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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Hindsight is always 20/20.
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    PS3, i have play both PS3 and WII, WII Remote is a joke and it isnt new technology like everyone though it is (much like DS's touch pad) not to mention D-Pad > Wii remote = FACTS.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    ^Except the Wiimote has a D-Pad.

    All consoles have their positives and negatives.

    + Good potential
    + Sturdy
    + Free online
    + Good controller if you like it
    + The D-Pad
    + Blu-Ray
    - The CPU funnels any graphical advancement past the 360
    - Cell Processor was a way to hype the machine
    - Online isn't as good as the Xbox's
    - Lack of great games (there's more but there isn't enough)
    - Six-Axis can be good but few games make it good

    + Lots of great games
    + Controller is comfortable
    + Online is great if you're willing to pay a little
    + Graphics are good and still surpass the PS3's
    + NXE is probably the best set-up
    + CHEAP
    + Starting to have a variety of games (more than PS3 Oh my)
    + Warranty
    + Getting less RRoD's
    - The D-pad
    - The Arcade version sucks
    - Microsoft will suck you dry with microtransactions
    - Red Rings Of Death

    + Accessible
    + Nintendo exclusives
    + Virtual Console
    + Homebrew scene emerging
    + ???
    - Too accessible, games lack depth
    - The Nintendo exclusives come once every three years
    - VC can be free with an emulator
    - Not a lot of good games
    - Lack of a harddrive
    - Graphics

    Some are subjective I guess but that's the bottom line. Most games lately have been shooters but it's not a problem with consoles but a problem on the developers side, the only way to get money is making a generic game that the public will feed off of. Microsoft's games have been getting more variety with it's RPGs and Arcade games. Also they have their community games system going on which is going pretty well.

    The PS3 shows promise but not anytime soon, there isn't much upcoming games coming out for it. Also LBP is getting ridiculous with it's moderation rules and Home is silly.

    The Wii is shovelware for me at the moment, most of it is shovelware garbage, Mario Kart and Brawl were fun for a couple of minutes and Zelda and Mario were fun only once. Though the Wiiware is getting pretty good. There isn't much to talk about. People talking about exerting yourself for the Wii, well you don't have to do that, most games can be done just by flicking the wrist, if that's exerting yourself then you have some problems.

    Oh yeah, games don't relax you, they make your mind go and think. It actually does the opposite, it gets you excited. So either way you're not relaxing. Even if you're playing Animal Crossing. If you really want to relax drink some alcohol, that's a depressant.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ya it got a D-Pad but it not comfortable like the D-Pad on other console because Wii remote is design to be use with one hand, not both.
  5. EDRICK88

    EDRICK88 Well-Known Member


    Sony PlayStation 3.

    Sony’s PS3 is the most expensive at $500-600, because it includes a standard hard drive, a high definition Blu-ray optical drive, HD video output, Bluetooth wireless controllers, and–in the premium version–WiFi wireless networking.

    Sony is setting up the PS3 as a PC alternative. The premium model has a memory card reader for not only Sony’s own Memory Stick but also–in what must be an incredible first for the company–Compact Flash and SD memory cards, making the PS3 a digital hub for photos; with a USB keyboard and mouse and the included web browser, it can serve as a basic PC.

    Sony originally announced plans to ship the PS3 with Linux pre-installed, but currently user installation of “another operating system” is only a boot option. Use of another OS isn’t currently supported by Sony, and would of course need to be specially designed to work on the PS3’s specialized Cell processor architecture.

    The PS3 is also the new HD core of Sony’s modern take on the stereo system, offering 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround and true 1080p high definition video playback from prerecorded Blu-ray movies.

    Popular PS3 games sell for $50 - $60.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Microsoft Xbox 360.
    Introduced last winter, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 is $300-450, uses a standard DVD optical drive, and only includes a hard drive and wireless game controller in its premium version. Microsoft recently updated the 360 to provide support for full HD, 1080p video output to match the PS3.

    Rather than positioning the Xbox 360 as a standalone PC alternative, Microsoft pairs it with its plans for Windows Media Center, allowing the 360 to be used as a media extender to stream music and movies from a central Media Center PC.

    Microsoft has plans to offer HD movie playback both with an optional HD-DVD player in an external box, and over the web through its online Xbox Live video store.

    However, the Xbox 360’s optional, external HD-DVD player is $180, pushing the 360 up to the same price as the PS3. Further, the $300 core Xbox 360 systems can’t use Microsoft’s online video store because they don’t have the required hard drive to save downloaded movies.

