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Wikileaks: For Public good or National Security concern?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by damanali, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    I'll just leave this here
  2. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    awww... i hope he gets acquitted of all charges and gets back on his comp and share more secret informations that governments have.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I hope the people he has exposed make his plane to sweden have an "accident".
  4. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member


    nice cover, governments. Next you'll be saying the founder of the EFF shot a woman in front of his own house.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    They cant just kill him, they did that with Dr Kelly, they need to change things up a bit so people don't get suspicious.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    different governments. Dr. Kelly was UK government, Assange would be US.
  7. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    wikileaks.org doesn't exist anymore

    New link to the site
    Post Merge: [time]1291747407[/time]
    oh, and the creator of wikileaks is in Jail
  8. They are doing us a favour.

    This country (The United States) was formed on the basic principles of human rights. One of those rights is the right to know what happens "in the public eye", meaning what the country is doing. The fact that the USA hasn't told us these things shows that they are trying to hide something.
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    as long as we are on earth, we all have something to hide. some bigger than others, sometimes a government tries to save face because they think they can (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes they do something bigger to make the past mistake seem small or indiscriminate). I will agree that all governments are corrupt and shadowy, I'm willing to accept that wikileaks is a whistleblower and whistle blowing is good for the most part. But I can't keep saying this enough CLASSIFIED information is classified for a reason, if you start digging around, there's always a chance that people and, GOOD people, might end up hurt or dead (we have men and women fighting for us trying their best and its the few that screw up that make the rest look bad)

    not to mention that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan isn't over and Obama is only trying to save face / his approval ratings.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I've played Sid Mier's Civilization II, III and IV. My favorite is CivII, maybe because its my first Civ game. When you choose Republic or Democracy as you're government, their is a fun event where when you can try to ask another country to declare war with your peaceful neighbor without yourself declaring war, then their is a "leak" where in that peaceful neighbor knows about that "secret deal", in turn will declare war on you, then there is a news part like " Scandal in government, government falls" then it will lead to an anarchy for a few turns.

    Here's an easier explanation.

    Country A, B and C are peaceful nations with each other.

    Country A convince Country B to declare war on Country C, but Country A doesn't want itself to go to war, it just wants to see Country B and C go to war with each other.

    If successful, then Country A will be just an observer/neutral country secretly selling/helping any of those 2.

    But the problem is when there is a leak, and Country C knew about the secret deal and got angry with Country A. In turn Country C declares war on Country A.

    Isn't it funny? Country A, who is the instigator but doesn't want to really join in any war, was forced to join because of that leak, and even cause his government to fall. And that leak was caused by a citizen of Country A. hahaha, what do you call that citizen that leaked that information? A hero or a traitor?

    Thats why I love Civilization game, even though its boring due to its turned-based game, it can relate to real-life events.
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Except real life doesn't work like that.
  12. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    My main problem with wikileaks at the minute is terrorists are able to use this information to recruit more and more people. Its not doing any good whatsoever, My 84 year old neighbour saw it on the news and now knows.....wow im sure she was really interested and that information is very useful to her.
    The people that need to know already know, wikileaks just brings stuff to the attention of the press who dont care they just want to make money, and this helps recruit more terrorists.
    Really, what actual good is wikileaks doing?
  13. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Country B should have been a better neighbour, perhaps if Wikileaks had of been there B would not have attempted to cause such suffering to country A and the US would probably have sent aid anyway to save face. That argument doesn't really convince me that freedom of information is bad for anyone other than corrupt governments who have forgotten why they were elected.
  14. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    You didn't know? All US Skeletons in the closets are being discussed to the whole world.
    Freedom to Information act made by the US is being used against itself which i don't know why they passed in the first place. Those information must be known only to americans, but thanks to wikileaks, all people who have a comp/pda/or internet access can know those documents. See how nice the US is? They are sharing their top secrets to the whole world.

    What next? China passing the same thing and sharing to the whole world of their secret weapons and brutality. I salute the US and Wikileaks for what they are doing. WABOSH!
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No he isn't, he's on remand.
  16. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Personally im planning on download as many of these documents as possiable for a paper im writing for US History. Hell, i might just burn some choice documents to cds and just hand them out like candy. I might even give a complete set to my middle eastern friend just to see how long it takes for Osama to get his hands on it.

    And remember folks... Osama rhymes with Obama.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're foolish if you think the terrorists don't already know whats in the documents.
  18. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    And what does that accomplish? Innocent Americans getting splattered across the streets when some bearded asshole comes around with some bombs tied to his midriff? Nobody deserves that done to them, especially when they hadn't done anything wrong in the first place. Even the people who 'committed' those crimes the documents state don't need that done to them. If you want justice, then cry for justice. Not cry for needless killings.

    That's just barbaric and pointless.
    I'll like to see your happy face if you happen to be caught in a crossfire you haven't had a hand in starting.

  19. deneel

    deneel Well-Known Member

    hackers are attacking pay pal mastercard and maybe also twitter for censuring #wikileaks i saw it on a dutch news site(http://www.nu.nl/internet/2396835/hackers-vallen-tegenstanders-wikileaks.html) that the group that attacked was called Anonymous . can't find a good news article whit the same info :/ and operation pay back http://www.imgdumper.nl/uploads3/4cfe3d8106bd4/4cfe3d80e1bb8-1291719932498.png but i am little bit confused @.@
    o and say when i am wrong in some point because i am, probably xD
  20. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    The only thing I want that prick Assange to expose is who the fuck shot JFK.

    He'll soon get used to jail,as hes the descendant of Convicts anyway.

    And if he starts messing with the Ruskies,then they'll be priming up their modified Umbrelleas again LOL