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Wikileaks: For Public good or National Security concern?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by damanali, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    He's brought it all on himself, i'd rather fuck with the mafia personally, you stand a better chance of survival.
  2. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    This just in: Another DDoS Attack but it's against MasterCard
  3. Joben_

    Joben_ Well-Known Member

    Someone just DDOS'd my butt hole
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    mastercard was earlier today
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You know how people can have no idea of what's going on in regards to something? You have less than that.

    What's been released? Non-top secret war documents, and diplomatic cables. None of this could help a terrorist cell. What is interesting is that we now know, among other things, that American diplomats are actively engaged in the gathering of intelligence despite official claims to the contrary.

    You might not find the information necessary, but I'll bet that thousands of political analysts, activists and normal, everyday people find it interesting and/or useful.

    I didn't know Twitter was censoring Wikileaks discussion. Interesting stance by governments and corporations - they'll condemn China for restricting internet access, but they're sure trying their hardest to make sure people don't see Wikileaks.

    EDIT: And for anyone with their head so far up their arses that they can't see what Wikileaks has accomplished:

    A nice list of leaked documentation and suchlike, much of which has sparked worldwide debate. One well-known example is the Scientology papers.
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    So what about the wilikeaks video of the US helicopter shooting up civilians? Thats the kind of stuff im talking about.
    So I know less than what? If your going to try putting me down at least get your facts right first. Its not all documents, do some research.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    No different in terms of terrorist recruitment than some dude thinking he's saving Islam.

    From the site itself, if anyone is pissy about endangerment of innocent lives.
  8. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    HAHAHA, next on WikiLeaks:

    how you can play xbox games with the PS3
    Santa's Naughty or Nice list
    and that Sex tape you haven't made yet
  9. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    You know, by condoning hiding these events, you are basically condoning the events themselves.
    If people fear getting caught, they clean up their act.
    I can't believe there are a few people in here that actually condone totalitarianism.
  10. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to say I do accept totalitarianism to the point of my country destroying itself due to internal stupidity.

    I miss the days when if you thought you could do better than the guy in the big chair, you could kill him and take the throne...

    what was that called again? hmmm... A REVOLUTION
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You don't need a revolution in a democratic country, dude. You know, because of democracy?

  12. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    I kind of like these days now, where if you think you can do better than the guy in the big chair, you can run against him in the next election.(theoretically)
  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    If you think they aren't dealt with internally before it even gets to wikileaks, you are very naive.
    Its then kept quiet to stop terrorists using it as propaganda which is the right thing to do, theres a war on, we don't need to give the other side ammunition.
  14. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    I highly doubt they really need Wikileaks to spread propaganda. Killings and citizen casualties aren't new. If they really wanted to do that, all they had to do is gather/make up some 'real' news and spread them around. The fact that they take legit news from Wikileaks isn't really going to make much difference with the people they're spreading to, nor impress them. They're all so gung-ho anyway.

    IIRC, I saw on a discussion on another forum that one of the documents featuring torture/killings/wtv had a "No investigation required' stamp on it and it got everyone's undies in a bunch.

    From here :http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=7070
    The key finding of the WikiLeaks documents seems to be that rank and file US soldiers would routinely file reports on how they’d seen Iraqi security personnel viciously mistreating detainees yet end their accounts with “No investigation required”, "No further investigation”, and "No further investigation will be required unless directed by HQ". They knew it was happening – they saw it with their own eyes – but they let it carry on unchecked.

    To systematically turn a blind eye like this and even hand over detainees to the very people carrying out torture, constitutes a war crime and a breach of the UN convention banning torture

    Maybe this might be why everyone's having an orgasmic wedgie?
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'd love one quite honestly, it'd be a lot more enjoyable then following this wikileaks crap and debating about stuff that you'd think it's used for or what it's not used for.

    As far a my personal opinion goes for wikileaks, and for me answering the question, it depends on which public you belong to and if you think the curiosity of knowing all this information that you're not necessarily supposed to know is actually worth it. And it seriously puts a hurt on morale, public opinion about the ongoing war effort (which wasn't too hot to begin with), and the biggest thing: US public relations, as everyone knows. My opinion about wikileaks in general? I honestly don't care too much, my opinion of the US and the war is still the exact same, it hasn't changed anything but barely reinforce my opinion on either of them.

    Me commenting on anyone's post? No, I don't feel like reading anything before or past the words 'orgasmic wedgie'.

    Zydaline owes me an orgasmic wedgie if I don't get one pretty soon from this wikileaks crap.
  16. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Wikileaks brings it to a much bigger audience, the UK has a problem with people been recruited here, the last few times someone has been caught they were UK citizens. We don't need it all over our news all the time for impressionable muslims to see. Ive said already, the people that need to know already do and of course terrorists know already. The people that didn't know are the ones that just saw it on the news. Our soldiers are dying everyday, we really don't want more to die by our own citizens.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    All the arguments I've read so far opposed to Wikileaks seem (to me) to be born from cowardice. Wishing to place resposibility in the governments' hands, wanting to live comfortable lives in ignorance so as not to feel ashamed at what their country is capable of. I don't understand the reasoning and find it difficult to argue with, as the examples of negative effects seem vague or don't hold up to criticism.
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    LOL ok then.

    To be honest, its not a big deal to me, I don't personally care. I was trying to point out that some things are indeed a national security risk. Wikileaks hasn't just released harmless documents.
    And going back to my first post -
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    tbh, I had your posts more in the vague department, what documents threaten national security, in your opinion?
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Go ask an expert that knows more than both you and I.
    If wikileaks wasn't a threat, the government wouldn't care.