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Wii Soft-Mod Information

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by ace1o1, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    No I hate discs. Plus I play on my bed :p

    TV is just hanging before it so why not...

    GREATNESS49 New Member

    i have a new wii red one. 4.3u im trying to run the first ios 41 but i keep getting error code add titlefirst (-1035) why is that?
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Did you follow the 4.3 guide of how to mod your Wii? If so, then just run Pimp My Wii to be able to play games.

    GREATNESS49 New Member

    yes i followed the guide but when i get to fios manager to downgrade to version 3091 it keeps getting error code
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Just use Pimp My Wii to get the latest cIOS'. It's the easiest way to mod your Wii these days.
  6. amskhan

    amskhan Active Member

    how to home-brew hack the wii

    Hackmii Installer -FIX

    This guide should fix:
    Hackmii- No Vulnerable Ios Found- suck it
    Hackmii- Black Screen
    Hackmii- Scam Screen Freeze

    Format your sd-card- yes, I said FORMAT it
    Remove gc memory cards, gc controllers, usb devices
    Have some free nand space
    Download Hackmii-FIX.zip
    Extract to sd:\
    If you like, verify md5 checksums with sd:\md5summer.exe from your pc

    Part 1- Load Multi Mod Manager
    Select your exploit-
    Softmods with HOMEBREW CHANNEL installed
    2.0-3.4 use the Twilight Hack
    2.0-3.4 use the Twilight Hack
    3.0-4.1 Bannerbomb v1
    4.0-4.2- Bannerbomb v2
    4.3u/e- Indiana PWNS or 4.3u/j- Smash Stack
    4.3u/e/j all wiis- use YU-GI-OWNED! or YU-GI-VAH
    4.3u/e/j all wiis- use YU-GI-OWNED! or YU-GI-VAH
    4.3u/e/j Return of Jodi
    4.3u/e Jabba the HAXX
    4.3u/e/j Bat HAXX
    4.3e/k -Smash Stack Pal/KOR

    Part 2- Load patched cios
    Once Multi-Mod Manager loads, select "Reload another ios"
    You need to choose an ios with patches, usually ios250, perhaps 222/223, 236, 36
    If you don't know what ios is patched, run syscheck from the App Manager of MMM.
    Syscheck will tell you what ios have patches, if you need help post the syscheck.cvs file with your request.
    Load your patched cios

    Part 3- Uninstall ios58
    Select "Wad Manager"
    Select ios58 wad
    UNINSTALL ios58 wad
    If ios58 wad fails to uninstall, press B to go back to the main menu
    Select ios manager, select ios58, press - to delete ios58- go back to wad manager

    Part 4- Install ios files
    After you have removed ios58, load the wad manger in MMM
    Press 1 to install all wads, Press A,
    Ios236, 36, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35 should install without error
    If you get error after IOS236 installs, reload MMM with ios236 and try again
    Once the wads have installed without error, Press any button
    Now press 2 to load the App Manager

    Part 5- Load Hackmii Installer
    You should be in the MMM App Manager
    Launch the Hackmii Installer
    Hackmii installer should load without issue or error.
    Install HBC, and Bootmii, prepare your sd card and make a nand backup.

    this is fail proof

    i have succesfully installed it but i would like some help on how do i get a usb loader
    and i own mario kart but i want to know do i just put it in my pc and copy files off or do i have to get the file another way?
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: how to home-brew hack the wii

    You really need to put this in simpler terms for the people that have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

    A small intro on what you'll be guiding them through (and what they'll need) would be nice instead of just going right into the steps.

    And the usage of "usually" and "perhaps" isn't really reassuring that you know what you're doing, or at least know enough to guide someone else through the process without bricking something. There shouldn't be a "variable" setup unless the variable is specified (a.k.a. the Wii serial number, firmware version, 4.3 is different from all other firmware version methods, method of installing Homebrew Channel, but really, who doesn't use the SmashStack hack?)

    That, and no download links?

    I find this guide to be much more precise on steps, and has more coverage.
    The guy can't spell for shit though...

    And uninstalling IOSes is probably a one way ticket to bricking the console, according to that guide...I wouldn't know...I'm not going to be the guinea pig and uninstall IOS58, or any IOS for that matter, just to prove a point...
  8. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    Re: how to home-brew hack the wii

    To install USB Loader just download the actual program (whichever you prefer, i like USB Loader GX - itoo own the games but they are much faster running form the USB), move to your SD on the apps folder and run the wad to get a channel. Since you already have the homebrew channel run 'pimp my wii' and it'll set everything you need.
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Re: how to home-brew hack the wii

    Just Saying that I moved & merged it
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    That's hot man.
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    That way both people keep happy and no information is lost :D
  13. ok guys i need help here got usb loader gx or what ever its called and that configurable one too. usb gx jsut resets my wii and the other loader keeps telling me that my iso' are not valid wii images or some crap like that. how do i fix this, i want to be able to load my games from my hard drive and this is getting anoying lol. note im useing a uk wii with firmware 4.3 plus i also got the hombrew channle installed already. any help is very much welcomed
  14. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    I did a simple soft mod of my Wii..loaded the Homebrew Browser and channel. Are roms supposed to be present with the emulators.? Saw a demo and thoght the guy said the were preloaded? Help.
