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Windows 7, is it really worth it?

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by diskjocki, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it supposedly emulates windows XP, thus is in theory a lot better than vista's compatibility. I've not really used it much.
  2. GideonB

    GideonB Well-Known Member

    Loony, I'm not going for the home version after I used to have vista home premium on my laptop... God that was a horrible OS which had no security features whatsoever
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Windows Vista has a lot of security features. What you said is what someone hopping on the "I hate Vista" bandwagon would say. Vista does not deserve most of the criticism it's getting. I use Vista, and I don't have any problems with it. It is not a horrible OS. Vista is much more secure than XP.

  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    windows vista is too secure, thats part of its problem. Security always comes at a price; the more security you have, the more inconvenient it is. Vista went too far down the secure and inconvenient route, to the extent that the security interferes with your daily operation (UAC). Windows 7 strikes a much better balance.
  5. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    Yeah sometimes i have to go through two approval screens just to open a program
  6. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    I think it's strange that when I was debating with a mate over PC vs MAC ( Her argument was "but it's so easy to use!) my other friend came in and said, "Well you have a MAC and you have windows XP, I have vista home edition so i beat all of you". He ten told me that vista was better because it looked good and ran faster than his old computer which had windows 95. when I explained why I didn't like vista he said " yeah vista is pretty gay"
    people are just saying they hate vista, even when they haven't had problems with it.
    I tried to explain what windows 7 was, but he thought It involved buying a new computer with windows 7 loaded on it :p.

    Also, my italian teacher let me play with her new laptop (government is giving all yr 9's and teachers netbooks, yay I miss out by a year -_-) and it had windows 7 on it, Which I think is pretty cool for a netbook :D.
  7. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    But you said that you didn't like Vista either, so aren't you the same way? ::)
  8. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    I never liked the idea of vista-too pricey for what I saw as a minor upgrade to XP.
  9. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    ok im going and upgrade(clean install) to 7(64bit) soon, 1. will it use vista backups? 2 is there any lack of hardware support i should know about?
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    theres no drivers for HP printers yet. windows vista drivers drivers should work providing the manufacturer isn't stupid enough to code an OS check into their installer (take a bow, HP). Don't use software created backups, copy all your documents and other important files to somewhere else, format and install, then copy the data back. using backups when changing OS is asking for trouble.
  11. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    err darn, thats a lot of copying. k thanks for the info, i thank i will install it on a test partition first, so i know if theres any major hardware issues. it takes 8gigs of install space correct?

    its about time to change since vista been going blue screen on me from time to time
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Microsoft says 16 GB for the 32-bit, and 20 GB for the 64-bit. See link.

  13. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    dang thats a lot, no test partition then
  14. Patton

    Patton Guest

    If the installer is a .msi, we can use ORCA to edit out the OS string...
  15. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    what would that do?
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    how exactly did we go from about 2-3gb [or less] to 10-15gb?
  17. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I don't know... 98 was only a few hundred MB, but for some reason, my XP Home takes up close to 6GB
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    microsoft adding useless crap.
  19. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    yeah, as loony said, the reason the new windows take more space is because they added more games and a bunch of other crap that you dont really need, not to mention making the newer versions of windows look more 'Appealing" to most users. also it might have to do with the fact that the hard drive size of PCs is alot larger than it was before which lets them make the full windows install larger.
  20. xmasterchefx

    xmasterchefx Well-Known Member

    Really? My XP is less than 800 MB (it's on a CD).

    Anyways, I would like to go ahead and say yes, 7 is worth it, if you haven't gotten Vista already. 7 is a speedier version of Vista (I'm sure everyone knows that Vista is slow as crap), and you might as well upgrade, because sooner or later, software is going to leave XP in the dust.