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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    @gaynorvader- those arent the only reasons that the wii is expensive, if you are just buying your wii you are still paying 50 bucks for games that came out two years ago. in fact nintendo never lowers the price of their must have games. its ridiculous considering i payed 50 bucks for a good game like no more heroes and the price got dropped immediately afterwords. there are some fun single player games for wii that last a while like zelda and metroid but that is not the main focus of the wii
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    xbox 360 is multiple core too.
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    hate Wii and hate Wii remote is 2 differ things, by hating Wii you hate everything that is relate to Wii (games, hardware, add-on and so). If you hate Wii Remote, you only hate Wii Remote, not everything.

    the only thing i understand form that artical is saying Wii isnt a real gaming console for gamer compare to PS3 and 360
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The Wii is an actual game console, the Wii Remote, Nunchukus & the other gizmos for it are just extremely clever gimmicks.

    Being a solid Playstation fan, it pains me to conceed to the 360, but if you base things on the amount of good games from the two, the 360 leads by miles. Sony really paid a huge price with the hype & extremely costly pricetag they set for the PS3, now they're at the bottom of the race, unlike how the PSOne & the PS2 were before it.
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    360 doesn't use their multiple cores in the same way, the ps3 would be insanely good if anyone was coding properly for the multiple cores
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i believe that's the one problem of the ps3. there is a very high learning curve for developing for the system that companies just don't want to spend the time and effort into doing it. this is why they went from ps3 to 360. of course there are developers that do spend the time, but they usually don't use the whole cores and everything what the system offers.

    what about that rsx video card or something that the ps3 uses, which many have said was to be very special.

    btw, a lot of missed opportunity for many third party developers for not creating games for the wii this year. nintendo has sold nearly 800,000 wiis during the week of thanksgiving. those people will be looking for games to accommodate the system. but there were very little investments by third party companies to make wii games for 2008. so while nintendo sells 800,000 wiis and have obtained 800,000 additional customers for the month of november. third pary nintendo support had 800,000 potential customers, which 800,000 potential customers will not be buying their product because they didn't provide any products for them. of course there are exceptions like lucas arts with force unleased and namco with tales of symphonia and so and so. remember, nintendo is trying to make the wii like the ds, a very robust system with games and for everyone and a very successful entertainment system.
  7. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I have become so disenfranchised with the PS3. Every game that I once owned on the 360 that I replaced on my PS3 have been a serious let down. Every single one of them were better on the 360. Game play and graphics both were superior on the 360. I'm going back to the 360. I got rid of my PS3 the other day, and I have no regrets. The two things that I'll miss about my PS3 are the Blu-Ray player, and built in WIFI. Not to mention MGS4. I love Metal Gear Online. Oh well, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. I'm not saying that the PS3 sucks, just that it seems like game developers are lazy when it comes to the quality of games for it.

    I realize that my reasonings may sound stupid to a lot of people, but as I like to say, "To thine own self be true." All hail the 360 Elite.
  8. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    the problem for all the cons is....
    its too damn expensive....with a new media...needed a hdtv for a best perormance....online..
    need another peripherals for another way of fun.....
    i mean its so expensive to have some fun??
    no way...i'll stay with my PC :(
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The PS3 seems to be going the same way as the dreamcast, it is the only true next gen console on the market, unfortunately games producers don't have the balls to commit to something new, that's part of the reason why we're getting so many rehashes of old games, and why it took guitar hero so long to be made.
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    guitar hero is dying! just as how ddr is near or already dead. do you ever wonder why developers are so hard on wanting to push rts [real time strategy] on the consoles?
  11. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Another reason that game developers might have pre-conceived notions about making games for the PS3 is it's lack-luster sales. Wii and X-Box 360 are out selling PS3 by a large margin. Sad really. The PS3 has the ability to be the ultimate system to have, unfortunately lack of quality developments for it are killing it.
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you my friend are in a troubled position. you show the signs of someone who is techno enthusiast. it's a good thing because then you get top performance equipment and all that stuff and do all those great stuff that high tech equipment can bring. the problem is the company have to take a hit to sell a product to their customers. this is a problem because the company has to take major losses to sell their product. the problem for you is that the prices tend to go up.

