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[WII] Need quick & simple guide for installing Homebrew & USB Loader on Wii

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Heche, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. Heche

    Heche Active Member

    First of all, thanks a lot. PM sent

    One thing I will mention is that I strongly think we should (At first) just focus on the v4.2 consoles, as that is the current firmware and most people buying a brand new Wii console at the moment will have it pre-installed as default, with most other owners probably having upgraded to it at some point anyway. We can always come back to the guide at a later date and pad it out with instructions for older models which haven't been upgraded, but I think the majority of people will be looking to modding a current model console straight out of the box. I think that's where a lot of guides go wrong and confuse readers as they try and cater for all Wii firmware versions, past and present.

    I do find that with many guides I have read they don't really prepare themselves, and there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing from site to site in order to obtain the relevant files. So I would say that the very first thing which should be covered should be the aquiring of all the necessary files. To make things easier, I would ideally like to obtain all required files and include them in one all-inclusive Zip file, with each tool numbers according to the order they'll be required in the guide (This guide should be Mickey Mouse style!)

    After that, there should be a preparation section. Certain things such as formatting an SD card, installing WBFS Manager, and formatting the hard drive should all be done prior to starting the soft-mod, so when they're required they're ready to use, rather than the guide going off track to cover these processes - The guide should flow with the minimum of distractions

    This would be followed by the pre-mod processes - Security measures to ensure you don't brick your console etc.

    Following this would be the Homebrew Channel setup - Again, this is where I think a lot of guides get confusing as: A) They refer to other sites and leave you to work it out for yourself; And B) They try to cater for all firmware versions. If we were to write a v4.2 guide, we could easily cut out a great deal of the Homebrew Channel process as it would be irrelevant. The Homebrew Channel site gives various options on how to install it, but I believe we should just pick the easiest and safest method and stick to it (I believe Bannerbomb is the preferred method here for our needs, and the files would be included in the prep section of the guide)

    After that, we can worry about the USB Loader installation, which I personally believe is the easiest part of the whole soft-modding process, and provided the instructions are clear and simple, it's very hard to get this bit wrong. Step-by-step instructions mean an effortless install

    To finish will be an optional section where we can instruct how to play GameCube back-ups from the hard drive. I believe this would be of interest to anyone who is planning on playing back-up Wii games, and I think it's worth including. Aside from that, we can pad this section out at a later date with information on how to install other emulators such as Snes9x GX etc

    By the end of it, we should have a thorough and clear guide which can be followed time and time again to make perfect mods every time!
  2. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Don't forget pictures! uh I mean for the process... you do know that some screens look confusing.. and some pictures would allow people to find out where the hell they are in each section, I know I was confused as hell when I was stuck in PART B which I had no idea what part B was..