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Why does getting a gun license take 3 years?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by usernameladiesman217, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I could pick this apart piece by piece, but I'd say that it speaks for itself. You're quite obviously a child lacking the maturity to understand what I'm trying to say, hiding behind your constitutional right to "bear arms" as an excuse to own a weapon you're not qualified to handle.

    A handgun will hardly protect you from a wolf on the off chance you come across one, and seriously, if you think you're going to pull a gun on a kid in the name of "protection" then you're not the kind of person who should own one anyway.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Fyi in most cases pulling out a gun would only escalate the situation, and if you weren't in a incredibly dangerous situation in the first place and you hold someone up with a gun (or god forbid, shoot), there's very serious legal implications.

    I only see a purpose in owning a gun if you're a shooting range guy for fun, or hunting. Fuck, using one to protect yourself only seems like a bad idea or doesn't even seem practical. If an animal attacks you, it'll usually come as a surprise (because animals aren't retarded). Like I said, pulling out a gun in a hostile situation will only escalate it, and make everyone freak the fuck out. Which is NOT GOOD.

    I don't get this attitude of 'it's my right'. I just, don't get it.