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why do you love or hate the country where you live

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rick4ever, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. jiawei456123

    jiawei456123 Member

  2. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    Hihi that's a electric guitar (the gibson GS) But I know you mean Singapore (the lion city).
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well apparently some dickhole (yeah excuse me for excessive cursing on this post as I am absolutely infuriated about this [​IMG]) from our country's "AWESOME!" (note the sarcasm :p) Military division (The AFP or Armed Forces of the Philippines) whose armament is so high tech *cough*Vietnam war era*cough* is insisting that R.O.T.C. (Reservist Officer Training Crap... I mean course) be once again re-introduced as a MANDATORY course/subject require by BOYS/MEN to graduate in College. About the fuckingly stupid move by the AFP in my opinion :p

    The assface said that R.O.T.C. should be re implemented so as to "encourage" College students (note FOR BOYS ONLY!) to take up a carrer in the Military if ever they FAIL at College :p

    Yeah right, as if doing marching drills all day in the hot sun (as in 37 degrees Celsius hot) would inspire one to join the military :p

    And yes, you read that right, ROTC in this country only involves some butthole officer making you march all day. In other countries you get to actually hold a gun & do firing range activities, but here? NOPE!

    And what infuriates me even more was I posted this concern at a local forum I frequent & guess what the plebeians there said?

    "D'oh ROTC is a good thing", "D'oh I lurved doing drills all day long"

    Seriously, the one thing I hate about my country:

    The people claim they enjoy freedom, but in truth they're too afraid to jump into the future head first :p

    EDIT: I just want to add something:

    Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm caught in between the cross fire of two warring factions :(

    On one side is RomUlation's community, where my non conformist liberal mind is welcomed & the other is my country & its good points.

    Yeah I love how most members here are free thinkers with some even seeming to have extra sensory perceptional thinking, but a lot of western ideas that are too over the top for me coupled with trolls makes it feel hard for me at times to be at ease. On the other side of the matter, I love my countrymen's ideal of camaraderie but their conservatist backward minds often clashes with my ideals.
  4. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    Off topic: For school i've to go to a country and see some cultural things. I can choose outt of these cities/countries:

    London, England
    Barcelona, Spain
    Berlin, Germany
    various cities, Greekland
    various cities, Prague
    Rome, Italy.

    Which one is the awesomest?
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Ive seen them all :p
    Depends what you like, Rome is my favourite out your list.
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Heres another reason I dislike this shithole.
    Research by uSwitch has revealed that high living costs, below average government spending on health and education, lack of holidays and late retirement have contributed to a bleak picture for Brits.
    To make matters worse, the UK no longer enjoys the highest net household income in the continent. Last year it was £10,000 above the European average, whereas now it is just £2,314 ahead, slipping below Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark.

    Britons in search of quality of life might want to move to France, as it held on to the top spot in the index for the second year in succession.

    Spain came second, while Denmark, Poland and Germany helped to make up the top five spots, with all these countries offering more days of holiday and a lower retirement age than the UK and Ireland.

    Recently, a study by Aviva and accountants Deloitte found that the UK has the biggest pension gap in Europe, with Britons needing to increase the amount they save each year to have a good retirement income.
  7. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I live in Brazil and...
    I love it cause...
    It's a beautyful country, has a dense forest in north and mid west region, many opportunities in São Paulo (Saint Paul) State, for those that study, I love it, also I love my hood, the rap music from here and thing. Here I am someone with something.

    But in other hand I hate it cause...
    Too many weed and cocaine around, the drug dealers with powerful stuff, the corrupt governament, the lack of oportunities for many people that live here, mainly imigrated from north east region (not much job and water there).
    I also hate the way we're seen in the other countries, in movies and thing, we're not like that.

    BTW I live in South East =D
  8. Admiral_Lindsay

    Admiral_Lindsay Well-Known Member

    I love my country.
    I hate the people that live in it.