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Why do you personally pirate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by darkrequiem, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    I also forgot that most shops in brazil sell pirated games :D
  2. Landon1

    Landon1 Well-Known Member

    HEY thats like my life too! :)
  3. MidnightBlade

    MidnightBlade Member

    1. Because my parents are arseholes. (We'll buy you a dictionary? kthxbai)
    2. Cuz I'm a kool kid.
    3. Because the first game system I got was a XBOX 360... so I pirated all the classics...
    4. Because the very question of an allowance to my parents brings out a baseball bat and scissors.