    Popular Xbox 360 games sell for $50 - $70.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nintendo Wii.
    The Wii is the least expensive of the three at $250, and includes both Bluetooth for wireless controllers and a DVD drive, but will not be able to play DVD movies. It also lacks a hard drive. Instead, the Wii focuses on physically involving games using the wireless Wii Remote paired with the accessory Nunchuk controller


    The Wii Remote uses accelerometers to sense how players swing, point, and tilt the controller, encouraging game titles to incorporate activity.

    The Wii will also wirelessly connect to Nintendo’s DS portable game system, using its microphone and touchscreen as inputs for Wii games.

    While the Wii has no movie store, Nintendo has an online store that sells classic games ($5 - 10) for the GameCube, Nintendo 64, and other previous game consoles.

    Popular Wii games sell for $30 - $50.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    my PS3 isnt permium version and it came with Wifi capable NIC, so i think its a standard now.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Always has been standard to my knowledge.
  8. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    It has always been. I've had two different versions of the PS3, both are WIFI ready right out of the box.
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    the wifi is standard only recently. i believe the 20gb wasn't wifi and after they dropped it they decided that all future ps3 will be wifi. pretty funny knowing that the wii was wifi built-in from release. the ps3 had two options at first, 20gb or 60gb, which only one offered the wifi built-in [60gb version] and soon later decided that all the ps3 should have the feature built-in.
  10. BlogMan

    BlogMan Active Member

    ps3 is better, although i want an xbox 360 as it's cheaper and has more games
  11. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    my problem with pretty much any nintendo system is that the good games dont go down in price until the freaking system becomes obsolete. i waited a long ass time to get a 360 now i can buy all the older sweet ass games for really cheap like ten or twenty dollars cheap and by the time i get sick of the cheap good games like saints row, all the games that are good right now will by then be cheap. nintendo on the other hand still charges fifty bucks for super f*****g paper mario for god sakes, there should be some kind of law against that kind of robbery, seriously....... after really evaluating all of the systems i would have to say that if you get the best buy protection plan on a 360, thats the way to go, its kind of cheap now the games are gettin pretty cheap the graphics are on par with the ps3 (at least i think so). now my only problem is finding someone stupid enough to buy this ghetto little white dust collector called a wii from me.
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there's a reason why nintendo doesn't lower their prices. read this and find out,

    i've some interest in a ps3. there are certain games that i would like to finish like metal gear 4, the game is crap but the story is great [i have mgs 2,3 and completed but never really replayed them]. then there is resident evil 5, which i'm disappointed that it'll not be for wii. i'm like less then 25 percent wanting a ps3 but may in the future. the games that the 360/ps3 offer are fps. i don't like fps.

    that game mirrors edge looks really interesting [gameplay wise] but no way will i ever play that game. it's a joke. look at the way you play from those videos, it looks very nauseating. i actually couldn't believe that they would do such a thing [platforming] in an fps point of view. this was tried in some games and people didn't like it [turok]. now we have people liking it. i'm still waiting until someone makes a review of it as it looks very sick to play.
  13. naviblaq

    naviblaq New Member

    firstly developers flock to the wii because it's easier to make a wii game than a psp one.for Christs sake god of war chains of olympus has better graphics than mario galaxy (how can that be possible)

    secondly,i don't think you can earnestly call call of duty 4 or mgs 4 or gta 4 old gameplay.what i would call old gameplay would be zelda or that horrendous pokemon game

    thirdly,u really are joking if u think wii's download services are better than xbox live

    seriously how can u all be so blinded by a gimmick called motion sensitivity,nitendo's ground breaking technology is something that sony that didn't have any initial plans did just months before release.my phone is motion sensitive it has an accelerometer how then can it be so special.

    nintendo just makes gimmicks then forces u to use them even when u don't want to.how can a soccer game be motion sensitive(pes 2008) the worst was splinter cell on the ds.that games just so mediocre everythings done with the touch screen it's so uncomfortable
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    everybody of the forum, we got a true niche! when the ds came out everyone said the same things that this guy have said. after several years, the ds has become more prominent then the psp even though the psp has more power [graphical, sound, features, etc...]. but yet the ds months after months and months still top the charts. now lets shift to the wii, where we see the same results with the wii having tons of sales. it is telling you something about gaming.

