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why ban smoking?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by thebiblenator, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    its ok to be polite, the problem is who should be polite, the smoker or the non-smoker when the 2 meet. What you are saying is that the non-smoker should be the polite person and excuse himself.

    My question is why should the non-smoker the one who should be polite rather than the smoker?
  2. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Global warming isn't a "myth" per se. It's a theory. If it's proven wrong I'll gladly throw it out the window, but current evidence shows otherwise.
    The G-Spot isn't a myth. I found it. :p

    The ridiculous thing about this is everyone so far has only attributed recreation as a reason for smoking. Seriously. At that point what makes you think that people have to go out of their way to be polite, when you do not do the same. If anything YOUR FUN < PEOPLE'S HEALTH (and YOURS too). If every smoker I had met had complied when I asked them to politely smoke somewhere else, my perception would have been different. But that is not the case. I don't mind people having their fun. Honestly, I don't care, as long as it doesn't somewhat endanger other people.

    If you want sources on secondhand / passive smoking, here are some:
  3. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Instead of psychos stabbing us or shooting us why don't they just breath smoke in our faces ?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    stabbing/shooting has a much higher likelihood of causing death in a short space of time. You may not develop cancer from secondhand smoke (although the chance is much higher than without the smoke), or even if you do it may be treatable or not terminal. depending on medical response there's usually less chance of surviving a knife or a bullet.
  5. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    Err... Loony I was being sarcastic.
  6. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    I'm going off the scenario that the smoker is standing somewhere stationary, and the non-smoker is walking by them. If the smoker doesn't notice the non-smoker, they may not know to move out of the way. I've been approached by people I haven't seen who've given me a hard time for smoking and do offensive things like getting in my face and coughing at me. I see no reason why they need to act that way. When I'm walking and notice people that will be passing along my route, I excuse myself to the side and as far from them as possible, and hold my cigarette higher so the smoke doesn't get in their face.

    I'm polite to non-smokers, but none are polite to me. The reason I said that a non-smoker should politely excuse themselves around smokers is because of how you reacted and the other gent reacted. It is completely beyond your belief that you should be polite at all, and that it is entirely up to the smoker to have radar and understand who has a problem with smoke being around them. I'm asking that you and the smoker be polite to one another. There really is no basis on who should be the polite one and who shouldn't! Don't go anywhere with that mindset!

    That whole belief that the universe revolves around you just creates everyone being rude assholes to each other! Be kind, courteous, and polite to everyone. It'll rub off eventually, that's what I keep hoping. You aren't in control of someone else's actions, but you are in control of your own, so just be nice yourself! I open doors for people, if passing by people in a small hallway I allow them to get by me first, I let people merge in front of me on the freeway, I greet people as I pass by them on the street, I make sure I don't blow smoke in peoples faces and that my cigarette is away from them, I ask someone ANYWHERE if it is fine that I smoke near them, and I have not once been thanked nor have my efforts acknowledged in the least bit. All I get is either indifference or these rude jerks that make comments and gestures at me just because I smoke.
  7. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    "Here's the thing- if you don't like smoking, that's fine, no one is forcing you. "

    People are not forcing but too many are encouraging.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    fixed the quote tag for you.
  9. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    why ban smoking?

    because its too damn invasive
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I'll go back to what i said, I'm not into banning smoking, but placing places for smoking and be strictly enforced. If people will only smoke in those places that have the sign saying : "SMOKING AREA",
    go ahead and smoke. and if a non-smoker comes in the smoking area, then you can leave out the politeness because in that area, the smokers has all the rights there.

    Its really admirable of you to put your smoke high above when someone if passing, it means you are concerned about the people passing-by. In our country, the gents here dont do that especially in front of ladies, they put it out.

    Oh yeah, in our country, we have a law, its illegal to smoke in public areas, so that means, the non-smoker has all the rights to tell the smoker to put out the smoke and leave or you'll get arrested and fined. I dont know in your country so, you are right, that politeness there should be strictly done, both smoker and none smoker.
  11. geffo

    geffo Active Member

    speaking of which i walked into a gym the other day now mind you this is a GYM but i could smoke in there now this is the first time every i have smoked inside a place of buissness but i dont think it should be banned why should it the goverment makes money of it any way why r they trying to get it banned if u dont wanna smoke dont if u do light one up and enjoy it
  12. KainOdius

    KainOdius Active Member

    Y'know, I'd love to see these so called encouragements.
  13. thebiblenator

    thebiblenator New Member

    thank you guys for all your help! because of this, our team won the championship and i got best speaker of the finals!
  14. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Good job.
  15. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Good job! Another point for those who want to hate and look down on smokers :(
  16. rodras

    rodras New Member


    If I might draw an analogy for exploratory purposes, virtually every point made in defense of smoking in this thread thus far could also be used to defend public urination. The analogy is relatively solid; cigarette smoke is poisonous, and urine is one of the body’s preferred methods of rejecting toxins. And I’ll have you know that taking a leak feels really, really good. Sometimes I do it eight times a day.

    Now, I might say that you should just avoid me and my incessant need to pee on things. Granted, it sounds cute in theory, but reality is not so kind. If a few people are inadvertently helping me guard the entrances of a particular building (say, a school, worksite or hospital) with our respective streams, there’s really no hope of avoiding anything. It takes surprisingly little to make such expectations unreasonable.

    And sure, if you take the time to say, “hey, mister, could you please step aside, so I can use that door?” I’ll gladly take my business elsewhere… but in all honesty it doesn’t do you much good, because at that point there’s already pee on the doorknob. Oh well, it’ll evaporate eventually (just like smoke will dissipate eventually). I wonder: would my claims about my rights to do what I want with my body fall on deaf ears if I peed on the buttons in the public elevator, or in the public water supply?

    …but enough of that nonsense.

    As a general rule, I support more than a smoking ban. I support a full-scale shutdown and illegalization of cigarettes and similar products. Reason being, the cigarette is essentially the one legal product around in our day and age which, merely by using it exactly the way it is intended to be used, you necessarily reduce your quality of life. Eating a McHappy meal doesn’t do you a helluva lot of good, but done in moderation with appropriate care for your cholesterol and activity levels, it’s not a problem. With cigarettes, there is no such thing as walking away unscathed. I hold this to be self-evident, partly considering the poisons present in cigarette smoke (formaldehyde, arsenic, tar, et cetera), and partly by virtue of having seen time and again what cigarettes do with my own eyes.
  17. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    They shouldn't actually. It is your right to smoke. I don't go around telling people how to run their lives so why should people tell others how to run their lives?

    Me, as a smoker I would say "If my smoking bothers you, then don't breathe!" :D
  18. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Ok, here is a fact: Most smokers knows that smoking is bad for your health and the envirionment. And those who first tried to smoke is due to curiosity and peer pressure. Also, its is addictive and hard to quit for some veteran smokers.

    The question here should be: Why do you smoke?
  19. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    I smoke cause of pure boredom...and I find it relaxes me. But I'm not a heavy smoker though...I'm a casual smoker if there's such a thing :D
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There lies every smoker's folly, you only think (rather your body only responds to it in a way that makes you think it) that smoking relaxes you because your brain has been totally fried by nicotine. See nicotine's composition kinda resembles a natural hormone (or something like it) that the brain naturally releases that is responsible for the sensation of fulfillment or relaxation. This feeling is the same thing we feel when we get full from eating, relieving urination/pooping urges or even relaxation by lying down or sleeping. Nicotine has this same effect once it enters the brain hence a smoker feels "satisfied". That's why most addicted smokers need to smoke after meals or when they take a dump because they can't get enough of the satisfying effect nicotine gives them.