with the way you're thinking, the ps3 is the most affordable and most valued because of it's features in according to it's price. yet is isn't the buying factor. so it isn't about price. isn't this what everyone said about the ps3 before launch that the ps3 will be the first place winner because of all it's features and how the price is well priced in according to what it can provide? and yet two years later the ps3 is the third place console where the wii is the first place. the ps3 have droped in price sometime this year when they decided to kill the 40gb version and the 80gb being it's replacement. i believe sony is also planning on killing the 80gb and just having the 160gb version, it's bound to happen sooner or later. remember what i said folks on the niche's [aka "hardcore" gamers] reason for them disliking the wii. and when those reasons are given justifiable explainations, they soon develop some more obscure reasons. if you really want hardcore stuff go back 10-15 years ago on the pc where the true hardcore gamers were. this hardcore label on the console is a joke. the people on the consoles buying mods for a game?! that was something individuals did themselves to add flavor to the game themselves and sharing it with others. and these people that did these mods weren't your super programmer nerds, they were your average joe that wanted to do more then what the game offered. when i bought pc games in the past, the one thing i was often worried about is how difficult it will be. not the difficulty of the game but the difficulty on how to play the game. pc flight simulators, for instance, were one of the most complicated games to play. these games didn't use 1/4 or 1/2 the buttons on the keyboard, they used all of them.
Where's the logic in that? Not everybody can afford a wii. Alot of people can afford the 360. A good number of people can afford the PS3. But it's not whether they can afford it but the factors in it. The 4 main factors in products are: -Price -Look -Efficiency/Entertainment -Uses/Style Price usually is usually the most important out of these and look is the least important out of the four.
yup that is what i'm thinking, but that isnt what other people think, especially parent and i dont lable myself as hardcore gamer since i play for fun unlike some of my friend who tend to break the game before they lable as "beaten" and for true hardcore game, they would most likely buy all the console ever release. fyi i was a pc gamer once but i perfer console because i dont need to worry about hardware upgrade, my current pc is great back in the 90s, now it just a relic bearly able to run a 2d game. for most people, price is normally come 1st then functionality, then look.
@calvin: that would be the worst think about computer gaming. keeping up with the curve is truly expensive when a console averages about 300 bucks for a one time shot
working for an EB games I'm sure I can answer this question. But then again everyone always says we don't know anything. First thing you have to ask yourself is "who will be playing the system? just you? you and your friends? or you and your family?" I've had a Wii since the day the came out and I just recently got a 60GB PS3 for the backwards compatibility I love them both. With the wii you'll have fun interactive games that are best to be played with your friends and family. A 360 will have mainly like 80% first person shooters. So if you're into the shooters go for the 360. As for the PS3 it'll have mainly action/adventure games. as for the cons. 360. 360s have a 60% defective rate are you really willing to drop 300 dollars on a system that at one point or another is going to break on. 360s also do not have high definition playback seeing that HDDVD failed utterly. Wii. The system is fun but if you're a hardcore gamer you're going to be disappointed. 3rd party games do tend to suck, just because producers decided to jump on the wii train to try and make a quick buck. (that explains chicken shoot and castle of shikigami) PS3. The system is a little on the expensive side. They took away backwards compatibility. And the library just is not as large as the other systems.
i have nothing against 360/ps3! it's the people who i have a problem with. they often discriminate/stereotype/biased against the wii. look at the response from what they all say. when those reasons they procure are given legitamate reasons, they develop new statements. they're like the kkk for consoles.
i agree in that, i have a xbox360 and we only use it for online gaming but ill prefer a wii since we are 3 brothers and we like the multiplayer in the same console cause of the bad experience in the xbox 360 there are only a few game whit 4 player compatibility like halo and some sport games and we bougth the xbox arcade version and u need to buy something like a hard disk to play some games or will keep freezing
do the voice chat people still praise for it on the 360?! i have never knew about it until i have read several posts, articles and news by people on the net about the voice chat experience on 360. if you understand the 360 voice chat experience, then you'll understand why nintendo never went on board immediately or rather why they were slow on the process. i'd be offended as a customer. i can't understand why people were so thrilled by this thing and why they would want such a thing to continue and thrive on other products. here's a link to the picture diagram, http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/
Actually, It lacks first party games and hardcore games. Theres tons of games on the wii, but they all suck. I would rather have a PS3.
I would rather have an XBOX 360 because it has awsome graphics and XBOX live is better than the PS3's internet. And, the Wii, in my opinion, is almost as bad as the PS2. It has much less good games, crappy graphics, and most of the games are for 10-year-olds.
the PS2 has a lot of good games, as well as a lot of games for over 10s. Graphics is also an invalid comparision because you're comparing across generations. PS3 has better graphics than Xbox360 and is a much more capable system.
I personally feel that all 3 consoles have their own plus points. At the end of the day I enjoy playing on all 3.
it aint what what you got.....its how you use it......if what you got powerwise is all that matters then sega would have led the next gen wars last time around and wouldnt be out of comission this time. price availibility games services offered are probably the most important aspects in the average gamers eye.
how can that be when the thing that is the symbol of the system, the wii remote, is the one thing you dislike?! read this article, http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/4234.html do you agree or disagree? remember the picture i posted on the first page of this board. refer to it and look at the wii.
I think people have missed out on some major cons: PS3 : Coding games for multiple cores is a royal pain and games companies are too conservative to make the jump Xbox 360 : Microsoft make you pay for online play, many of the games released are focused on online play, especially the more popular ones. Price of broadband + Live Account + Subscription to Online games = broke students everywhere. Wii : Way too expensive. I think the last one probably needs some explaining, and this is going to disagree with a lot of people. The Wii is a party console. It is only worth buying if you're going to play it with friends, imo. So, to play it with friends, you need to buy four wiimotes, because two player is only fun for so long, and most of us have more than one friend around at the time. Plus more people = more fun. A lot of games also require you to have nunchucks, so get four of these. Great, now the Wii will be as fun as it's supposed to be, and it only cost about 500 euro... Maybe it's just me, but any single player game on the wii loses its charm about 20 mins in.