    video cards, is it me or are those things actually increasing in prices as graphic technology advances. if you complain, dislike or annoyed by the cost of the ps3, then you are in for a treat on the next generation.
  13. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I am. And I am. I love technology. While I had my PS3 I enjoyed it for what it was, the true next-gen console. It's unfortunate that the software is where the problems lie. Poorly developed games or poorly ported conversions of successful X-Box 360 games will be the bane of the PS3. Lazy developers who are money hungry and want the easiest way to the money won't touch the PS3 with a ten foot pole. Blasphemous considering the PS3's capabilities. The PS3 has the ability, with proper and studious developers, to effectually if not technically bury the X-Box 360. Where the 360 wins is in what it is, a pure gaming machine, and easy to access due to price and ease of development. Think about it for a second..... X-Box is developed by the world's largest software giant, Microsoft. Of course they (Microsoft) are going to make their endeavors as easy to "plug and play" as they can. It only makes sense. It wouldn't be the first case where better technology lost out due to personal preference, and it sure wouldn't be the first time Sony lost a format war. Anyone remember Betamax? How about the mini-disc? Both great leaps in modern technology, but both utter failures for Sony.

    I personally don't think that Sony will give up that easy this time. They have the superior technology again, and they will not go away that easy this time. They have something to prove this time, and they'll be damned if they lose again. My friends, the console wars are just starting to heat up. Sony still has it's ace in the hole. It's just waiting for the appropriate time to play it's trump card. I for one, cannot wait to see what it is.
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    here are the numbers for november,

    360/ps3 combined can't even outsell the wii. with the 200 dollar xbox 360 and added bonuses [and included free game], and the wii is 50 dollars more, and yet it out sold the 360. so clearly it is not about the wii being cheap.

    remember what i said about the third party developers on not supporting the wii. they didn't develop games for the wii for 2008 and now they lost those potential customers and they lost lots of money. those customers i listed as 800,000 isn't that figure any more, it is 2,040,000 potential customers they simply threw out the window and the money they could have made. now you'll know why so many developers will start laying off people and why so many hardcore games will be canceled. all that money invested in making one game for 360/ps3, hoping to make big bucks on a big budget development. we should further push developers into making games for the hardcore to fasten their doom.
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The Wii is in the media now, it's the console parents and grandparents buy for their kids. It's known for being cheap and it's the console people refer to. I mean I had a Sega Megadrive in my house for years, and as a result my mum called all consoles from the psone to the ps2 to the xbox "Segas". The same thing has happened on a global scale with the Wii. A kid asks for an xbox 360 games console and most parents equate it to being a Wii. That and the Wii claims to be good excersise.
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    What the PS3 needs is somebody absolutely crazy but intelligent enough to code really well, then they can have a team of people like that and make such an innotive game that it will be as famous as Sonic!
  17. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I hate to burst your bubble there cj, but it's going to take something bigger than Sonic to save the PS3.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I didn't say Sonic would save it, I said good coders and good imagination would make the PS3 as famous AS Sonic
  19. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    I apologize if you thought I was saying that Sonic itself would save the PS3. It would take something like a Final Fantasy VII remake in popularity to save the PS3. Not necessarily the FFVII remake itself per se, but something that is being that eagerly anticipated, or that popular.
  20. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    in my opinion

    Ps3- for older kids, who likes games taht are like action packed
    xbox 360- all round smaller kids, kids, teens, and adults
    Wii- younger kids

    BUt really their all great systems, no matter what you say the other one has something else to beat it or whatever, so just either do eeny meeny miney moe, or just pick one, and if u regret buying it refund it and get the other one, cause their all pretty much the same, just different gameplays. For me i'd prefer the PS3 pretty much the same games as the xbox, although more expensive, it's much cheaper over time, because of free internet play, and has wireless internet already, unlike the xbox 360. Still i only have the 360 and im enjoying it, but to me their all the same, as long as it can play games, is fun, and friends can play with me i'm fine.