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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. kyallz0607

    kyallz0607 New Member

    it's me again kyallz0607 thanks for your help I've tried formatting my card and that didn't work it works for original r4 but r4i it won't load roms and my ds has reached it's limit now and gone to heaven then I got the dsi XL, if i make a little video for like 1 to 1 and a half minutes showing you the error and what I've got will that help you at all cause I'm not a good explainer :S. I've tried YS menu on my r4i but it wouldn't load then when I got it to load it wouldn't show anything on the screen, so if you recommend YS menu can you send me a tutorial either through this message or even links on you tube or something thanks a lot I appreciate your help, mate. (Y)
    Kyallz0607 :)
  2. SylentEcho

    SylentEcho Active Member

    If you're looking to play games on an R4 clone, then Ysmenu for clones works a whole lot better than WAIO. WAIO never made any new game run past the main menu on my clone, but YSmenu made the whole game play.
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  4. vayne00

    vayne00 Member

    thanks .
    first try Woods ,it does not work then try WAIO , it does not work then I try YSMenu .
    YSMenu ? : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
    in the Woods/WAIO just drag the folder to the card?
  5. donutshankz

    donutshankz Member

    I tried YSmenu on my card too. Still nothing. Only reason i want it is because i want to play yugioh 2011 on my dsi, but im not forced to play it on my broken but still functioning ds lite
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Wait till YSMenu is updated for that game.
  7. SylentEcho

    SylentEcho Active Member

    Ysmenu for clones can be dicey. It may be updated, but still won't play some games.

    Take for instance games like DBZ Ultimate Butouden (Eng translation), Naruto vs Sasuke, Dragon Quest VI. All fixed for Clone YS, but yet wouldn't play on my clone. Hence I had to purchase an R4 original just for Wood.

    So this varies from clone to clone.
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    True but do remember there are also CRACKED & PATCHED roms.
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    which are just a slight choice.
  10. SylentEcho

    SylentEcho Active Member

    Which also won't work if your clone is bad. I used to try multiple patches and Ysmenu, but some games just wouldn't work! Hence, I had to buy an R4.

    YS for clones works great for games released upto 2010. Some of the new ones patched, YS-cracked or both just refused to play.
  11. donutshankz

    donutshankz Member

    Everything works with WAIO... except loading of any game xD. But the cheats and stuff work
  12. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone!

    So now we all know that the 3DS was just too easy to hack, as AceKard 2i with just a firmware upgrade work on the 3DS. I'm planning on getting a 3DS as soon as i can afford one, and i want my DS roms to work on it as i'll be selling my DS lite to help pay for it, & up until now, I've been using the classic R4 (or at least a direct clone that works flawlessly) and I've been VERY pleased with it, and I've been told it's the most reliable card (for NDS and NDSL) EXCEPT for the AK2i, any idea whether we'll need a different Flash cart to play 3DS roms or just a firmware upgrade for AK2i?

    And also

    i found 2 websites that look like they're selling authentic AK2i cards:

    1: Lightake.com Original Edition Boxing:
    2: Priceangels.com Christmas edition Boxing: http://www.priceangels.com/AceKard_2i_AK2i_SDHC_Multimedia_MicroSD_TF_Cart_for_NDS_and_NDS_Lite_Compact_Edition__p1531.html

    Which do you recommend? Thanks! :)
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

  14. gargarse

    gargarse New Member

    Tested WAIO v1.15 (REPACKED v2.9 beta) in R4 SDHC

    Work correctly with the last firmware of R4SDHC
  15. Cailer

    Cailer Member

    I just tried the M3 firmware for my R4i SDHC(red box) card and all I get is in the top window a box with "? Menu" on it. anyone tell me how to get it hopefully working?
  16. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Did all the things worked that i posted?
  17. UrMumLuvsMe

    UrMumLuvsMe Member

    EDIT: Saw the answer in FAQ sorry for the post.
  18. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

  19. luneth23

    luneth23 Active Member

    Good to see 1.26 is out. But the file needed to load R4 Wood is still at 1.25
  20. Halo-101

    Halo-101 Well-Known Member

    :eek: ??? :-\ :p :) :D ;D