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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. EDRICK88

    EDRICK88 Well-Known Member

    so..you think he lie?? and i should not buy from them??
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've had my PS3 6+ months and its fine. I think hes trying to sell you a faulty one or make you void your warranty.
  3. EDRICK88

    EDRICK88 Well-Known Member

    o well.. i should not visit they store again
    Thx GuyZ!!

    ive search in my country the 60gb PS3 & not find 1
    there are only sell 40gb, is that good enough?? they sell around $400, is that cheap??
  4. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    $400.00 sounds about right. That's what the 40GB sells for here in the states. If you're willing to spend $100.00 more you can get Sony's new 160GB version. But I wouldn't recommend it. There is still no PS2 backward compatibility. Have you tried E-Bay for a 60GB? If the hard drive on the 6o GB version isn't large enough for you, you could always install a 320GB HDD. You can get one online for about $50.00.
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    see if you can get the 80gb, at lease it will offer some backward compatibility. if you're not really concerned with backward compatibility, then you'd be better of with the cheapest that you can get.
  6. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I'm going to be "that guy" that screams COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Some people are pretty devious, that's why ebay has it's advantages, it tells you if that person is one of those people...
    Good for you :)
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    technically gaming console is a type of computer as well, they have all the component that you found in a regular PC but they are only build to run game that is design for that console, think of it like an un-upgradable gaming PC
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    But the 'Console Wars' is basically about the PS3, Wii and 360
  10. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    calling it the console wars is a bit of a cliche and kind pointless at this point. each respective company has been and will continue to rake in doe from these systems and will all "win" in their own respect. microsoft has set the bar for gaming download services while sony has set the bar for high def movies and nintendo has set the bar for interactive gaming. each of these systems has sucessfully filled their own market niche and will continue strong sales until they are replaced. my point is that i really dont think it can really be called the "console wars" if all three systems are fighting on different fronts
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well console war isnt about performance of the console, its about which group of fanboy capable to flame more idiotic. Although only a small number use facts but mostly they are looping the same stament over and over.....

    Sony fanboy: PS3 is the best cause it is the most powerfull
    Microsoft fanboy: no PS3 sucks, 360 is better because it cheap
    Nintendo fanboy: both of them sucks because they dont have wii remote.

    so console war isnt about console, its about fanboy of the console >.>
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    with alll three consoles, there really is no console war but rather fan war. you'll also see that the 360/ps3 always gang up on the wii but they have nothing.

    here's a nice read,


    the psp article is very interesting.
    "...set the PSP next to the iPhone or iPod Touch, the year's other big winner in portable gaming, and the PSP's hardware design suddenly looks old hat. Where's the touchscreen? What are all these buttons for? What on earth is the point of this useless analog nub of a joystick?..."

    if we compare that to wiis motion controller, the 360/ps3 will end up like this comparison. people will look at the 360/ps3 and say what is the two control sticks for and what is the purpose of all these buttons.

    with the ps3 possibly slowing down, the duel between 360 and wii has no competition as the wii will win over them.

    so clearly there is no console war as calvin o has stated because 360/ps3 has nothing that will compete against wii. so it is all about fan war.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    I think the PS3 is a bit overrated. And pricey. For what it offers, it's a rather just price, but it could be a lot less expensive if it had a DVD optical unit instead of a blu-ray one, and it could maintain the same results (well, not as good, but nearly as good). The 360 reads DVDs and has one hell of a performance. I think the blu-ray is capable of more than that. If I was to buy one, I would buy the 360 for three reasons: cheaper, can be modded and has a better online (it's a shame it's paid, though).

    That's an unbiased opinion I think, as I don't own any of those.
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    yup the console war is just about fan war, flaming each other with idiotic statment, everyone have thier own preferences, but fan isnt just preferences they take it til religion level. take a look a wii for example, its clear that the only thing about wii is wii remote and the fan all think it as new invention til they start judging those console that doesnt have wii remote as rubbish (same goes to DS).

    blu-ray might seen as un-needed right now, but every storage device go through that stage, remember how we all complain about DVD when it 1st arrive, and now it completely took over. Sooner or later blu-ray will be replace DVD unless someone else invented a better media the blu-ray.
  15. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    o.k i admit it the ps3 rocks but i still think the wii makes better use of motion sensing e.g trauma centre and think about it the ps3 stole the idea from nintendo anyway
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    if PS3 truly stole the idea then PS3 would end up having something similar to Wii remote, PS3's sixaxis isnt mean to replace the control like what wii remote does, it is mean as secondary control which to enhance certain gameplay, like controlling sackboys head in little big planet. Main control of PS3's game is still lies on D-pad and Analog stick.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually Nintendo stole the idea from Sony, the PS2 had motion sensing with the eyetoy addon.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Actually it's the online play and games that is the 360's big advantage. The PS3's is Blu-ray/graphics engine. The Wii's is fun for the family/exercise
  19. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    eyetoy was different than the wii motion sensing. the wii improved it
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    sony and ms can't compete with nintendo. nintendo is the only company that has one very important thing that sony and microsoft do not have and it is why sony/microsoft can't compete with nintendo. sega was the only company that actually could have competed with nintendo, but they are no longer. if nintendo goes down, the gaming world may actually die. we actually own a lot of thanks to nintendo and i'm not referring about the video game crisis of the 80's though it could have been a repeat after this generation. but it won't due to the wii.