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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    thats pretty much what i meant ps3 is all media and is winning that aspect and the 360 wins hands down with the live system
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    What the hell are you talking about?!?
  3. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Nintendo is much more innovative than Sony and MS, these later two only care about raw power. This console war about MS and Sony is more like a let's-see-which-can-get-better-graphics-power-in-less-time competition.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    And nintendo's line seems to be "throw gimmicks at them so they'll buy it just to try it out."
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    this has a relation to what i wrote previously,
    sega and nintendo were the ones that had something very precious that sony and ms do not have. it is this thing which helps nintendo and sega to create the games that they are able to make for their consoles. with sega gone [no longer in hardware], nintendo is the only one that is dominant in this field.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    What is this 'thing' that only nintendo and sega have? Because all they seem to be doing is reproducing the same tired old titles over and over.
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    the same thing can be said about metal gear, silent hill, and grand theft auto as well as the linear concept and subtle modification of first person shooters.

    the one thing that sega and nintendo have that is very special then microsoft and sony have is the close relation between the software and hardware department of their company. this is why nintendo and sega were able to create great games that other third party developers can't match, except for factor 5 and some other companies, which probably surprised them. the hardware department is able to create a hardware that accommodates the needs of the software creation and the software department is able to use the hardware as they know the development of the hardware.

    microsoft doesn't even have a software development team and sony doesn't have an integration of the two. so if sony and microsoft is to compete with nintendo, they'll need to be very tough as nintendo will be able to create hardware where the software will make good use of it. look at the ds software from nintendo, it fully uses the ds hardware function really well. the wii will also see a similar function.

    if sony and microsoft develop their own motion remote, they'll more then likely mimick what nintendo have done and nothing more while nintendo will more then likely do things differently, that is innovate.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree with you on you first point; Metal Gear changed drastically through version one to four, it kept to the same story, but gameplay was very different. Silent Hill was very similar to an extent, but the Silent Hill: the Room was very different. GTA hasn't really brought anything new to the game since san andreas it's true, but it was evolving until recently. FPS, for the most part you are correct, but that's an entire genre so of course there're going to be similarities.

    I agree for the most part with what you say about Sony and Microsoft needing to take a more active interest in their software, but I disagree that Nintendo gain such an advantage because they do. Fair enough, the DS is doing very well, and that is due largely to the software being made for the hardware. But the same cannot be said for the Wii generally as most of the games have a lifespan that barely makes it out of the box.

    The Wii is innotive and so's the DS. But so too are the PSP and the PS3. The 360 I'm not so sure of. The PSP and PS3 are just innotive is more subtle ways than the Nintendo consoles.
  9. Miminari

    Miminari Well-Known Member

    There's too many FPS games. AND FANBOYS.
    I'll leave it at that...
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    check this out,

  11. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    another thing that sucks about the ps3 is that its so easy to corrupt the memory. all of my friends have done it about 3 times since they got it though ive only done it once but it totally sucks. still a good console though.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've never corrupted mine?
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    corrupted memory? do you mean by hard disk?
  14. Kreatur84

    Kreatur84 Member

    wii games are very fast boring.
    PS3 you have more and longer fun as with a wii
  15. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    i mean that they save a lot and if youre downloading something and forget about it and turn off the console it corrupts the memory and you have to reset all the data
  16. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    I, of all of the systems, prefer the 360 over our other two contenders.

    The PS3... simply bugs me. The system, firstly, is friggen' huge and has an odd shape, making it a royal pain to lug around (which, for going over to a friend's house, is easily achievable with the Wii and, to an extent, the 360). Secondly, the controller pisses me off to NO END - the triggers are annoyingly plushy, the Six-Axis controls seem rather contrived and forced into a lot of games (like Saint's Row 2's water and aircraft controls), and the whole thing doesn't fit well into my hands. Thirdly, I've no interest in most of the games available on the system - MGS4 seems boring by my standards, LittleBigPlanet is good for some pointless fun, but I'd never buy the whole game... otherwise, I can get the games on other systems...

    The Wii... I tried to like it. I really, REALLY tried - I waited in line at 5am in the morning for the little bastard, and I regret buying it ever since. While it's provided a few laughs and some moderately good games (Okami... No More Heroes... Trauma Centers...), most everything else loses its novelty very, VERY quickly. I don't know if it's simply the games or the controls for them, but neither seem to be all that good (Twilight Princess can suck it). The controller gets a little rough on the hands after long play time; setting up the system properly is difficult, requiring a large room (read: bedrooms can be a hassle to play in); the online service makes me want to throw the system out of the window (WHY no lan cord slot? WHY!?)... at every turn, it just makes me more and more angry...

    So, for these reasons, the flaws of the 360 seem to be less apparent and form an overall better system, at least for me and my tastes. No motion-controls to mess with - just simple, good fun. Plus, it has the widest variety of exclusives that I enjoy, though a lot of the popular games have worn me out (Halo 3, Gears of War 1/2... I'm looking at you...)
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    "Wii; carpal tunnel syndrome is eventually included.
    BYE NAO!
    BYE NAO!
    BYE NAO!!!!!
    Nintendo does not take any responsibility for injuries and broken tv's..."
    The Wii remote as should be described in the advert... :p

    Edit: Note the Engrish
    BYE = BUY
    NAO = NOW
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    as of now, we can all agree that the ds is prefered over the psp based on the majority of people on this board. with that said, here is a taste of what some people have to say about the ds during release.


    and the list goes on as one can search these things from google.

    this is too tell you that in the near future, the same will occur for the wii. the wii will be the prefered choice and those who own a 360/ps3 would want a motion control similar to the wii. look at the psp forum on this site. there are posting of people asking what they hope the psp2 will have. you'll notice that there will be those who say a touch screen. people were calling it a gimmick back then and now look at the demand for it. 4 years later the ds is dominating over the psp and no one in this forum would even want a psp. if you were given a psp and a ds, you'd probaby sell the psp to get games for the ds. this is a forshadow of your future, so embrace it now because the future is wii.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm alone in this, but I prefer the PSP, I've tried the DS, but I sold it quickly.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Depends on the type of games you like...
    I like RPGs mainly so the DS is for me. My friend likes puzzles and sports so the PSP is for him.