not globally no, but some places are using it. RomUlation should be accessible using IPv6, and google is.
I don't have an opinion on future events because I am more of the type that says, worry about things one at a time and tackle them as they come. I don't think the world will run out of space, I think human nature will lead to wars to try and bring peace. Someone will continue Hitler's dream.
woner when WW3 will come... hope it'll be after i die. better yet, not happen at all but i sense that it will happen in the near future. i wonder what will start it.
Well if it happens it happens, If people die then they die. This doesn't phase me really, thousands of people die per year. Do people care about that no? Why care for one and not for all the rest, Defies the point eh?
If WWIII were to happen it'd probably be a war involving nuclear bombs. Before the actually war though it'd probably be something similar to the Cuban missile crisis. Otherwise, if WWIII is similar to WWII (which I doubt), no matter how many people die per day, WWIII will affect everyone. Just like how WWII effected the world. My husband's grand pere went into WWII and died, that didn't just phase his family. We, as a people don't really get phased from people dying that we don't know because it's just that. We don't know that person, we have no attachment to that person.That's why we don't care, if my husband died in a war, I'd care very much. I don't mind that someone in Europe didn't care because they don't know my Patpat. Wars are much more than what they were back in the day, they're a lot more dangerous as they can easily attack someone over seas and affect a whole group of peoples. To say that another world war won't affect you is.. kinda silly. Especially when considering the weaponry we have today. As whoever said "One dies, a tragedy; if a lot of people die, a statistic." I know it's not quoted right. Sue me.
But the quote is true. I didn't mean that it doesn't affect me "shoot me and it won't hurt" I meant as in, I'm not exactly "close" to many people.
That's actually true. It can all be from the same continent though. Technically yes. But it's actually not. It's dubbed the war on Terror..
When a war spans across many countries and involves a lot of countries. WWI wasn't all in one country, it was in many, just like in WWII.
Quite. Just because the American president at the time was a complete douchéag. He'd have had better luck growing a tail..
Using his brain successfully and not looking stupid in the process.. It's obvious he was in search of Oil.