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Why are people hating on certain home consoles?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Stanley Richards, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I personally prefer arrogance over ignorance, everyone is a little bit arrogant and ignorant, but you take the later into a whole new direction and it propels you into the realm of both ignorance AND arrogance. You fail to recognize anything in any post, you ignore any fact stated in any post, you ignore opinions, you don't even recognize that you do all of this in your posts and you continue. Along with that you seem to not notice that you repeat the same points, if you look at your first post, then your last post, you'll see, it's essentially been there, done that.

    I know that sometimes I have bad grammar, it comes with me being bilingual, the way I speak in french makes it difficult for me to form some sentences and points in English. That being said, most of my posts still make sense, sometimes words are just switched around and is easily understandable. You on the other point jump from idea to idea, often not finishing the one previously made. Also if you want people to take you seriously in a debate, then spell correctly, know how to construct cohesive sentences/points and have a knowledge of English grammar. If someone wanted me to give them a job and they gave me their application and resume, and they had spelling mistakes or their sentences they wrote in on a question, do you expect me to hire them? Hell, even the thing you're criticizing me of, you can't spell it correctly, good one, guy.

    Also you have NO clue how hard it was to understand this post. Where's the quotations? Where's the capitalization? When people are all over the place having different opinions in some topics that often have no logic behind them, is either labeled as insane or an idiot.

    You're an ignorant, arrogant person on a soapbox that doesn't respond to criticisms or even properly participate in discussion. Anyone who opposes you, in your view is wrong, and the only thing you can do is repeat your points until people leave or you leave because all your points have been broken. There's so many unresponsive arguments brought up by so many people against you, look in any of your dead topics and either no one posted in them or you didn't respond to someone else.

    I REMEMBER YOU BROUGHT UP THIS POINT IN THAT ONE TOPIC. This is a showcase of how you repeated a point I disproved!

    And what?!?!?!?! A bad game? I didn't like Phantom Hourglass too much, but I still had fun with it. I just bought Spirit Tracks and I'm having a lot of fun, if you're a Zelda fan, I really don't see how you can think that it's a bad game. I'd say that the controls are definitely not for everyone though.

    Consider that a BluRay player at the time of the PS3's release was more than the retail price of PS3. Also consider that they had PS2 backwards compatibility as hardware instead of software.
    Microsoft is considered greedy as they're one of the wealthiest companies.

    The 360 just reached a profit not too long ago, it used to rely on accessories and software, just like the PS3. It's not just video games like this, a lot of things are like this. Retail stores get most of their profits on accessories as they have the highest profit margin.

    I think the PS3's price point is a steal considering that it doubles as a BluRay player, even now. Not only that, it plays games, surfs the net, plays all your music and videos (even off your computer) and upscales DVDs pretty good.
  2. Scent

    Scent Active Member

    Nintendo Wii - It's in the period the PlayStation Portable was, without good and attractive games.
    PlayStation 3 - It's too much to pay for.
    Xbox 360 - It doesn't have enough exclusives.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    if you can afford it and can afford expensive games, get a ps3
    if your not quite so rich get a 360, theres almost nothing between them and can get 4 games for £20
    get a wii if your under 10
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The wii part I disagree with, sure I play the ps3 more now, only because I already got heaps of games to finish, the wii my brother did most of the work.

    That reminds me...dead space extraction must be finished some day ::)
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    You know, somehow I'm jealous of you poeple who own home concoles :(
  6. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    and so you should be!
    i love my xbox
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Meh... I did have a ps2, with a dissapointing Final Fantasy X. But i was like... 8 i think, I used the controller to play cowboy D:
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Don't know why you specifically needed a PS3 user to tell you! :p

    The PS3 made and still makes the biggest loss per sale of the console. The Wii has been making a profit for years.
    The reason the PS3 was so expensive when it first came out is that the Sony factories had to be refitted to produce the new technology; blu ray players and the cell processor. The 360 and the Wii used existing technology that was already being mass produced.

    When they dropped the price, the reason they were able was twofold:
    -Technology drops in production costs all the time, this is due to the refinement of the manufacturing process and expansion of factories.
    -They removed a lot of hardware from the PS3; USB ports, SD card slots, the emotion chip, etc.

    They're still making a massive loss however.

    Also Natewlie:
    While it's true that MS and Nintendo make a good amount from the sale of peripherals, the same is not true for the PS3 as after the controllers, you can buy any other hardware and it'll be compatable with the PS3. So the PS3 ends up making very little off selling accessories and all the profit they make comes from advertising on PSN and the sale of games.
  9. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    It's not that the Xbox doesn't have exclusives.
    It's just that the PC has them too.
    But the Xbox has a lot of great companies on there side. Like Rare and Bungie.

    I think the PS3 is easily affordable. Game prices seem to be fair and they have a simple online buying system. Its also easier to buy a PS3 instead of a Bluray player.