    fps is dying and is dying fast. with all the major games being released on 360/ps3 as fps, you'll end up feeling bored after a while. why?! because you have experience the same gameplay. ask people if they were really excited that call of duty 5 was going back to ww2? you'll get a response where the market is saturated with the ww2 idea. this tells you that they are tired of this part of the fps. and don't worry, because sci-fi fps is going dead also, look at the recent fps games released [unreal 3, quake, crysis, etc....]. if you ate chinese food for the rest of your life even if you mix it up to make the feeling of eating that same chinese food like new, don't you think that you'll end up bored of it sooner or later? nintendo is trying to bring in other varieties of food like italian, russian, japanese, etc.... yet we don't see publishers trying hard to do this and therefore we don't see the flowers bloom. however, we do see the flowers bloom on the ds and if we resemble the ds with the ideas of what the wii is, then yes, the wii will be as successful as the ds.

    don't worry because nintendo screws up as well. they re-insert the same gameplay from the past into the current. this explains why mario galaxy and zelda may start to have a less appealing feel when you play it or why you don't go back replaying the game. i have galaxy and it got great reviews and i'm very thankful for that but it doesn't give me a feeling of awe when i play galaxy. i own twilight princess myself for both wii and gamecube. i finished the gamecube and never really bothered to replay. this is because of the constant revisiting of the same mechanics over and over. this is why on the gaming thread i posted that i would not want to see another zelda game. only when they reinvent will i want a new zelda game. other then that nintendo may create a new game character.

    this is where i will stop. you will need to use the power of google to figure it out more on your own. think of it like a personal soul search quest as it'll enlighten you. only when one is willing to go the direction will they open up and understand for if i have to explain you will only be filled with ignorance and blindness.
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    the only reason Wii and DS well so well isnt because of the game, its because of the cheap price, cheaper price = bigger market = more buyer = better sales.

    Everyone can afford a Wii, some can afford a 360, not many can afford\willing to spend for a PS3.

    but since 360 get a price cut it become almost as cheap as wii.

    and let me tell you something, 5 of my friends got a wii, 4 of them trade in for a 360 after a month, the one that doesnt do a trade in is because he a pokemon fans.
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    even with the drop of the 360, the wii will still sell better. how come? we can hold on to this part of the argument until the next year of march or so when the fourth quarter earnings are reported. but you and i can be sure that the wii will still sell better then the 360. how and what would be the reason for that success?

    your reason would probably be; the retarded soccer moms, the kiddies, the casuals, the pokefans, etc.....

    btw, hasn't the 360 price drop been out several months now? also, why isn't ps3 successful?
  17. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    my fifty five year old mom who has never picked a video game in life except pong has bought a wii, for the fit of course. the fact is that the wii is suited for extremely casual gamers. the most popular games for wii are either made for being able to play for ten minutes or run off of other previous franchise sucess. you add in something that you can do yoga and ski on then its going to sell way more than some more expensive product that caters to a mostly mature audience who like to sit there for at least an hour for a good game session. if you add all of this in with the fact that people nowadays are weight obsessed and will jump at the chance to buy something that sounds like it is healthy for you. people think they are getting exercise when playing the wii but fail to realize that they are getting carpal tunnel syndrom as well.
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    This is too tl;dr for me so I'll just post something short-
    3 Pro's:
    The PS3 suited hardcore gamers, it is pretty innative and it has some good features
    The 360 was reasonably cheap, live went really well, it has plenty of good games and it suits the average gamer...
    The Wii was very cheap, it suited average families and it has few good games but the good ones do rock...
    3 Con's:
    The PS3 was released to early, it's too expensive and it put people off so there is a lack of games as well...
    The 360 didn't get some good games that the PS3 got, the buttons are complicated for some, it's a bit low-tech...
    The Wii doesn't have many good games, controls can be tricky, it's a bit weak
  19. ultra

    ultra Guest

    lol, no one complained about using their brains when playing brain age. no one complained when they were playing ddr or guitar hero. you people make me laugh.
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    which ever cheaper sell better, even when 360 no long as cheap as Wii, its still cheaper then PS3 and PS3 price havnt drop since day one, if it has, its not a downhill drop like 360 and let say IF all the console is sold at 100 USD each, you do think Wii can still sell as much?, i doubt it. So my statement still stand, price is the main factor, not games.

    Wii = everyone can afford it
    360 = some can afford it
    PS3 = not many can afford or willing to pay for it

    and ya i would like to add wii sell so well is because of cheap parent, normal gamer, tech n00b, mario fanboy and pokemon fans. seriesly, as a pokemon fans, i really want a Wii (My pokemon ranch FTW), BUT my hate for wii remote is what keeping me from getting one, IF only Wii come with normal D-Pad i will get it, until then me getting wii is not going to happen.