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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. fikri

    fikri Active Member

    Okay, just noticed that Wood M3 is listed as working on an R4 SDHC
    I have an R4 SDHC from www.r4sdhc.com and i've tried using Wood M3 1.25 and got stuck on a forever loading screen while trying to boot a game.

    Tried formatting my card, made sure that both the NDS and SAV file is defragmented but still stuck
  2. DiDDy RoCk

    DiDDy RoCk New Member

    Try this... First of all, Wood uses Clean ROMs - Download another one from a different site that says it's clean and not patched or manipulated in any way. There's plenty out there, just search via Google. I can't put an actual link here as it's not permitted to do so. The save file will be compatible with the exchanged ROM since it's the same game. But to avoid any hastle, try to keep the region of the ROM the same IE: (U), (E), etc. This should fix your problem. If not, the only other alternative would be to make sure that you have the latest "working" firmware available for the cart (R4, whatever) regardless of wether it is original firmware or an alternatively made one for it that also works... G'Luck

    P.S. Since this is the WAIO / Wood Firmware forum - I kindly don't want to get into the ROM problem any further and send things off tilt. Thanks!
  3. greghory

    greghory Well-Known Member

    R4 III work perfectly on the wood Waio 3.0 ....
    you could tell me what program and how you update the new games for it then I would be updating ...
  4. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I've taken out the update sources because Xenon++ told me to do so.
    In other words i will not share it.
  5. joknudse

    joknudse New Member


    I bought a flashcard from www.r4ultra.com in september '10 and have only been able to make it work with the socalled kernel from the above mentioned page. How do I use wood r4 i have tried to copy and install a lot of versions.

    The packet and card look like this:


    Hope you can help me

  6. OnStrings

    OnStrings Member

    Was the new WAIO supposed to allow more recent games to work? Because for the games I wanted to play (Radiant Historia, Golden Sun, Pokemon B/W) it appears to be exactly the same. Either it won't run or it won't save.

    All I did was remove the pre-existing _rpg, waio.nds, and woodr4.nds files, install 1.16 on my sd card, and delete the unnecessary .nds files (I have an R4 III). Did I do something wrong?
  7. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    New game support worked but it messed up some system files because i did it wrong,
    So i'm looking into it abit, this release is mostly the while system finished.
  8. OnStrings

    OnStrings Member

    I wasn't able to play new games. Which do I run while in the RIII menu, waio.nds or Woodr4.nds?
  9. Prkill3r

    Prkill3r New Member

    Ok, so i just tried wood r4 and it seemed to work, so i decided to get a skin.
    But for some reason, i can't get this skin to work on my r4...it should be compatible right?... I can not click anywhere, as if the screen froze, and I can't see any folders aswell! :(
  10. cassiu09

    cassiu09 Member

    I wonder if you could get the rom Superman Returns because it freezes after the first round = (
  11. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    0674 - Superman Returns (E)(M5)(Legacy) Download here!
    0708 - Superman Returns (U)(M5)(Psyfer) Download here!
    • Please next time, make a new topic or post in a ROM related thread if you want a curtain game in you posession.
  12. cassiu09

    cassiu09 Member

    Sorry :-\ but thanks! ;D
  13. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  14. orlando1210

    orlando1210 New Member

    I was about to ask whether WAIO was updated or not, but looks like I don't need to anymore. Thanks for the hard work, guys.

    And congratulations on your child, CoolKill3r. ^^
  15. Rocketai

    Rocketai New Member

    Hey, people! I'm really new on this R4 stuff, so be easy on me...

    I installed the R4 Wood on my R4 (I don't know if it's original or clone... It's just saying "Revolution for DS (NDSL/NDS)"... Anyways, I installed the Wood R4 that it's for original R4 owners. I did everything it was said to install, but whenever I insert my R4 on my DS, it just says that it's "Loading..." and it stays there forever!

    I want to use this Wood upgrade because I'm trying to play Pokémon: SoulSilver, but it crashes every few events! Does the R4 Wood corrects this?
  16. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    Hello diddy rock, i tried getting a different copy of soul silver but its doing the same thing
    Post Merge: [time]1302820014[/time]
    But thanks anyway diddy rock
  17. excalibar89

    excalibar89 New Member

    Hi, I'm new to the whole "Wood" firmware for the R4. I have the original R4 and I was wondering if I should get it. I have never used it before so I was wondering if there are any big changes from the v1.18 R4 firmware? Also will I have to get all new Roms for it? One last question, if I download and use the new Wood firmware (1.28 right now i believe) will it also have the pre-1.28 updates with it or is there something else I have to do to get those as well? Sorry for all the questions. but any help would be greatly appreciated :)
  18. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Yes it fixes it, it fixes almost 99.8% of all games.
    Anyways try and see if your sd card is nicely slide into your flashcard and try reinstalling Wood R4 again.
    If that doesnt work, try and see if YSMenu does you can get that from the 'Download/Tools' section!

    Read some of the spoilers below the first post like the 'Wood R4 Setup Guide' & 'FAQ' sections.
    Second you can keep the roms no changes need to be made.
    And you need to redownload wood r4 everytime if you want to use the newest updates but only have to replace the _ds_menu.dat if you ONLY care about new game compactibillety OR you can download it once and use my .NDS file to load it and when there is a new version you only download the loss .nds file and replace that simply, you do have to keep your old firmware to load wood r4 tho.
    And you can find the changes into the 'Changelog'

    Hope this answers some of your question and if you still dont get some things then post again.
  19. excalibar89

    excalibar89 New Member

    Thank you, that did answer alot of my questions. I have one more though (sorry :-\). What will happen to my save files that I have already? Am I able to keep them or do I have to restart all of them?
  20. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    As long as you don't delete your save files, they will be fine