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Will you buy Nintendo's 3DS, including legal games?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by athemoe, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    It's worth buying as soon it comes out. Hacking it will be nice but no point waiting for someone to hack it, get it and the games and when a flashcart is made for it get it and use it. One thing imagine dementium the ward 1 or 2 in 3D for the 3DS
  2. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    that post was just changing what you already said before.

    funny thing you say about ignoring... you've ignored almost every fucking thing i've posted here.

    i'm done.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    after all that, you had nothing....
    and I answered everthing.
    look back through the full thread, you look an idiot.

    im done too :)
  4. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    Both of you shut the F@#? up.
    People make comparisons with the ps3 or the xbox 360 agoinst the wii so what. Every games console has faults.

    Xbox 360: I played Cod 6 on it lately was way too graphical when you go over a weapon and an icon appears you don't know it's there you can barely see it. You have to pay just to change your xbox live name. How the hell are you going to use was it 160 or something like that gigs? But still a good console.

    Ps3: just the same above except from the name part. The games you get on it are limited just basically shooting the odd rpg or two, racing and the odd other types of games. I hate the ps3 but it's a good console to everybody but me.

    Both: People take them too seriuosly i killed someone so what then they started swearing and complaining. Who cares? It's just a F@/#?*@ game get over it. There both good thats it

    So what if the wii doesn't have as good as graphics at least you can see the pictures. The wii is playable and fun to play with and is able to play old retro games. What else do you want out of it ! Every games console has a limit. Graphics will make the game look good but not the gameplay good the mechanics makes the gameplay good.It's not a perfect console none of them are, all consoles have something good and bad about it.

    EDIT: Posted it late oh welll and changed a bit of it.
  5. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    all i can say is, when it's hacked, i'll buy it! [​IMG] until then, HELL NO!
  6. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    It might take sometime until it's hacked no point waiting until it is.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Initially IF i buy it, it'll be to support nintendo and I'd only buy the good games like that resident evil game I seen.

    I only bothered with piracy because my brother has a shorter attention span than me when it comes to games.

    As for the argument at hand...I say msg wins, people do need to not just pick out points they wish to attack but the entire thing.
  8. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    No point in taking sides anymore my very first long post probably said it all.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Re: Will you buy Nintendo\'s 3DS, including legal games?

    tbh it had nothing to do with the argument we were having, the argument was about home consoles been better than handhelds.
    Post Merge: [time]1279903028[/time]
    It wasn't about winning, i just kept asking him to find a flaw in my argument, discuss it like a grown up and stop attacking me but he couldn't do it.
    I dont care about winning but if someone is gonna rip into my opinon at least explain why a valid reason
  10. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    then it went on to graphics.
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yes but read how that came about.
    not once did i compare ps3 vs 360 vs wii unless i was answering his questions, i dont give a shit about the console war.
    I compared the 3ds graphics to the wii and said if they are worse they will suck for a supposedly more powerful console
  12. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    That is true.
  13. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking of buying one when my DS phat dies on me. Bought it when it first came out and is still working perfectly for me and no broken hinges or anything. Maybe the 3DS will be hacked by then.
  14. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I don't care much for 3D really. I would much prefer if they just improved the graphics, and maybe added motion-control.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    a lot of people would say this, especially when we consider the ps3. people say they will buy the ps3 when it's hacked and modded. but the ps3 hasn't been pirated. yet, people are buying the ps3. so this is ridiculous because people will break! the wii is easily hacked and people aren't buying the wii simply because it's hackable. people are buying it because of the games, just as with the ps3. so people will break! psp is also very hackable and people aren't buying it and those who did buy it eventually end up selling it. again, people do break!

    3d may not be a concern as of now because of what we're so accustom to see and hear based on current events. but this is nintendo we're talking about, the company that is able to innovate! so right now many people would say that 3d isn't a big deal because of this and that and whatever the reason is. but when nintendo starts making games around what they offer, then you'll want the 3d. remember when the nintendo ds was released? people said why would they need two screens or a touch screen? then when nintendo started making games on the features of the hardware, people then wanted and liked the feature.

    read at your own discretion.
    don't reply to this spoiler or else the mod will be contacted.
    you've been warned
    this is incorrect because msg is concerned about winning. the comment says it all!
    msg says it's not about winning. but it is about winning because msg asks for usoppu to find a flaw in msg's argument. to find a flaw is to say right and wrong. to say right and wrong is to say winning and losing. to say that one is wrong and the other is correct is to say one is the winner while the other is the loser. it is a contradiction to what he says about not caring if he/she wins. with that said, usoppu gives a stronger reason to support.

    btw, i told you msg and his hardcore buddies will come in and start supporting each other. was i correct?!
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I love my Wii and it is as hacked as something could be..HBC, tons of WADs, Waninkoko's safe 4.3 update, etc etc.

    But if the 3DS can emulate N64 then HELL YES.
  17. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    i see msg point (well not really :p) its just that the way he says it is so retarded, and he contradicts himself, wtf?

    BACK ON TOPIC: If it can emulate N64 and you can download games from NES and SNES like the Wii then i'm definitely getting it on release date
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you know, a lot of people on the net actually thought of this as well, a virtual console on the nintendo dsi/dsi xl system as it has that ds shop. but the virtual consoles on the handheld would be that from the old gameboy era as well as other past portable devices, such as that of sega's gamegear or the atari lynx. if the nintendo 3ds has a virtual console of home consoles, then it may not be worthwhile as it would be wasteful for originally owning the wii virutal console version and then having to repurchase the 3ds virtual console version. maybe nintendo can develope a work around where you can transfer your virtual wii games to the memory card and being able to play it on the 3ds.
  19. AstroGod

    AstroGod Well-Known Member

    even though that is a really great idea we can only hope they get it right. I, for one, would personally love to be able to get pokemon red, yellow, and crystal on my 3ds
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    or like how the psp connects to the ps3 and they can transfer files between each other. maybe the 3ds will connect with the wii and allow access to the memory card and people will be able to transfer the files. you see, nintendo isn't perfect at all. they are in a dilemma and that dilemma will be a choice they will have to decide on and live with it.