown is for DSi handheld only (should be also playable on 3DS too), not playable on the NDS/NDSL. Because the game require the use of the DS's onboard camera, not related to the YSMENU/WOOD secondary firmware.
  18. link for r4i gold doesnt work.
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Here : http://filetrip.net/f25809-Wood-R4-for-R4i-Gold-%28R4iDS%29-V1-34.html
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    WoodR4 v1.35 now out!

    Yes prectorian Kirby is now meant to be fixed.
