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wii owners, your thoughts of it so far and the future???

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ultra, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. h8uthemost

    h8uthemost Well-Known Member

    Whoever thinks the Wii is going to die in a couple years, or is crap, is a straight up moron. I'm sorry to be so straight forward, but it really is the truth...
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    A little logical reasoning behind your claim wouldn't hurt though.
    Argumentation is critical, especially when you lash out at a group of people.
  3. hirosama3

    hirosama3 New Member

    as long there are kids and gamers... nintendo will live :p
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I strongly disagree, I don't consider myself a kid, in fact, I'd say that I'm a very mature 19 year-old. On top of that, my dad at age 44 likes the Wii very much too and has loads of fun playing the Wii.

    It is very common to hear that the Wii is for kids, but honestly, do you really believe that? Isn't it just some sad attempt to justify that you haven't bought one yet? Because pff, it's only for kids right?
  5. h8uthemost

    h8uthemost Well-Known Member

    And if I thought I would get some kind of logical response back from the people that my statement was meant for, then I would have put a little more thought into. You and kenrich are the only two have posted anything intelligent in this thread.

    And this kid makes my point for me.

    I don't know why you would even want to reason with some of these people seph. Some are so ignorant, that it's not even funny.

    I'll be twenty nine tomorrow, and have been playing Nintendo games, consoles, and handhelds since the eighties. So...since I'm a Nintendo fan, I must be a kid, right? Some people's so-called "logic" is baffling.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    are you sure it's for kids?? majority of the kids i see at toys'r'us are kids that own a ps2 or ps3 and their like 10-12 years old. i don't see any kid near the nintendo section other then possibly older teens or some adults. on the ds section yes, but not on the wii or gamecube section. maybe it's to aim kids from the 90's??
  7. asiarules

    asiarules Member

    it seems the only people who can make wii games are the creator of the wii themselves(nintendo). I see a relapse of the gamecube coming on if there isnt any good 3rd party titles coming. If u notice gamecube was the same way then somthing happen and that is nothing. No other developers excpt nintendo keep making games for it. So yeah there so far no real developers atually focusing on the wii without having the game ported from other console. I still have hopes for the white box though.
  8. AMTF

    AMTF Member

    I got a Wii for my birthday, about a month after the console was released in the UK. I am 18, but I am very immature around other immature people. I invited my friend over recently and we played with my Wii. She got bored of Zelda cuz of the long cut-scene, and while I was changing the CD we started up the photo channel. We spent over 2 hours editing pictures because it's fun with more people at once. We forgot all about the game. The Wii is not there for graphics, because they aren't important. It's about gameplay, and how to interact with the gamers. If you have a game with graphics and controls like Wii Sports, anyone will want to try it.
  9. linuxreuben

    linuxreuben New Member

    I have a wii and perfectly happy. Since i only play Mario and Pokemon games , the lack of games doesn't hurt me! ;D. I nesrly every single game system made by Nintendo ( SNES , N64 ,Gameboy , Gameboy Pocket , GameBoy Color , Gameboy Advance , GameCube ,DS , DS lite ,and a WII) ! I have 200+ games made by Nintendo! I'm a diehard Nintendo and Pokemon fan so if Nintendo went out of buisness , i wouldn't buy ANY more games (very apperently nintendo is not going to go out of buisness )! F*uck Microsoft and Sony !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Long live Linux and Nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm 13 and Nintendo realeses a lot of fun G and T rated game for an affordable price.........................................
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Thats what people said about Sega. Anything can happen; thats the beauty of competition.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    nintendo is different then nintendo. nintendo has more ideas then any other company but it's just that the timing and cost to make are not possible or that they have experimented with them and failed and do not follow that path. the first nintendo online gaming is a good example.
  12. troom

    troom Member

    hi havent posted here in a while i own a wii,ps3,xbox 360 1. bought the ps3 to use with my psp love my psp.2 xbox 360 have that going to sell it grfx are kick ass butt 90% of the games are first person or sports hate both the hard drive is a waste i mean you would think a company like microsoft would put a web browser on the thing. 3. the wii is a great system love the controls the games are very fun to play internet browser and so on the wii has a decent grfx prosseser the developers just need to optamise it i thought the gamecube had decent grfx in the wii is more powerfull. (sorry if i spelled any thing wrong in a hurry at work not suppost to be looking at other web sites)
  13. xCola

    xCola New Member

    i think nintendo would make in 5 to 10 years a new console and the wii would be 1 or 2 years on the market longer how the gamecube
  14. Darkj66y6

    Darkj66y6 New Member

    I have a wii, and my opinion is at first it was realy, realy fun, but after a while you will be bored with the motion remote stuff, and then it will become nothing more than a dusty system with outdated graphics. I will admit, games like zelda tp, wii sports, wario, and mario party where very fun at first, but even they get boring pritty quikly.
  15. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    That's what I was thinking, even though I don't have a Wii yet. While I'm commenting on Wii Sports itself here, I played it in Future Shop the other day for about ten minutes and at that point I was getting bored. I didn't go too far into the customization, fitness score, training thing because it was a public system that I couldn't go off and make my own profile on or whatever. In my opinion, the whole mini game / multiplayer concept of Wii games like Wario Ware and Wii Sports / Play just isn't my type. They'll probably be more games that interest me developed in the future, but for now I'm holding out.

    Are there any good racing games for the Wii?
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Don't know if there are any racing games, but the the new Harry Potter is actually pretty fun, it's a little hard to get the wand movements properly in the beginning but I quickly became a duelling master. :D

    Next time hopefully they'll get a better camera and more different spells.
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Your powers are weak, old man... :p
  18. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I'll have to try that out for DS. ;D

    If it's out on DS...
  19. anakuper

    anakuper New Member

    In my opinion nintendo will crowned king of VideoGames again after 8bit system for a long time.. if you sony & M$ fanboy bragging about how advance is the 3D engine, in momentarily for the next Periode of VG gen, i thing Nintendo will invest more in advance 3D machines and more sensitive controllers.. and don`t forget they are the company that created VirtualBoy (yeah handheld that died) , maybe they will resurrect the projet again and add fun to the family with 3D Virtual reality headset.. Like in Matrix.. Wii2 and NDSDuo wait till they come!! ;D
  20. miso2002

    miso2002 New Member

    I think the Nintendo Wii has solid staying power. Look at the DS. It offers original gaming concepts but suffers from terrible graphics in comparison to the PSP and yet the DS is still selling out in Japan and has a good base in America. In fact DS sales are expected or have already passed PS2 sales. As for third party developers. If the consumer base is large enough a third party developer has no choice but to release it for that system ala Dragon Quest IX for the DS. Also PS3 and Xbox360 are in competition but the Wii really isn't in that competition because it's in a class of it's own. I don't know of any Xbox360 or PS3 ports that are coming over to the Wii and I doubt many will. Also there will be few ports from the wii to other consoles because they lack the capabilities.