McCain: Him and Bush are thinking "I like the chips..." (If you are American- Chips are like fries but thicker and a little bit better for you) Palin: The reincarnation of Stalin
Wait Wait, Are you guys serious about Votein McCain to be the Press. ? im Confused becuase i see serious nots and Sercastic Notes, What are you ? Serious or Not ?
Both candidates suck. Ron Paul looked like a good candidate, but I have problems with everything everyone stands for ever. Hmmm.
Psshhh it's all about Ralph Nadar McCain thinks he's all that cause he fought in a stupid army.. that piece of trash
Well McCain Lost So HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Sorry, I just had to get it off my chest
Why do you think it's funny? Is it because many of the votes for Obama were biased? Is it because many of the votes for him were also because he is the opposite of the guys who made a mess last time so they would also vote because they think the other guys' would change everything? Is it because he is somewhat communist? Is it because many of the votes he recieved were only because he was black? Or is it because he always answers yes we can? "Hey Obama? Could your side turn this country Communist" "Yes we can!" "Oh NO!" "But we probably won't" "Phew..." "That's probably kid, Muhahaha!"
I'm still waiting for someone to give a good reason why McCain is awesome. Oh wait.......that's right.......there isn't one. He had "some" good ideas. Not enough to get me to vote for him though. I was too afraid that he would turn into another George Bush.
Ok enough of this shit. I won't comment whether McCain or Obama are a good or bad choice when it comes to presidency, but McCain is awesome in his own way. Any person that joins the Army, Navy, Marines, etc, and risks his life for his country deserves some respect. I won't argue if he was a good candidate or not but just the fact that he was a prisoner of war, was tortured to the point where his limbs don't work properly and still raises a family and tries to take care of the country he loves is admirable. My dad was a captain in the Navy before he died, I joined the Navy but had to leave because my left knee is messed up (honorably discharged), I have close friends, cousins and uncles in the Navy and Marines and I have utmost respect for any person that does the same. So quit talking shit and appreciate the fact that you can happily and safely sit on your ass and type in your computer without having to worry whether your family members are dead or not. McCain is awesome whether you like him or not and he is a war veteran and should be respected as such. This not only goes for McCain, but for every person that risks his/her life for their country.