    I guess the Wii doesn't look great. But it does a good job of keeping games creative. Its easy to enjoy things like WiiResort, No More Heroes and the Resident Evil rail shooters.
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i have a,
    ps1, ps2 controller, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 power cables, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 memory cards, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 guncon, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 dance pad, how do you use them on the ps3?

    you can buy any other hardware and it'll be compatable with the PS3.
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You can buy a USB adapter (the same one needed for the PC) and you can use them all on the PS3.
    That wasn't actually what I was talking about though and I think you know it.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Good point, the PS3 doesn't have much accessories to sell, the console doesn't really need any. It needs controllers, you might want a bluray remote, you need an HDMI cable or component (the former doesn't have a sony brand one), a blutooth headset (there's a good sony brand one), and.. that's it.

    Thanks ultra, you gave me a good laugh.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    if you buy a ps3 controller then you wouldn't really call it compatible with the ps3 because the controller is for the ps3 or if you bought other ps3 hardware which are specifically for the ps3 aren't really compatible with the ps3 as they are for the ps3. but if you bought a ps1 controller, then it is compatible with the ps2 or other ps1 hardware and other nicknacks for the ps1 which are compatible with the ps2. are they compatible with the ps3, yes with the help of other devices. but are they compatible without it, no.

    so going back to what i've said,

    i have a,
    ps1, ps2 controller, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 power cables, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 memory cards, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 guncon, how do you use them on the ps3?

    ps1, ps2 dance pad, how do you use them on the ps3?

    you can buy any other hardware and it'll be compatable with the PS3.

    it's only compatible with the help of other devices, such as the usb transfer cables. but that was never a problem back then as opposed to today.
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Why would you need your PS1 stuff on the PS3? PS3 creates a virtual memory card upon initial start up of a PS1 game, and every game will work just fine with the PS3 controller. Holding onto PS1 stuff is for nothing but nostalgia at this point. PS2 isn't even compatible on the slim, so I just keep my PS2 hanging around for when I want to play a last gen game, not a big deal. If you don't have a PS2 anymore, I doubt you're going to have any of the games either since you most likely got rid of it all if you used any of it to try and get a PS3.

    For the various accessories, who cares? Either get a USB adapter for them, just get a new one for cheap, or quit complaining. You have no argument. What bearing does backwards compatibility of hardware have on the quality of the system? Absolutely none unless you are grasping for an argument at this point. If you are even going to use that argument, than lets visit your recent thread for a second. All you do is hate on the Wii, yet, it is backwards compatible with pretty much all the GC stuff. Though, N64 wasn't backwards compatible with SNES stuff.

    Your argument is flawed, obviously biased, and overall poorly done.
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You're talking about backwards compatibility. Which is a whole other kettle of fish.
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    The ps3 controller is the same as the ps2/1

    if you're still playing Ps1 games, from the CD's you own, then you most likely won't care about transfering your ps1 save files over, for ps2, buy the expensive ps2 memory card - ps3 device, either that or start a new game, or just keep your ps2 and use your ps2 memory card in there.

    Why would you even need to use a ps2/ps1 power cable with a ps3, are you confused?

    How many lightgun games do you even own for the ps1/ps2?

    The same can be said for the xbox 1 dance pad, can't use it on the 360, oh well.

    Also, the ps1 right to the ps3 is the same as asking why your N64 stuff isn't compatible with the Wii
  17. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i'm just trying to clarify gaynorvaders reply,
    While it's true that MS and Nintendo make a good amount from the sale of peripherals, the same is not true for the PS3 as after the controllers, you can buy any other hardware and it'll be compatable with the PS3. So the PS3 ends up making very little off selling accessories and all the profit they make comes from advertising on PSN and the sale of games.

    why would the word "compatable" be used here and the use of "buy any other hardware". if you buy a ps3 controller for the ps3, it is not compatable at all because that control is specifically for the ps3. but if you "buy any other hardware" like a ps2 controller, then is it "compatable" with the ps3?

    the way gaynorvader made the reply here is that sony is slick some how by creating compatable things. again, don't ask me because the original comment is from gaynorvader, so ask him why he made such comment.

    sylar 1000 asks,
    Why would you even need to use a ps2/ps1 power cable with a ps3, are you confused?
    according to gaynorvader, ...you can buy any other hardware and it'll be compatable with the PS3....

    so it's not me, i'm just questioning what he is saying and it seems many are disagreeing with him.
  18. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Ah sorry, my fault, i should of read farther back.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Compatibility is being misconstrued here. Compatibility is just saying it works with the item in question. Thus, a PS3 controller is compatible due to the exact fact that it was made for the PS3. If you wanted to use last gen and older gen items, you would be looking at backwards compatibility. It is difficult to be innovative while at the same time trying to turn your system into three, two of which are much older than the one being developed.

    Also Ultra, did you miss the post at the top of the page:

    It should be fairly obvious that you are beating a dead horse at this point, but just keep right on going.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    He meant how the accessories aren't Sony brand, thus they don't make money off of it. The only Sony brand accessories I can think of for the PS3 are the controllers, the BluRay remote (which you don't need at all), the blutooth headset, and the component cables.

    With the exception of the controllers the BluRay remote (which again, is useless), everything can be bought cheaper if you find a different brand, the blutooth headset especially. Even an HDMI cable, they don't have a Sony brand one, so it doesn't count toward accessory sales.

    Strawman fallacy. Your point has no basis, stop committing it, it makes you look dumber in the process. You've used this fallacy a lot in the past and we know that you know what he meant by it. You're just trying to argue just so you don't have to agree.

    You knew what he mean.