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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i like this one better,
  2. ultra

    ultra Guest

    ps2 going for $99.99,

    here is what they also have to say,
    "...the PlayStation 2 is intended to take market share from the Wii..."

    clearly they [sony] are retarded.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    or the people making those statements are?
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    bad news for those who plan to get a position at sonys computer entertainment division

    i like that first sentence, "times are hard". so far i haven't heard nintendo mentioning layoffs and what not.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    nintendo have the most to lose. Their consoles failing would kill them; Sony/M$ have plenty of other business interests to keep them going.
  7. nejcgx

    nejcgx Well-Known Member

    Wii wins. Period.
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    nintendo's been in the business a long time and their primary source of income is coming from video games only. but a company like sony would have been killed years ago. what is stopping that from happening is that sony have alternative sources of income [similar to microsoft] and it's the one reason why nintendo will never destroy or eliminate sony and microsoft. clearly it would be difficult to eliminate nintendo from this industry especially when they have the upper hand right now. btw, nintendo has nothing to lose because if they did, it would have happened soon after the release of the wii but it didn't, so clearly it doesn't have anything to lose. to back it, it's already been three years [or more precise 2 years 4 months] since their console release and it still hasn't failed. so clearly they are heading the right direction while ms and sony are heading in a marginal direction.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest


    The Nintendo Wii like the PS3 hasn't got many decent games but at least the PS3 is respectable, the shovelware on the Wii... Ugh... And not to mention on how the controls fail and how weak the Wii is.

    Currently the 360 is leading but the PS3 could well take 1st if they got a decent price and some good games.
    "Hey CJ, do ya wanna play Little Big Planet?" That is not enticing to me at all, that game sucks for many people after an hour of gameplay...
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    to say there is no good games is retarded there are loads of good games maybe not sit down on your own like a recluse games but play with friends and have a laugh games.

    yes the wii has loads of crappy games just like any Nintendo product but it has a few games that are great that you just can't put down.

    any one can say anything is crap but it takes a real man to find the good in something :p
    all the consoles are shit if you look at the bad

    the wii is fun but it is a console to be played with others not on your own so its true to say if you like to sit and play on your own then the wii will look sucky but if you want to have fun and play games with other people then a wii is great.

    and to say the ps3 has no good games is retarded too all the big games bar exclusives are cross platform anyway so i don't understand your logic because all the games people rave about are on both ps3 and 360 (and pc which beats the crap out of any console)
    and i've not found many exclusives on anything that are any greater then anything else.

    i own a 360 and a wii its true to say that i play my 360 more then anything but that's cause most of the time i'm playing on my own but if i want to play games with other people i play the wii its more fun and the 360 sucks for multi player as hardly any games are and the ones that are multiplayer are all fps which is no good if i want to sit down and play some games with my girlfriend.
  11. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with every word of this. This is why when I decided to dish out the cash for one of these consoles, I chose to go with the 360, because of the PS3's lack of titles (and I'm not impressed with blu ray, I don't have an HD TV and I don't watch movies unless I'm with my boyfriend) and because I don't really like full-blown interaction with the Wii.
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    because sixaxis isnt mean to replace as main control (duh), the main control still lies on button and analog stick, most game use sixaxis as enchance the gameplay not to replace them, like LBP uses sixaxis to control sackboy's head and body, MGS4 use it in some easter egg and Lair use it to "pilot" the dragon much like driving a car.

