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why do you love or hate the country where you live

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rick4ever, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Baacon

    Baacon Member

    Wow, this forum has a lot of people from so many countries... :D

    I live in Brasília, Brazil, and I love here. It's such a free and BIG country :)
    I wish to visit all the 27 states.
  2. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    Good luck then =]
  3. irbaboon

    irbaboon New Member

    I like Australia for the weather and the hotter chicks than in nu885's country.
  4. fantasyeight2222

    fantasyeight2222 Active Member

    I live in Canada,but would rather live in the UK.I visited there for a long time and truly just loved it.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    thats a joke, right?
  6. billy-bobjr

    billy-bobjr Active Member

    New Zealand cos we're awsome!
  7. Croassassin

    Croassassin Well-Known Member

    Argh The country Im in is ruining itself. R18 rating for games...Gone! Politicians taking more and more from us ruining jobs ruining Lives. internet cencorship almost due to be released. the government is finding way of controlling us completely what we see, what we think and what we do. Most of you know im talking about Australia. No offence to the Aussies or anyone else but thats just my Opinion atm although its got its good points the bad points ruin it for me! But even if the country I grew up in, is yet developing from War. Infested with people that are greedy and rough. It has beautiful landscape. Easy mostly peaceful place to live in. Some people are largely greatly hearted. Again this is the way I see it as it is where i grew up. How i love it and how i saw life to be as a child. My views on my current country are ruined because of these couple of bad points. But the people in this country are also greatly hearted. People are people and there are always good people and mindless idiots. No matter what country ur in.
  8. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    I still... love my country
  9. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

  10. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I have a love/hate relationship with Indonesia.

    Oh wait, fuck it. Indonesia is a corrupt shithole. Overall, prosperity has plummeted since well before the Dutch stopped colonizing us (fuck the Netherlands). Religious zealots just about everywhere you look. The legal system is nonexistent. The social system has gone down the drain since independence. The education system is laughable. Infrastructure is in ruins : see the traffic jams in Jakarta, the condition of roads overall in Indonesia (no city planning whatsoever), utilities which only work a few days in a week, and let's not forget about the SHIT INTERNET SPEEDS.

    On the plus side, it's where I was born, and I'll probably spend my life to try to improve it :)
  11. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    May god bless the dutch speaking people in Indonesia =].
  12. Grishnackh

    Grishnackh Member

    From The Netherlands, can't say I despise it but I definitely don't like it either.
    The mentality of -most- people here is worthless, look at someone the wrong way and expect to get into an argument.

    To many rules forced upon people, the police is way to gentle.. the prison system itself is a bloody joke and people keep wondering why there's so much shit happening all over the place.

    If I had to choose a country I would like to live in it'd be either China where my dad lives, or Japan.
    They might not have all those shiny rewards or pensions but at least people are still living over there. Obviously each country has it's own good and bad things but meh, tired of my life here.
  13. hufacuse

    hufacuse Well-Known Member

    I live in New Zealand. i love NZ cause of the scenary :) but I don't like the average food and everything is so damn expensive XD!
    I also like it cause it is so FAR away from holland. jokes
  14. deka01

    deka01 New Member

    Melbourne, Australia hate it crap internet and i dont like the cold so i hate winter but summer and spring are fine i plan on moving to LA when i can
  15. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    If there weren't dutch people, New Zealand would be called New Sealand. o_O
  16. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    you can't have a chimp as a pet.... :-\
  17. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    same here :(

    I love this country because it has geat beer.
    hmmm :) (Duvel, Jupiler, ...) -> Belgium
  18. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    I lives in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia because my country is peace from any wars since 1957 or below!
  19. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    This guy pretty much explained everything about why I hate the country I live in (Indonesia).

    Except for the last part, I'm getting the fuck outta here, ASAP.
  20. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    Don't they sell these beers all around the world? By the way, I prefer Heineken.