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Why your dear pets should be off the dinner table?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by sla03rs, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'd rather eat a human I don't know than my pets
    Although I wouldn't want to eat either because I would rather die, but that's my point...
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Really? That's sick.
  3. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

  4. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    so for example... put yourself in the shoes of a farmer's son which treats their cow as his own pet...

    and one day... they had nothing else to eat except for the cow...

    would you rather die than eating your "pet"?

    what if it was out of necessity?
    and for people eating dogs, cats, pigs, cows, chicken, fish, and a whole lot of other meat...

    read the topic... its not their pets... its their meat...

    (contradicting ideas eh?) ^^
  5. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    I used the same argument in the circumcision topic but meh w/e

    Sadly people don't get the point that its meat first before pet so yeah
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'd rather die Kryz... I wouldn't want to eat any people or pets... And the topic is Why your dear pets should be off the dinner table?
    And WTF?!
  7. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Your comment was just so hot I had to fap.

    That one's foreskin is one's meat and not one's pet?
    If you only had foreskin you'd understand.
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Still, you must get very emotionally attached to say that about yourself and not kill your pet and eat it.
  9. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    look here... this is the first post and probably the argument...
    first off... its *their* culture... they eat meat... and not their pets...

    as a personal choice... i dont eat dogs... neither cats... while other people consider snakes as a pet... i tried eating a it once which in turn is said to have medicinal value in china... or some other oriental countries... i got it from a chinese store... and not from a pet shop...

    so if you get a certain animal to be your pet... then let it be your pet... and when other people bought cat/dogs to be their meat... let it be their meat... its their culture and not yours...

    its like letting them be, out of respect...
  10. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    I had foreskin :| and the argument I was talking about was about the dog thing when the floppy skin topic went out of hand :|

    yet we still have pet dogs here and some pets do get eaten in the slums when the inhabitants do get enough money to go on a drinking binge, so its primarily a pet at first. Something like the farmer's pig, you're a pet but alas we must celebrate christmas so you are now HAM
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I quit in this debate because I always end up getting annoyed...
    Some people have their opinions, they can think that, but it's still sick...
  12. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    While you find it grotesque to eat a dog and look down upon the cow as some kind of lowly animal, Hindu religion believes that cows are sacred animals that should not be eat/killed and would surely prefer a plate of dog meat over that of a cow. You may find eating dogs a horrid activity many countries think of dogs the same way many Americans think of cows.

    I personally believe that eating dogs/other house pets is acceptable, though It isnt my preference to eat house pets.

    Also, on a similar note, you say that cows should be eaten because they are "stupid and dopey" then contradict yourself and say you would rather eat a human you have no relation to. If you honestly believed that they should be eaten because they are less intelligent then you would also prefer eating your pet, who is much "stupider and dopey" then a human.

    "Some people have their opinions, they can think that, but it's still sick..."

    Your once again contradicting yourself...... It is YOUR opinion that it is "sick" to eat a house pet, while you are saying that others opinions are "sick" because they go against your belief.
  13. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Dogs and cows are both non-human animals. Therefore, what is the big difference between eating a cow and eating a dog? Or a dog and a cat? A human eating a dog is not cannibalism. Why do you have no issue eating beef or chicken? What is the distinct difference between dogs and cows that make dogs superior? Perhaps dogs are the "stupid and dopey" ones. Perhaps they're loyalty is their inability to do anything else, a "shield" to protect themselves from getting eaten? Perhaps you have been TRICKED by the dog to not want to eat it?

    In my honest opinion, I believe that you, cjdogger, are biased.
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's because you don't really have cows and chickens as pets, it's not common, so their opinion on eating either one completely changes.
  15. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    But, the fact that you are killing a so called "Pet" is different than killing something raised to be eaten. It's like fishing with nets...

    Fish are just swimming along, minding their own busines, then all of a suddent, a net comes in and sweeps them off the ocean. Next thing you know it, they're dinner, they were free creatures before, with no knowledge of disappearing, or being eaten all of a sudden (Food chain not applied) it's like you being abducted by aliens for testing, and you will die.

    Killing animals not raised by humans fall under the same situation, it's okay if they are raised, but the ones in the free are only applied to the food chain, not our plates.

    Also.... The eating of monkeys (You know they chop off the monkey's skull so the brain is showing BEFORE they kill it!?!??!?!0 I highly oppose, no matter what, MURDER is immoral, even murdering an insect is immoral.

    The hard headedness of the human race is what causes wars, the different customs cause war, look at PETA, they cause riots and what not, because they feel animals need equal treatment. FACE it, they were here before us, we should be kind to our hosts...

    /end rant

  16. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    Murder, is definition, wrongful killing.
    You should rephrase your statement.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How were animals here before us?
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    evolution. Man evolved from apes.
  19. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Please don't tell me you thought humans have been around for millions of years.
  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    No, I know we've been traced back about a million years max, but there aren't that many animals which existed as they are back that far either. Plus who came first has no real impact on if it's right to eat an animal or not. I'm sure hippos don't feel any remorse for killing a crocodile. And hippos do kill without provocation sometimes, usually when something gets between it and water.