    IIRC Flower is the only game who fully use sixaxis but then Flower isnt a complicated game to begin with since its main point is to relax.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    360/ps3 are definitely next generation, but the wii is new generation. new generation is often successful then next generation.

    the wonky wii controller is not accurate and that's understandable because often the first phase of technology is often clumsy then follows design and superiority will follow. this is why the wii motion plus is introduced, because it is the next tech phase. so instead of having to repurchase a new system every five years or so for the latest graphics, wii gamers will only need to upgrade the latest motion controller add-on for their remote.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Wii is not new generation, motion sensing has been used in arcades for years.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    god damn do i have to explain everything? is isn't simply about rather the technology existed before. when apple released the first gui os on their computer it didn't succeed but later when they did release another gui os it became successful. this is all according to the change of the customers wants, needs, etc.... when this changes, this means a new direction, which means a new focus, a new .... if you look at the concepts of the consoles of the 360/ps3, all it's doing is upgrade and upgrades and upgrades. the ps3 and 360 are essentially a ps2 and xbox 1 but just improved. the wii however shifted those ideas.

    you can even examine the audiences for all three consoles and you'll notice that the wii are garnering new gamers. new gamers, regardless if they are your grandma's and grandpa's or your kid sister or you mom, etc... these are new gamers and new generation of players. the 360/ps3 are still targetting the previous generation of gamers. look at what apple did to the ipod and iphone, which created a new generation. look at all those phones [google g3,...] all resemble the iphone because the apple created a new geneneration and those who don't follow what apple is doing they will not succeed because the new generation doesn't want what the old generation had. look at your parents before and look at yourself now, would you want the things of your parents back then?

    if you still don't know then maybe i'm not explaining things clearly.

    you know what's a good example! touch screen. this thing has been around quite sometime and look at the popularity of it now from apple's ipod to nintendo's ds. this is new generation. after having touch screen, anything that doesn't have it will simply feel uncool or unappealing. look at all the psp owners who ask for a touch screen. it's new generation and it's the same thing that will happen for the wii. it's harder for nintendo because they have to deal with two power mongers with very powerful pockets. not only that but the developers are still living in the old generation.

    if you think about gui, it also applies. you can post a poll on the forums asking people if they would like to go back to the days of dos and command prompts and you'll see people laugh about the idea because when and after gui was created, a new generation of users were formed who are no longer wanting the old ways of things. why do you think linux is where it is. by default linux is a command prompt os, while windows isn't as it's a gui by default. but it's more then just gui which makes linux in the position that it is. you know who linux serves to? the niche of the computer sectors. if you apply those same concepts to 360/ps3, it will end up the same way as linux, serving only those who are still acustomed to the old days of playing games.
  16. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    don't challenge ultra you'll get burned. lol

    FPS on the wii are awesome

    even playing RE4 again felt like pure genius.
  17. ultra

    ultra Guest


    check this out!
    remember that ps3 and 360 are about graphics and that games with great graphics are good. well the wii will last longer, as mentioned several times that the focus on wii is no longer on graphics but gameplay and all those other stuff that creates fun and entertainment in video games. this means the need for a new console every 5-6 years is gone on the wii. but the 360/ps3 owners will need to buy new consoles every 5-6 years to get the latest tech for their games.
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i highly doubt that wii will last that long.

    and apple have invented the 1st gui, but apple gui sucks big time, microsoft steal apple gui idea and improve it hance the 1st gui window was born. IIRC apple try to sue microsoft for that (not sure who win though).

    say what you want, it doesnt change the fact that motion sensor and touch screen is nothing new, anyone who belive in that is either living under the rock or a fanboy.

    and WII remote sucks, nothing in the world will change my mind on that.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    we know that but is new to the console world as a primary function on all/most games

    and the wiimote does not suck you think it does and just cause you think it does doesn't mean it does get it ???

    its not about precision its about fun, why does no one get that. if they made it completely accurate to movement it would make games harder to play and not reach the market it does. its easy for a reason that reason being so everyone in the family can pick it up and play regardless of age, gender or ability. Nintendo said from the start that it was never going to be any more then a console designed for the family so why complain about it. if you don't like having fun with friends and family fine don't get/play a wii just stop winging about it.
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    if WII remote is "so fun" then why dont i like it? i'm didnt decide that i hate WII remote the day it came out, its is decided when i 1st try it out for atleast 20-30 mins...basically IF WII remote is really "so fun" then i should like it after testing it for that long and yet i dont.....