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Will the world run out of space?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by adfk, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    terraforming=making a planet habitable
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    ahh ok I think I misunderstood the term terraforming
  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I can walk Northeast of my house for miles and miles and I'm convinced I could/have/will step in places to modern man has ever stepped before. But eventually and inevitably we will become overpopulated and become impoverished as fuck (pop. vs resources), or we'll find another planet to fuck relentlessly for resources. It'll be great fun.
  4. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    yeah not ot mention wars over who gets what planet. that might drop the pop down a little
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    We could start living on other planets in the next 30 years, the only problem is it would cost a massive amount of money, moving resources from Earth to Mars (closest). Also I don't think it would take hundreds of millions of years to terraform an Earth-sized planet. In fact it could take as little as a century, depending on the resources we supply to it. Terra forming is actually very similar to crop rotation in a lot of ways.
  6. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    a century o_O, you would need more than a 100 years to put oxygen in, make a better atmosphere, growing plants, getting water started, warming up the planet, and solving the magnetosphere problem . it would take a lot of time, money and earth resources.
  7. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Ah, you seem to be assuming we'd be starting with a completely uninhabitable planet. Taking Mars as an example, we'd only need to grow Earth plants and bring building materials, a fair amount of water and food. Within 20 years, it would be possible that small sections could be climatised. It's then just a slow process of expanding those micro-climates outwards into bigger and bigger climates.
  8. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    Thats right.

    We just have to build a glass dome and live inside it.
  9. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    I can fix that.
  10. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Its possible. Even if we say the world is a big enough place for us all, it will never be enough because we are also very territorial and the Earth also has a maximum limit cap for all living things. But knowing the nature of man, we will just end up killing ourselves and each other to make space and meet our demands as well as our own desires.
  11. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terraforming_mars a bit more complicated than that
  12. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    freezing a planet i see... that could work.. kinda... but not now... lets just use the dome for now
  13. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Mars is already pretty frigid, why would you want to cool it down further? That won't help terraformation at all.
  14. adfk

    adfk Well-Known Member

    For all you people above using wikipedia links, bear in mind that wikipedia is not the most accurate source as people can change it at anytime.
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Interesting link, but I still stick to my reasoning that it could be done in a fairly narrow time frame; it'd just take a huge amount of resources.
  16. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Considering the fact that humans can't seem to get along and communicate with each other without sparking some conflict, I think we will all be gone before the world will, if ever, run out of space.
  17. dhanash

    dhanash Well-Known Member

    the world wont run out of space because...... soon there is going to be a major diaster thats gonna wipe out alot of the population...
  18. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Once you no longer need to breathe we can consider it >.>
  19. adfk

    adfk Well-Known Member

    just for all of the people above who put in wikipedia links-remember, wikipedia isn't always 100% truthful. anybody can edit it, so don't always trust it. But yeah, I'm a hypocrite coz I use it too.
  20. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    we will just run out of air before we run out of space