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Why do you personally pirate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by darkrequiem, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    You either rim of the mod/admin or just repeat what nat/suis/lks probably says.
    I'm guessing sheep.

    Back on topic. Because with my knowledge I can make money from selling programmes
  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I don't care about the morality, I just asked why pirate. But you posted what really appears to be a self-righteous attempt to justify pirating, and that's all I had issue with.

    There has always been heaps of shovelware.
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Wrong. I value their opinions because they actually bring something of value to the discussion. The rest of you just make baseless claims or accusations, or worse, one-word useless posts...


    I gave you the reasons why I pirate. I answered the question. In no way does any reason justify piracy. I told you that already. Tell me how my response was self-righteous. Was I being "smugly moralistic?" Did I tell you to do this based on morality? Or that it was immoral, and that I told you to do this because it was immoral? In any way did I tell you that my reasons were superior and that all others should be dismissed? No. They are just my reasons, told from my perspective.

    Tell me exactly how was my response to your question considered self-righteous. If you can't find a basis as to why, then it isn't self-righteous; you just don't like the answer that you got.
  4. ranukano

    ranukano Member

    Agreed, what i said was not meaning to it lead to better games exactly. I find that if we continue it might lead in that direction, however it appears that most developer's are putting out horribles games for what you call better graphics. I whole heartedly agree with that. In fact in response to a FF7 remake they said it would take to much time to make a game as beautiful as FF13 with the FF7 gameplay and storyline.

    That in itself made me angry and why i was happy not to buy FF13, heck i didn't even pirate it. I got a hands on demo of FF13 in Japanese and was sad. Same to be said with common MMOs, Wow and Rift are both pathetic in gameplay, storyline, and immersion. You teleport and quick travel everywhere with a behind the back camera view. Thats not me, i liked to play as a barbarian or a gnome and see a height difference. Two big factions? Thats all that exists in this big ole world? What happened to the 18 different factions i could play as each with their own respective allies and enemies that could be shared, and even more unique that you could befriend your greatest enemy with enough work?

    Most media now a days is quickly made and fairly pathetic in all honesty. Gameplay and unique features has been overlooked for fancy graphics and multiplayer. Most games are streamlined and are expected to give instant satisfaction making the game repetitive and ending quickly.

    Music nowadays is filled with autotune, can't sing? no problem! Don't have any good lyrics? Thats alright! Just throw some tits and ass into the music video and sing about sex! Tada! Wanna be family friendly with not so harsh on the ear lyrics? Throw some techno beat in there and repeat the same thing over and over.

    Pull out an FPS game and besides slightly different graphics, i bet you most of the aimers, gun positions, hud positions, features, run speed, and physics is all the same. I've seen sample coding and i've worked on games myself. I know the re-using of code is a standard, i guess thats not a bad thing but jeeze at least change the gameplay itself.

    One game i've been proud of is those from Bethesda, their work has grown beautiful but i'll admit worse gameplay since morrowind, but they allow the users tools to change it themselves. I still go back to morrowind/Oblivion/Fallout series.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Instead of making "better" games, they just ramp up the anti-piracy on it, which usually is solved in a matter of days, or sometimes in 10 minutes... Seriously, why do they even bother? What are they trying to gain by doing that? Obviously not sales because it's not like sales shot up just because it has AP on it...Even if they are triumphant with the AP, sales still will not boost for reasons stated in an earlier post.

    I hate that they've jumped on the whole "let's put a bunch of unnecessary really good looking cutscenes that look NOTHING like in-game shots and fill the disc full of 'content'" bandwagon. Blame Square-Enix (or Squaresoft) for starting that trend. I'd much rather have more varied maps, instead of using the same one, except for this match, I start in a different spot. This is one of my only complaints with Dynasty Warriors 7. If you take out all of the video (that I end up skipping anyway) that hogs data, you'll probably end up with a 6GB game and not a 19 GB one.

    WoW WAS good until they started inflating stuff like none other and making the game easier by getting rid of certain vital mechanics like +hit. I talked with a friend of mine who just started Cataclysm and he told me that tanks now have over 100k health and melee dps did over 5k damage per hit, and casters did about 20k. Back in previous expansions, +hit was VITAL to doing damage, but with Cataclysm, he said that you are already hit capped right at 85.

    I'm not sure if his claim is accurate, but damn, that's just ridiculous.

    I liked it better when legendary items were due to a long-ass epic quest chain and not just mere luck of a drop.

    Fancy graphics and multiplayer. Everyone is jumping on that bandwagon, and the most evident one that I have is Test Drive Unlimited 2. 99% of the challenges are multiplayer, which I don't have access to.

    And yet, these pieces of talent-less garbage make ridiculously more money than we do, while the rest of us goes to college, gets a meaningless degree, and makes less in a year than what they make in a day.

