True, they do seem pretty kiddie, but whenever they make a good game for older people, then it never sells very well such as Mad World. I love that game, but it never took off and did poorly in sales and still does...hence why it's $19.99 now. And Dead Space Extraction as well. :\
Thats a hard one to argue with, yes it did poor in sales (Mad World) and it is an awesome game and to make things even more confusing we got a good deal out of it with the price drop, but in turn doubtful any more will be made. All goes back to everyone sees Nintendo as a Kids system an M rated game comes out and they all freak you remember when Mortal Kombat first came out on SNES they all freaked but not a word was mentioned about Sega having it.
That's crazy! I didn't know that there was a rial about Moral Kombat on the SNES. But the only M games that sell well on the Wii are the Resident Evil series. And when another developer tries their hand at M games for the Wii, they always suck in sales for some reason...
Honestly how many people in the US even know who Tatsunoko is? unless they are a die hard anime fans. Hell only thing that gave it away from me was the cover I knew that guy standing next to Ryu was from Gatchaman and I am still not sure if that is right.
I don't watch much anime, but I'd have to agree, though it is a good fighting game, despite me not buying it...
In that theory they are all good. But unless people these days watched a lot of retro anime like Gatchaman,Speed Racer, Flying House etc. they have no clue who the hell Tatsunoko is.
i havent tried it my self so i shouldnt have posted that. i went online an searched it and it came up with results saying the wii can play ps3/xbox 360 games. well i now know the truth. i shouldve known better too, i mean really wii playing sony's games?
its nothing to do with it being another manufacturer, its to do with the PS3 being several hundred, if not thousand times more powerful.