My opinion: If something should be banned, then it would be perfumes, 'cause they kill way more people per year, than smoking does.
Because it kills you! And hurts the people around you. And it does NOT make you look cool, it makes being around you unpleasant
because its a poison and people who smokes should just poison themselves not even knowing its a sin of omission
I drink alcohol just about every other day and that's a poison. It'll be awhile before my liver shrivels up and dies from this routine... are you recommending I drink more frequently? Because I will, you know, if I have a reason.
Well the thing is you need to look at it from different sides. Here in Holland we have a smoking ban on every single public place, as long as it's indoors. This includes restaurants, cafes and arcadehalls. Now, let's look at it from different perspectives. first the smoker: I'm a smoker myself so I would know this one the best since a lot of it is from my own experience. I know it's poison, I know it's addictive and I am aware of all the problems it can cause. Believe me I do. You get bad breath, your fingers and teeth turn yellow from it and all that other stuff. However, if I light a cigarette I don't want ten whiners breathing down my neck saying it's bad for you because I know already. I get that others don't like the smell or get problems from it like asthma and we shouldn't ignore those people or flick them the finger. However I rather don't get forced to stand outside in the rain, storm or cold simply because there is one person standing inside who can't handle the smoke. I rather not freeze to death simply because one smoke hater wants to stay warm. Sorry, it's cruel and selfish I know but I personally don't care about that one person then, let them go somewhere else. Let there be special places for us smokers then so we don't bother the rest but don't ban it everywhere. From the smoke haters perspective: It stinks, doesn't look attractive in the rain and all that smoke bothers your eyes and lungs terribly. Not to mention we smokers do poison the others even though they don't smoke. The smell gets stuck in your clothes and is almost impossible to get out and smoking costs a lot of money. The salesmans perspective: I don't mean to sound like an economical pusher but smokes bring in the buck big time. Not only from the sales of the smokes themselves and the taxes that go to the government but also from the cafes that get more customers without banning smoking than they get with a ban. In our country several cafes have had to close simply because they don't get enough guests after the smoking ban was put into place. They either didn't have the money to create a special smoking area or didn't have the room. I'd say let them decide themselves or don't ban it at all. No matter how you look at it, smokers do bring a lot of money, both to salesman and to the government so banning it would be an economical incorrect decision
So, basically you're saying smoking is bad for you but you continue to smoke? Nice to see someone honest . The matter of banning smoking itself and its mechanics is something for another debate. This debate, I think, was a strictly philosophical debate on why or why not we should ban smoking.
I'm aware of that this debate was strictly philosophical but from my point of view you should be able to understand the other sides of the story in order to give good arguments. You need all the facts so I was kind of trying to give those facts....vaguely apparently. And yeah, I prefer to be honest about things. I would think it would be rather hypocritical to do otherwise. Saying smoking is wrong simply because everyone else does is not my style. Not laying all the facts on the table isn't my style either. I've tried quitting a couple of times with the little cancer-sticks but that never went well. People begged me to start smoking again because I got really cranky.....and when I'm cranky I tend to throw with things. Not that I really had the desire to quit anyway. As for my own opinion as to if smoking should be banned or not and why I would still have to say a big NO. Why? because it does bring people together in my opinion. You usually only have a small room for smoking and everyone gathers there. I've met a few of my friends that way. Besides, if you just have certain spots were people can smoke then why would you have to ban it. It's a useless thing and unnecessary.
LOL perfume almost killed me. I'm actually allergic to any strong scented perfumes. Smoking? BAD. Why don't you masturbate? Its healthier and makes you feel like a man.
The only feasible places a ban on smoking can be enforced are public places, so we're not talking about totally preventing you to smoke (wouldn't hurt if you didn't, though). Instead, I believe the intention of such a ban is... to protect the general (health) interests of the populace. Honestly, if you lived in a place where everyone smoked, then there is no problem with you smoking. The intention was to HAVE such places where smokers can smoke without disturbing the general non-smoking populace.
I might have said this before...but in australia, we actually have banned smoking in under cover areas... HOWEVER! It fails-the inspectors for the public transport system, which are meant to be one of the few up-holding the ban, smoke underneath covered areas, on platforms...well the point is they smoke where they shouldn't be! And alot of kids SEE that-many under aged smokers around here Now they are trying to ban smoking in cars-yeah like how they banned mobiles incars? BS-they can't do nothing if those who are meant to maintain these laws can't see or simply don't care! What's worse, if a normal person stands up and say's "your smoking in an under cover area, and it's in my face" they will get knocked the f-out! And business won't help unless the manager has balls-in my old job, kfc, managers would advise not not to do anything (only workers from other stores would have the guts, and even if they move on, they cause a hell of a mess as protest...) and what was annoying, if say I was on my break, and a group showed up, and a family complained as well, I can't do anything about it due to my health...of them beating me down And that time, the manager, while tough on us, just said "I'm not going out there!"... We only had one manager who had the guts to do something, he stood out there and MADE them move, luckily he was well respected, he had the whole store to back him up incase it went bad... But my point-I'd DIE to see smoking banned and enforced well, but with the way we as people's not gonna happen (puts on gas mask) time to go to work...