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Why do some women have short hair?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChevyNovaSS, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I asked my girlfriend, shes a hairdresser.
    She said its just different styles and it looks good and suits some people with different shaped faces etc.
    I dont think girls look less attractive with short hair, if somebody is good looking you will see that regardless of hairstyle
  2. demonjack00

    demonjack00 Member

    I've seen plenty of girls with short hair and it is HOT!!!
    Especially sporty girls and skaters and tomboys.
    maybe I'm a freak.
  3. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Someone asked this question??? Sheesh!
  4. ChevyNovaSS

    ChevyNovaSS Well-Known Member

    OK guy thanks for the reponses i just posted this topic cause i was bored and havent trolled for like a month (I usally troll on Gamefaqs but i got suspended for a month) now that im unsespended i wont cause mayham. And yes i do have long hair but it for liking Metal and Hard rock, i dont reakky mind short hair because it usually doesnt look good (Victora Beckham looks HAWT though) And no i dont like the kind of hair that is in TV commercials, its to shiny and straight. I like it curly but not to curly, like Sean White kind of. Thanks for not getting too mad at me ;)
  5. dt123

    dt123 Well-Known Member

    i dont mean to mean or anything but the other day when i was getting a haircut a lady was there and i thought she was a fifteen year old guy. But then i heard her voice and i was like damn maybe its jus a guy that sounds like a girl but then she told her son to wait patiently and her son said ok mum.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Topic really should of ended here.

    I didn't even read the first post, just the title.

    My hair is quite long, it's short now but i need to comb it all the damn time, when long...it's too heavy to comb and thus gravity does the work.

    It's kinda like a mullet when long...or some basic asian stlye I dunno.

    Think like Shigero miyamoto's hair, and no mine isn't exactly like his (his is based on the beetles) but it's close.

    Right now it's at spike length, and i hate it.
  7. Anne789

    Anne789 Well-Known Member

    I have been asking myself the same question about men. Why so some of them want to have short hair? Dunno, they just do, man. I like their hair longer than mine, but many of them don't, for whatever reasons.
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    This is from a 13 year old boy who has no sense of fashion and couldn't care less about it.

    I just want what's comfortable for me. I don't care about how people think of me (Except in important things like work, when I do start). Those people have no significant change in my life. One tiny opinion" You look ugly" isn't going to make me change what I find comfortable.
  9. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    what a pointless thread...

    also, your hair is far too long for a boy, get it cut or else people will start to point at you in the street.
  10. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    dude i know...they look weird...........wtf is up with that.....
    I personally wouldn't hit it, even if she was kinda hot........later on I would regret it if she whipped it out on me..... :D
    i would say something like "hey sweetheart whats that moving in your pants"...
    in a deep voice she would say something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQb2m6VJ-eo
    personaly, me no likey :p
  11. supleted

    supleted Well-Known Member

    I actually find girls with those cutie-pie haircuts (Short Hair) attractive.
  12. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    ive got short hair...i dont find anything wrong with it
  13. micaNel

    micaNel New Member

    Uh because they want to?
    Honestly, I don't think it matters if a woman has short hair or not. I, personally, have the same haircut as Justin Bieber, and I like how it's low maintenance and, fashion-wise, not too masculine, but not too feminine either