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Why is Nintendo DS Better?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by zex_08, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member


    the PSP is nowhere near the league of ANY Nintendo Handheld.
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    PSP is superior than NDS... :p
  3. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    PSP > NDS
  4. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    PSP vs DS debate
    To be honest I consider them equal.
    Battery Life: well the DS has a much longer battery life (not the DSi obviously, I'm talking about the lite in all cases) BUT the PSP has a flawless sleep mode
    Games: You really can't compare games in general...
    Graphics: (arguably) obviously the PSP
    Features: (arguably) obviously the DS

    Bad summary but you get my point, Only reason I'm a DS fan is cos the DS is more popular here, you can never find a PSP user for multiplayer.
    Also because IMO Nintendo >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sony

    GB vs DS debate:
    Imo the GB only seemed better at the time, later the new handheld will come out and you'll look back on the DS as something much grander then it is now.
  5. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    PSP is a better device than DS. (In technic ways)

    There are 4000 thousand roms here ,2000 games. 200 of them are playable. 100 is good. You can say "PsP games are few",but PSP has tons of better games than DS. And I beleive I can say ,all psp games are playable.

    Another point is PSP is not a seperate device. All exclusive psp games are related with other Sony games ,one way or not. SH ,GoW ,Daxter ,R&C ,MGS and KZ.

    But! GameBoy is better than any handheld becoz it was first and %95 of its games were soo good :D
  6. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Can you clarify this?

    I haven't had any problems with DS games not working for me.

    Anyway the arguement about which system has better games is sorta redundant seeing as it depends on what a player likes.
  7. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    If by "psp games are playable" you mean "extremely boring", then i would've agreed with you.

    Damn PSP games have a tremendously SLOW pace. Hell, i was playing Monster Hunter one time, and i swear to god it felt like i was playing a damn MMORPG, with just how slow paced it is. And you call that playable? Hah!

    Hell, i saw a friend of mine play his PSP, and when i borrowed it for a while to play some, guess what games where in there... all PSX games! The PSP games suck so bad, he didn't even bother putting some in there!

    And lol at the 2000/200/100 argument. Can you even list the rest of the games that you consider terribly bad? The number of Imagine games won't even reach 50.

    Just because a game is casual (ex. Brain Age, Flash Focus, Clubhouse Games, etc) doesn't mean it's crap. PSP games may look incredibly good, but its gameplay is pure and utter crap.

    I'll take better gameplay over graphics, thank you very much.
  8. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    I agree. If you want flashy graphics, get a psp. If you want RPG, get a DS.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If you guys are having troubles finding good games for the PSP, you're the wrong crowd for the PSP to being with. Games like Patapon, Prinny, Loco Roco, Badman, Yuusha 30, define the PSP for me. Along with the emulators, that work really well.

    There's just not a lot of games for the DS that I like, I don't like the RPGs. The last DS game I got was the newer Castlevania and it wasn't that great. I also got Pokemon, it was alright, the only RPG I enjoy really. Otherwise there's not much that interests me, if another Mario game would come out on it I'd get it. I won't be getting Zelda because I thought the first one sucked. There's just not much that interests me for the DS, the touch screen is nice but, blahhhhhh.
  10. rebornalone

    rebornalone Well-Known Member

    I agree with this. The reason I bought the DS is because it suits my lifestyle and I like RPGs. As I examine the other boys in my college playing their PSPs, they play it because they like sport games like NBA and they gloat about the graphics of PSP being fantastic.
  11. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    and when you go to stores all they have playing in a PSP is sports games because that's the only thing good about psp games.

    i only want a psp so i can put PSX games on it...and probably some of the sports games for the psp. I use to have one and i had about 30 games for it and the only game i ever played repeatedly was twisted metal (mostly because of nostalgia from the originals).
  12. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member


    the only thing the PSP is good at is emulation. if i'm just looking for a great emulator, i'd rather get a laptop instead.
  13. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    i hate emulating on computers, i don't like using keyboards for some reason and i just don't like the feel of it

    I've actually never looked around, is there an alternative to using the keyboard..like a game pad for the PC that will work with emulators
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Almost any game pad will work with an emulator.

    A laptop isn't exactly portable compared to a PSP.
  15. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    unless you get one of those tiny ones, which are complete crap in my opinion
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Back to the whole PSP vs. NDS thing.
    We have a friggin huge thread on that issue.

    You guys complain about the battery life on the PSP like people complain about battery life on high end laptops. OF COURSE it's not gonna last as long with more powerful specs.

    I'd take more power over longevity since I have a virtually infinite energy source called a charger and an outlet.

    I like my widescreen PSP better. And to state again (like I've said many times before), most people get a PSP just for the PSX games.

    A lot of new RPGs came out for the DS, but I don't like them. Zelda TPH is too gimmicky with the damn stylus. BIG letdown for a big game. It's about as useful as the D-pad on an N64 controller, and has the same inconvenience to use. I was just playing GTA a few minutes ago, and I can't drive and resuscitate a patient in GTA CW, without hitting something or slowing down. (Pick your poison of not turning or not keeping up to speed). Same thing with throwing molotovs. Can't keep a constant stream of bullets and throw cocktails at the same time.
  17. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    quick question, has anyone figured out how to hack the PSP 3000's or am i going to have to buy a used 1000 or 2000
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

  19. Alato

    Alato Member

    Terrible topic title.

    But, I agree the DS is better. For me. You can't decide what's best though, since people have their own preferences, so different things = good for different people.
    I find the GBA had some great games, but not too many. I found Sonic Advance was pretty bad, in contrast to Sonic Rush, which worked very well. Lots of remakes coming out on DS, but I think they're better than all the GBA remakes/ports- Donkey Kong Country series, Mario Advance series vs. Final Fantasy III and IV, Chrono Trigger, Kirby Super Star Ultra. Although I have to say, Mother 3 is great. :]

    Then there's only a few PSP games which interest me, like Loco Roco. Not enough to make me interested in getting one, though.
    But then there's emulators. That's where I say... Pandora.
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    that was amusing, but i meant has anyone actually tried using the custom firmware for it...i knew there was finally a release but i don't plan on going out to buy a 150 dollar PSP thinking i'll be able to play PSX games on it and find out that its extremely buggy.

    I just worded what i said weird...i tend to do that too often, probably cause I'm half asleep while posting