    The biggest culprit of this recycled crap is any sports game with rosters. The only thing that really changes is who is on that roster. The gameplay really doesn't change, and neither do the stadiums. What warrants a completely new game when you can just buy the first game and update it? Can anyone tell me the difference between Madden '10 and Madden '11 besides maybe a slightly different roster, and a new boxart/title screen.
  6. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I apologize, but your first post in this thread does strike me as self-righteous. As I said, I was being petty.

  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I still don't know what struck you as self-righteous? Was it either about Mortal Kombat or Marvel vs. Capcom 3?

    If you haven't played the new Mortal Kombat yet, it hardly feels like Mortal Kombat. It feels more like Soul Calibur IV minus the 2.5D aspect and weapons. To me, it's slow as hell and not what it used to be. I stopped playing Mortal Kombat after IV because IV was just way too slow compared to MK Trilogy. And that seems to be the path that they have continued on.

    As far as MvC3 goes, compared to MvC2, which had almost 60 characters, it had 30-something characters at the time of release. Given the fact that it only took up 3.64 GB, you have over half a disc unused, which could have had a lot more content, in this case, characters. If this were PS3 exclusive, you would have 25 GB of disc space to use and potentially 50 GB if you're going to go that route. Using up only 3.64 GB is a waste to even put on a Blu-Ray. I mean, do you only use up 14% of a disc when you burn something to a DVD-R? No. You pack that all the way to the edge of the disc.

    But fortunately for them, they had just a standard dual-layer DVD, which they only used less than half of. Seems like they've got plenty of room to have added at least 30 more characters at release.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Complete bollocks. There has always been tons of shovelware, I was trying to sort the good C64 games from the bad before you were even born.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Why do I pirate? Because I'm a cheapskate, for the most part, but also because it actually benefits me to have a broader knowledge of the current game/music markets.

    I pirated Assassin's Creed 2. I had a mediocre experience with the first, and as a result I never finished it. I'd have never bought 2, but I had the opportunity to play it so I did. And I loved it. At the time I didn't have enough to buy it, of course. But based on the experience I had with AC2, I pre-ordered Brotherhood the day it was announced for PC. Same goes for Portal and Portal 2, but in this case I actually bought Portal after I finished the pirated copy because it was just so good. I talked up Portal to some friends. They bought it too. Some of them bought Portal 2 as well because they had just as much fun as I did. All because I pirated Portal.

    Look, that article on Notch's blog pretty much hits the nail on the head. Premium services based on buying the game and verifying it is the way to go. Online multiplayer locked to a username, that sort of thing. Give me an incentive to buy this game - new, free DLC like Magicka and Super Meat Boy; kickass multiplayer like Brotherhood and Portal 2; all those little things Notch offers in Minecraft. Make me want to support you. That's how the market should be adapting. Any attempt to force the internet - an entirely new reality - to play by the established economic rules by which industries work in the real world really is an exercise in futility.

    Gonna make history and agree with you here, shitty games are a mainstay. The real issue is the changing gaming tastes of the times, as well as the current shift in the development-marketing paradigm towards appealing to the lowest common denominator (people who play CoD and only CoD are a great example).

    Good luck with that, kiddo.
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    1 - I can't find it anywhere cheap/it doesn't exist anymore


    2 - I can't afford most things.
  11. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Suis,your a convict anyway-so it wont matter if your caught/banged up anyway LOL.

    And MSG,I thought your time was taken up banging the mothers of the members here for you to have any time for pirating or playing games.....LOL
  12. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Im moving onto grannies now im nearly old enough to be a grandad
  13. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I'm talking a talking about some petty cash such as £5 - £10 for office or photo-shop.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    What do you take me for, Australian?

    That's play money, real ballers implement pirated code and make 10k a month.
  15. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

    Because I like free stuff.
  16. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Pirating saves you wasting cash that is meant for sex/alcohol/gambling/drug use.
  17. ranukano

    ranukano Member

    Cept i'm married, don't drink, never gambled, and never taken drugs. Pirating saves me time and gas maybe
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    In case of my Wii:
    1. To save money
    2. To lose those crap discs (I save games on my external HDD to load them with USB Loader GX)

    In case of my iPod:
    1. Meh, no good reasons. Probably to save money.

    In case of my DS:
    1. Spending 40 euro's on a crap quality game....forget it.
  19. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt recommend sniffing gas......
  20. ranukano

    ranukano Member

    I modded the Wii for my mother when the grandkids come over. Its so they have something to do when stuck inside and they don't tear up the discs. Most of the games on the USB HDD are what they already own anyways. Seriously though, not sure how but it appeared they once put peanut butter on a disc and stuck it into the wii.