yes but as with anything it depends on what you played and who with. its like giving someone cod4 to play on the 360 for the first time when they don't like fps but give them a different game and they may like the console and you haven't said why you don't like it just that you don't like it which obviously a week argument for anything not backing up what you say but as i said if you didn't find it fun then shut up about it because anyone not liking something is not a reason for it not being any better then anything else.
it doesnt matter what game did i play during the test, i highly doubt any game would make me intrested in Wii because of the lousy control. WII remote sucks period. IF Nintendo WII with normal controler, I'll buy it for PBR and My Pokemon Ranch....
it makes all the difference and it also makes the difference if you played with a group of people or not. some games utilize the wiimote better then others and some are more fun then others. and you still don't support your argument with a WHY just again saying its lousy and sucks which to me sounds like you either played on your own (which is no fun) or you had trouble getting used to it. your argument make you sound lousy and sucky. it also makes a difference what game you played because there are many different ways of using the wii mote like moving it or some games need you to point at the screen and some as a standard controller. what game did you do your "test" on anyway?
I rather enjoyed the Wii when we had one. I had more fun with the Wii Sports game that came with it than any other though. I thought the controls for the Wii were very intuitive on the games that I played for it. Playing Super Mario with two controllers (nunchuck & Wiimote) instead of one took me some time to get used to, but once I did I thought the controls were spot on. I still prefer my 360, but the Wii IS fun.
man, dont you understand? i dont like the "feel" of Wii Remote over all, it feel like playing game with a TV remote rather then a controller therefor it sucks (it even worse with playing it vertically). No game will make me feel other wise. A Good game will make a lousy console good, but no game will make a lousy controller good. IF you must know IIRC i play test on WII Sport (bowling) and sometimes PBR on a friends house.
hardly, you do more than point and push a button you base your opinion on those!!! they don't even class as real games. PBR was a joke (a really bad one)
I think the best game console is the family computer, because in my opinion this game made all the other game consoles possible. without this crappy console those high tech top of the line consoles will not be developed, hence no wii, no xbox, no ps3.
Okay, the Wii is pretty decent because like about all of the games are for EVERYONE to play, including for 11 and 12 year-old kids but the PS3 and X360 have lots and LOTS of games for mature audiences and some of these games are for everyone. And plus, Microsoft and Sony aims for the graphics but Nintendo aims for the addiction. (Maybe that's why the Nintendo games are more expensive, but OMFG, Nintendo should learn to lower the prices on older games!) it's too late for them [ms and sony] but for people like calvin, you'd bettter get on board the train soon or you'll be stuck in the old days. ms and sony are in a dilemma now. 1) if they introduce this product they alienate their existing audience which disapprove of motion controls [such as the example with calvin]. but 2) if they don't introduce it then they are only limiting themselves to the small hardcore audience, which is slowly dying. the problem is for them to gain the nintendo audience will be harder because nintendo has developed a relationship with their audiences already and for the other company it's going to be hard to break that bond.
if they ever introduced a motion controller it would not become the primary control, they would have it for party games only like on the 360 they have buzz, movie night and so on. they would still use the standard control set up on most if not all games.
I find it difficult to take seriously. After all, they still have the Final Fantasy VII Remake coming out for the PS3 on 11/01/
I gave up hope on that one a long time ago. I think that I'll focus my efforts on the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII instead. Square needs to start moving forward again, it has taken too many steps backward with all the unnecessary remakes as of late.
sixaxis is identical to the PSX and PS2 controllers, and I don't find the xbox 360 controller anywhere near comfortable
I have played them all, and I have reached this conclusion...the Wii seems to offer the most innovative game play, the PS3 is more centralized on exclusive titles (Resistance, MGS, etc.) with amazing graphics, and the 360 is more geared towards social interaction and other entertainment values(XBL, Netflix, etc). Each one has different pros and cons, and while I will not go into detail of each console, as one could just Google a every console they want to learn more about, I will say that if I had to live with one console for the rest of my life, I would have to go with the 360. There are just more games that capture my interests that only the 360 can offer. miros
really?! i though they were biased. for instance, in one of his points, he mentions that "...the 360 is more geared towards social interaction..." yet many have referred the wii as the social system as people play the wii with multiple players and the mini games. i think he has one thing correct though, the ps3 is still trying to get exclusives and the race between 360/ps3, there can be no exclusives [or at least limited] because of the limitation of the audiences that both system can obtain as compared to the wii.
social interaction across a community as obviously your on xbox live which allows you to connect to friends in game but as its hooked up to all live accounts you can talk to your friends on msn through the xbox and those playing games for windows on pc.
Wow it only just clicked with me. This is the first forum I've been on where opinion is divided over the consoles All the other ones I visit are Wii all the way Heh, just thought it a little wierd, the "console wars" threads died after a single page