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Wii Soft-Mod Information

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by ace1o1, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. kerpymon

    kerpymon Member

    I knew all the stuff except the IOS Buster. Thanks Ace on the IOS buster worked better than my program I made.really usefull and a lot less hassle.now I won't have to get my hands dirty ;)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    It's a very nice little program that I found a few years ago.
    I use it every now and then to convert ISOs to BINs.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    Added a 4.3 Soft-mod guide!
    So if you have the original disc of Super Smash Bros. Brawl or Lego Indiana Jones, then you can soft-mod your 4.3 Wii!
  4. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    Thankyou. Can anyone confirm if Monster Hunter Tri works with the disc loader?
    Works withour fail. ace101 FTW
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I can confirm that it works with Uloader with cIOS 222 v4 and with DarkCorp v1.0.
    And you are very welcome! ;)
  6. souap

    souap Active Member

    Ok, I'm totally new at this, so, could anyone give me a few directions please? I could try and figure things out on my own, but I'd rather not take any chances and ruin my wii... Nevermind if it's too much trouble, but it would really help if anyone could help me with the basics a bit, such as what to download, install, etc. and things I should be careful with... Thanks in advance...:)
    I did read some guides on the matter, but I remain a bit confused... However, as you probably can't really break it down more than that, you can probably ignore my post... Thanks anyway...:)
    I would like to know though whether it is safe to use a modchip for the wii, and whether it is preferable to softmodding... I would really appreciate some pros and cons for both...
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Read this guide ???

    First install the homebrew channel with the Brawl Exploit if you got Brawl and a 4.3 Wii.
    If you have 4.2, use the Hackmii installer.
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    That's the only thing I can suggest. :p
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    lolz I use a modchip and the Homebrew channel and USB Loader GX and all sort of mods you can get and it still works...fine.
    (except that the SD card won't click)
    (fixed the drive FYI ace)
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member


    I don't have a chip, but I will if I ever brick my Wii. LOL...
    [me=ace1o1]prays that never happens...[/me]
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Hey ace did you know that:
    USBLoader GX:
    - Includes a error #002 fix?
    - Includes cheating?

    Cheating (needs internet for the files!):
    - Select Game
    - Select Options
    - Select Ocarina
    - Select Download
    - Enable all wanted cheats
    - Click "Create"
    -- Enable cheats for the game by clicking Game Settings
    -- Enable Ocarina

    002 fix:
    - Settings (the wrench in the menu)
    - Load Settings ( or the second option )
    - 002 fix
  12. souap

    souap Active Member

    Ok, I went through the required steps using a guide for v.4.2 from wiihacks using the hackmii installer, and now I'm about to install the priiloader... should I also install that Darkcorps thingy? If so, anything to watch out for?
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Yes you should install DarkCorp.
    Launch the installer via the Homebrew Channel you just installed.
    The first option is my first try, second if you get errors with that.
    It takes around 10 minutes to install, so...drink something.

    EDIT: And no there is not much to watch out for...
    PS if you want to watch DVD's on your Wii, install DVDX from the Hackmii installer.
    Never installed it so I cannot help you :p
  14. souap

    souap Active Member

    Ok, thanks a lot for the help, you have been quite helpful indeed...:)
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I can help you with installing USB Loader GX if ya want...:)
    Basically just a program that loads games from a USB device.
    I got 11 games and never had a problem with them :)
    (except with Mario Party 8, but it seems my disc is corrupt, want to get my friends copy to rip it to my USB)

    It looks quite difficult to install but when you are done it plays EVERYTHING!
    You need a USB device for it and at least one Wii game to play :)
  16. souap

    souap Active Member

    Oh, sure, if you're in the mood to tell me, I'd love some tips on the installation and usage of that...:)
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Yep. Already knew that. X3

    Some tips are to not uninstall anything under 200 or you'll brick your Wii and to always remember that if one launcher doesn't play the game, then try another before giving up. :)
    I recommend IOS222 ver.4 installer as it can play Monster Hunter Tri (U) without problems. That's the only way to play it if you don't have DarkCorps.
  18. souap

    souap Active Member

    Ah, damn, I can't even understand if my wii can read dvds for Christ's sake... How do I start running that usb program now? And what about the isos, do I have to patch them in order to run on that as well? Jeez, it's baad being such a noob... And I'm probably starting to get on you guys' nerves... You've been awesome so far though and I am truly grateful for that...
  19. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    First off, no matter what, check your System Menu.
    It says how to in the first post.
    Next, install the Homebrew Channel.
    It's in one of the guides available for any System Menu from 3.2-4.3.

    You need to install cIOSXrev20b in order to install cIOS222 ver. 4 installer in order to do USB Loading.
  20. souap

    souap Active Member

    hmm... I followed the guide for system menu 4.2, as I have version 4.2E and followed it down to the installation of priiloader, with the exception of the program you use for the usb loader.. Now what?