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Why are people hating on certain home consoles?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Stanley Richards, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. TaylorWho

    TaylorWho Active Member

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    halo really isn't worth bragging about, you can keep it.
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Halo blows, don't like racing games so Forza is out, and Gears of War is a rental, not really worth owning. Well, look at that. Don't regret getting my PS3 yet.
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    What ps3 games do you have?
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    At the moment, as I just got my PS3 a month ago (almost to the day):

    Uncharted 2
    Modern Warfare 2
    Little Big Planet

    I'll be getting Uncharted 1 pretty soon. I can pick up all of these games and find continuous playability in each of them. To be very fair, I've played A LOT of 360 and know exactly what it has to offer. Although it may be for some people, it is very far from my ideal system.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Umm...since when has MGS gone to the Xbox?
    Also GT > forza, I also though Resistance was much better than Halo or GoW
  7. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    and the moon exploded when... ?
  8. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    MGS: Rising or whatever it's called
  9. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I read that as "monosodium glutamate."

    People hate certain consoles because people love to antagonise things. End of story.
  10. lil_azn_a55a5in

    lil_azn_a55a5in Well-Known Member

    you have to pay to play online with the xbox360 its bs!! but everything else is kool. I reckon the controller is better than the ps3 controller.
  11. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Well I find that it is bull with online for 360,as said before online cost money,but i found another thing on ps3, With assasins creed 2 you would earn points for completeing episodes...not exact but somehting like that,but any ways you could use these points to buy the first assassins creed altiars costume,keep in mind this is free all you have to do is beat the game and get free points,but in the 360 you need to pay for the microsoft points....I belive this is bull.........I would think that you would have to pay for the ps3 online since the ps3 does not have the red ring of death stuff,and the 360 would online would be free,because of it being such a crappy system....if the online was free and no red ring death it would be a much better system.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The hell are you talking about? You don't know anything about the Xbox's online service and you know it.

    You need Altair's wardrobe, it's mandatory to progress through the story, it's why you need to got through the platform sections to unlock it. Also you get NO points for beating the 'episodes', on either the PS3 or Xbox. You're the one spouting bull. If you're talking about Avatar costumes, yes you need to pay for it, but it's no worse than having to pay for costumes on Home.

    Xbox Live is a superior service over PSN, it's speeds are faster, it has deals every week now, there's Last FM for free if you're a gold subscriber, there's Nextflix, there's the exclusive content, party chat support, support to play music over ANY game, the online games don't lag as often as the PS3, and the exclusive Xbox Live Arcade titles (which IMO I find more enjoyable than a lot of retail games). Also in most cases the Xbox gets the superior port, I know there's exceptions but it's usually the case. Shoddy ports like Bayonetta and Lost Planet (even Lost Planet 2) show that the game runs better on the 360.
  13. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    I own them all, play them all, have fun with them all. I hate arguing over games.

    I got a 360 to play with a lot of my school friends, because a majority of us have a 360. I played a lot of MW2 and comparing it to 360 and PS3 is a big difference. Rarely anyone has a bluetooth/mic on PS3 and everyone just makes a bunch of new accounts. I do like the PS3's exclusives though, they need to make more. The 360 experience is indeed more user friendly and it is a bit more organized, interface wise. PS3 gets kind of messy, but the customization is awesome. PS3 also has bluray. I don't really care about prices, if you're going to buy an electronic, they are going to be worth a lot. The Wii, I got one when it came out and it was fun, but I got really bored of the games, after Galaxy, Brawl and Twilight Princess, there wasn't really much to do. It's still fun though when you're bored with friends. I'm still waiting for another ground breaking game by Nintendo. I love the DS, enough said. I used to have a PSP, but I got tired of it. I got it at a young age so I didn't know too much about unlocking and hacking things, etc.

    I have a PC with mediocre stats, I play some online games here and there. PC is always fun.

    Another thing I noticed is that when people have a 360 and don't have a PS3, they obviously like the 360 more. Same goes for PS3, they don't really know about the other console. PS3 fanboys always talk about Red Ring/Membership and 360 fan boys always talk about exclusives and features.

    The membership thing in my opinion, isn't even a big deal. I buy 1 years, which is 13 months, for 50$. But that's for all the support and the time you spend with your friends. The 360 comes with a headset, easy to use and you can talk with your friends and play with them. The Live experience really stands out compared to PSN, it's a bit more complex, but being free completely owns that. The downside is you're going to need or have a blue tooth headset of some sort to talk. Most people don't even talk any way or just have a billion of accounts. PS3 is a bit harder to navigate if you're a new user.

    I could go on and on, but they're both great systems.

    Nintendo is just legendary and I wouldn't put it in the two.
  14. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    I belive you are confused I was talking about assassins cree 2,and please do not flame me because I know what I am talking about......
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Now its turned into a quarell over console capabilities...
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Um...she didn't flame you. At least that's not how I read it. She made a claim that you didn't know what you were talking about, then attempted to back it up.
  17. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Ok,maybe I took it the wrong way.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If you're talking about Assassin's Creed 2, like how I assumed, then you don't know what you're talking about. Getting the suit in AC2 is vital to the story line, you need it to progress in the game. You need it. You also don't pay for it in microsoft points. I'm at the portion in Rome in AC2 (which is near the ending) and I have Altair's costume, which I got free, because it's vital to the story line.

    The only thing you have to even pay for is the Avatar costumes, which if Home had the same costume, you'd be paying for it anyways. Also the missing (corrupted) chapters in the story, which you have to pay for in both the PS3 and 360 versions.

    Also you get no points for beating an episode. I don't even know where you're getting this from.
  19. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    hang on maybe ill get a video or something i know what im talking about I just beat the game agin-_-
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You're not getting it, I'm at the end of the game, I have Altair's suit and armor and weapons, without having to buy any Microsoft points. Also you get no points for beating episodes, you might get achievements but those points mean nothing but epeen. And the PS3 has the same thing, trophies.

    the only thing in AC2 that you actually need to pay for a the two corrupted memories, which you also have to pay for on the PS3.