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why kids under 15 are awesome

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by quickcaster, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. b00bage

    b00bage Member

    Please stay off the road we don't need any more accidents
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    If you're proud about being able to drive, then you probably can't drive that well.
  3. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    That usually is the case :D

    I remember how proud I was when I first started, I was like bragging till the sun came down. Luckily in that time I didn't crash. Things have changed big time now, I'm sick of driving, yet I now drive quite well.
  4. mottyrob

    mottyrob New Member

    lol i'm 14 in september so ya

    o yeah i have a few tazos around the house too, lol most recent ones i've found are either yu-gi-oh Marvel comics or crush gear
  5. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    "Also anyone under 15 didn't grow up with the god damned NINJA TURTLES. THEY WERE THE SHIT.

    OR POGS."

    Poster be winnin' topic.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...the new ninja turtles were...shit as you say...

    Pogs never interested me-I was just a greedy brat XD

    ANd Blackbeard-your lvin' talking like that ay LOL!
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Kids under 15, especially toddlers & pre-schoolers can get away at being stupid or idiotic because they're still learning stuff 8)
  8. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    erm we dont masturbrate, we h8t ninja turtles and r WAY cooler thn u fink, AND we're smart yt we always get away with stuff:p i know quite alot abou nintendo i went bk just about dreamcast time:p SO THERE WE R COOL, AND COOLER THN U FINK!!!! im 11 by the way:D
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The kinky dirty feeling you get for watching porn the first time
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Alex_t15 we don't allow text-speak on these forums, write your words out properly, please.
  11. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    An 11 year old cannot speak for the whole of the under 15 community.

    You sure don't seem it.
  12. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    LoL I remember that one.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Really? Couldn't tell.

    Fail 1, Yes your age group probably likely does, you're only 11, you probably haven't felt that urge yet.

    Fail 2, the Ninja Turtles cartoon in the 80s was kick ass. Watch it.

    Fail 3, you're not cool, and will never be.

    Fail 4, yes, you're very smart.

    Fail 5, what the hell was that last bit?
  14. azman2000

    azman2000 Member

    All people under 15 masturbate?
    I don't think you would find a 2 year old masturbating.
  15. ZoffyX

    ZoffyX Member

    Me too!

    Anyway, I dont get away with stuff, 'cause my parents or teacher allways says "you are too smart too be doing/acting like that". Sometimes, I wish i was as stupid as my cousin....
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I know this girl, 14, she's more mature than most of you guys, that's just awesome showing how a 14 year old can be as mature as 21 year old
  17. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I remember that... constantly looking over your shoulder to make sure no one's coming... (ha, just made myself laugh about what else could be added to that sentece...)

    I think people under 15 are annoying as hell... thinking they know everything just because they are finally in high school and able to hang out with the 'big kids' at school... or so they think they can.... My brother is 12, and everytime he comes into my bedroom, he gets some random object hurled in his direction.... Sadly, my DS was one of those items, may it rest in peace... (let's have a moment of silence...)
    New DS yay!!!