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will final fantasy 13 be a bad game?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    They also had some system in place to make sure you can't grind up to insane stats either.

    Apparently, if you reach the cap for an area though, it's supposed to be a breeze through the rest of that area anyways so I guess that's fine.
  2. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    Oh, true that. Silly me. There's a system that's somewhat like the sphere grid from FFX. Or... something. I don't remember. Nor care. Oh well, this'll make things easier for me! I'll just do it like I did with FFX: I'll stop at the "play it for five hours, and then I'll put it down" part.

    I have no idea what they want to archiev with this decision. It might be just me, but it sounds damn pointless.
  3. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I have no idea why you're hating the game so much when you didn't even play it yet
  4. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    But I don't! I'm looking foward to it. Hell, I didn't hate FFX either. It's just that this always happens when I play a new Final Fantasy game. They're too much in love with themselves to appeal to me for a long time, that's all.
  5. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    but you're still going to buy the game aren't you?
  6. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    Indeed. It's the biggest release from one of the biggest video game producers ever. I just have to witness the rise, or fall, of it. I owe it to myself, as a gamer.
  7. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    well there you go, you're going to buy it, you lose
    Square Enix wins, they get more sales

    this thread is really pointless
  8. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    It ain't a matter of money, dude. Money's not at stake here (the game will sell like water in the desert, that much is set in stone), an entire empire is. The jRPG empire. It's been facing a slow-but-sure decline for years, and FFXIII is here to try to turn the table, and God helps SE if it doesn't.
  9. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    a franchise is bound to die, we both know that it's going to happen no matter what
    but for now Final Fantasy stands as king of the RPGs, FF 13 probably won't do anything, but it'll only rack up more money for one of the greatest franchise ever
  10. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Everything that has a beginning has an end. :)
  11. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Actually, the second I heard turn-based, I decided to just not look at it.
  12. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    Why hasn't he gone away yet? why!?!

    Final Fantasy was supposed to end at the first one o_O
    final fantasy, one last fantasy. It just keeps going!!!
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    All final fantasy games are turn based (apart from maybe XII)
  14. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Agent Smith, is that you?

    XII tried to adapt XI's gameplay style into an offline mode. I didn't care for it too much.
    But really, if anyone looks at a Final Fantasy game and expects it to be anything other than Turn Based, they need to get their head checked.
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    no Tirith he is a disease to this world, and we,
    are the cure

    I always thought that FF made their own gameplay style >_>