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Will you buy Nintendo's 3DS, including legal games?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by athemoe, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    im thinking im waiting until Kingdom Hearts comes out for the 3DS and then buy it
  2. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    You're obviously biased (which is why i ignore your last point), people would choose what they prefer of course.

    But here's the list of the (quiet frankly ridiculous) things you are insinuating:

    >Anything and everything on a portable console should be free, because in your opinion they simply aren't good enough or on par with 360/PS3 games.
    >Unless you strive to play every game under the sun, you aren't a "proper gamer" or somebody who enjoys gaming.
    >NES, SNES, Megadrive, PS1, N64 etc. games are all inferior (yet excellent...?) in comparison to games on your current gen home console.

    I find it amazing that you seem to think so highly of 360/PS3's games. I suppose i should ask, what exactly is making those games miles above every other console or handheld's?, or i'll just assume what ultra says is correct in your case.

    Also, there's another contradiction in what you say. You enjoy gaming, but "no amount of games on any system" is enough to keep you satisfied. Seems to me that you really aren't enjoying them much at all.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    how am i biased when i play games from every console?
    Also choosing to ignore my post is just avoiding my reasoning.

    Not at all, when did i say free? Generally they are not as good as home console games because of the hardware limitations.

    When did i say that?

    I used your word "inferior" to because thats what you called them.
    They are inferior to modern games, but still great fun.
    I really dont see what your getting at there.......there is no real point.

    So now you read minds?
    and wheres the contradiction?
    I have a passion for gaming, i cant get enough.

    All your points are just stupid and play on a word or two that maybe i could have chosen better, you have nothing to argue with.
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    it's biased because you say only one is worth the money.
    i answered directly after saying that.
    you say repeatedly - the ds plus every game, is only worth the cost of the ds itself.

    ...the rest...
    don't make out that i'm pulling shit out from my ass, i got it all from reading your previous posts.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    No i didn't.
    I said ps3/360 games are superior because of the hardware. and its true.

    No i dont.
    I said most gamers cant afford every system so pick the best to spend your money on.

    you got none of that from my posts.
    read them again, dont "choose to ignore it"
  6. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I think maybe you should reread your own posts.

    "pick one then pirate the rest"
    "with the extra cost of a ds no."

    not your quotes.
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    yes my quotes but on their own mean nothing.
    why dont you quote my full argument and not just a couple of lines?

    "pick one then pirate the rest"
    That means pick the best console and pirate the rest, pretty simple eh?
    By the way, for me the 360 is best because the games are better and i get to play on a HUGE screen.
    not some tiny little screen with 1990 style graphics and game limitations like the DS.

    "With the extra cost of a DS no"
    That means games are not worth buying at full price when i have a 360 and would have to buy a DS too. get it?

    next time quote the full argument
  8. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Way too tiring, and I can't be bothered to go off topic any further, so i guess we'll leave it at that.

    I really am surpised you found most of what i said baffling though.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I'll put it as simple as i can for people that ignore posts.

    If you can only afford one console, buy the BEST ONE.
    Home consoles will always be superior to handhelds, you just cant get a handheld as powerful as a home console.
    You can also play them on a huge screen, multiplayer from just one console, a decent control pad, dvd and blue ray players etc etc

    I understand some people would prefer a handheld or want the pokemon exclusives, thats fine, you chose the best for you.
    Generally though, home console games are better because of the hardware so if they are selling at the same price as handheld games, which is the best value?
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Can we please stop this and get on-topic again?
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ok. no. :)
  12. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Considering my country taxes, import and greedy shop keepers.
    The chance of me buying a game is nealy zero.

    Buying the 3DS will depends on both piracy and Nintendo itself....

    If they hack in a flash cart or Nintendo find a more inteligent way to sell around here, I buy.
  13. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    you just cant get a handheld as powerful as a home console. youre wrong msg the 3ds is more powerful than the wii but has worse graphics because it has to render the image twice for 3d
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its hardly up with the ps3/360 is it? maybe i should have said TOP consoles instead
    im pretty sure the 3DS is more powerful than an atari 2600 too, and a NES....

    worse graphics than the wii, eh? well that must suck, the wii graphics are poor

    edited to say - where did you get that from?
    Ive been looking and no proper specs have been released yet but its expected to compare to the psp
  15. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    The only thing we know for sure is to wait for the 3DS to comes out and then we could judge how well the graphics is ;D
  16. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    The Wii's graphics aren't poor, you just see it that way because you make retarded comparisons with 360/PS3.

    and LOL, who the hell wants HD graphics on a portable anyway? that's just stupid.
    Based on the footage i've seen (MGS and RE), the 3DS definitely surpasses the PSP anyway.
    See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr3bvrvJYyo
    See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D92S9unF88

    Aslo here http://www.vooks.net/story-19301-Nintendo-3DS-graphics-processor-revealed.html
  17. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    how is it retarded?
    I was comparing it to a home console and they are home consoles are they not?

    you want to start saying things are retarded you best take a look at your comments vs mine on this thread
  18. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    the 360/PS3's main focus is on graphics.
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    No its not, they are just capable of better graphics
  20. JohnnieBob

    JohnnieBob Well-Known Member

    You've clearly never played Final Fantasy.