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Discussion in 'Debates' started by mr snow, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    lets face it, microsoft can't even make an MP3 player that can handle the new year...
  2. ultra

    ultra Guest

    ms isn't a product producing company and it's the reason why their products sucks badly and it's the main reason why the 360 is so glitched. sure they have windows, but ms sells their windows brand to hardware companies, which the hardware companies distribute the windows software to the consumers as bundled software. every time you buy a computer from bestbuy, dell, or other electronic stores you'll notice that there is an already included windows, which may or may not include the actual windows disc. ms found a way to sell their products without having to deal with the customers and instead have their partners deal with the poblems. if suppose you bought a dell computer and there is a problem with windows vista or xp, dell will help you solve the problem. dell won't redirect you to a live ms service operator on resolving the problem. you can find others who'll say the same thing if you look around the net.

    you've seen it and i've seen those ms vs apple commercials, sure they're funny and ridiculous but there is some truth to it. here's one, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MimCZikP8cY
  3. EDRICK88

    EDRICK88 Well-Known Member

    Are DualShock 2 controllers compatible with the PS3?
  4. criscoh88

    criscoh88 New Member

    I enjoy the WII but it does not have the type of games that will keep me playing over and over again. First person shooters are more my thing so i would have to go with XBOX. For cute multiplayer fun WII takes the cake and the price is much easier for me to handle.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I don't know... check google... You definately won't be able to use it for 6-axis games...
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No, the PS3 controllers are all wireless or USB, there are no conventional controller ports on the PS3.
  7. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    All 3 of the consoles can suck a lolipop, because lets face it the PS2 wins hands down. I mean its the oldest console thats still getting games made for it. Sure the internet feature is just poppy cock and the graphics are not as hi-def as the current gen.
  8. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    um sony tries to do that with all of their systems they kept games comin out for the ps1 for some time after the ps2 came out as well, i do believe the life cycle of the ps1 lasted about as long as the ps2 will. they keep coming out with ps2 games because the ps2 is the number one selling game console ever and with the global economy the way it is less people have the cash to drop 400 bucks on a new game system so it is only sensible that games are still made for it.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The PS2 was the best at it's time and did much better than it's competitors but now the game consoles, well let's face it just the 360 and the PS3 are evenly matched. The Wii? Well that sucks balls. This is why the PS2 looked good, it's competitors sucked
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what does that tell you?! what it should tell you is that the graphics is no longer important as what nintendo has said before, it has come to a point of good enough, a sustained feature of the console. it doesn't mean that it won't be upgraded on the next console release, what it instead means is that this part of the feature of the console isn't so important any more. so that means a visual upgrade possibly every 2 or more generation or so. this is why nintendo didn't went super high tech graphics because they know that it has gotten good enough.

    persona 4 came out for ps2 and no one complained about the visuals. yet if an rpg similar to it came out for wii, all the gamers call it bad words. very weird. btw, did you know that dead space was designed for the xbox 1?
    here's a link,
  11. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member


    I thought Persona 4 felt dated when I played it graphically and it DID bother me.
    I'm definitely all PS3! The 360 still red rings alot, and the Wii just disappoints me with nearly every game that comes out for it. I've found ONE SINGLE game that I genuinely enjoyed for the Wii...Onechanbara. That's it, and believe me, I've tried a lot of them. Oh, and I'm on my third Wii. Because I sold the last two.

    The PS3 also has the best network in my opinion. I had a 360 for a while, and I found that PSN is MUCH better than Live. Oh, and NXE was a joke. I find JP only games that are fun from time to time, but it's ridiculous to import in a JP 360. Costs too much. Mods get you banned. Oh, and Sony is also the only company that still lets it's users import games without any modification. I LOVE that about my PS3 and PSP 8) It's sad that the DSi is taking that away...

    Graphics ARE important, I'd love to say they aren't, but I'd just be lying to myself. All of my gamer friends find that their Wii tends to sit in a dark corner collecting dust for long periods of time. The Wii is not marketed towards 'gamers', but 'consumers'. I guess it also works for 'retro gamers'. Which I am thankfully not. I like playing 'old school' games from back in the day, but I will not shell out $50 for a game with that quality anymore. I learned my lesson with P4.
  12. wessel1986

    wessel1986 New Member

    they are all good its just whats your thing me i like Japanese games for there creative thingking but the PS3 is disappointing so far because of the lack of games (PS3 only).

    i like the Xbox360 ( I'm going to hell for this ) because the have a diverse selection of games strength in numbers.

    And for the Wii i like there creativity but lacks dipthe and i don't like to jump around and swing the wii-mote through my plasma. but some games are brilliant.
  13. thedevilsone

    thedevilsone New Member

    Wii of course cause you can have a healthier life when using it.
    But if the choice between ps3 and xbox i'll choose ps3 definitely..
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that's what they claim, I doubt its anywhere near as much effect as they imply.
  15. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    not by a long shot......

    If you want a healthier life by playing games, you should consider playing DDR at the hardest mode in the arcade, those dancing machine make you excerise more then wii.
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The Wii doesn't give enough work out, Wii Boxing on the Wii Sports game is the most energy using game and it isn't much of a work out
  17. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    That really depends on your fitness level. If someone is the typical American couch potato, then it's a good start. I know when we got the Wii for our son, I played the Wii boxing, and it gave me a pretty good workout for my upper body. It doesn't really do much for the lower body though........I guess I just told on myself.....I'm a potato...XD
  18. Fearon

    Fearon Well-Known Member

    Okay, Isn't the PS3 the least expensive game with all things included. and I mean everything, internet and all that
  19. EDRICK88

    EDRICK88 Well-Known Member

    check here you can use dualshock2 for PS3

    anyone buy a PS3 here??
    i bought it 2 weeks ago and got a problem when playing PES 09, it wont load sometimes.
    no scratch at all on BD, and when i play DW6 and MGS 4 it works fine

    anyone know how to fix it??
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    play a game worth playing rather than a stupid football game? Other than that, I don't know, never had a problem with my PS3. But I don't play football games.