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Why are people hating on certain home consoles?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Stanley Richards, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    erm...i have final fantasy 13 on my xbox 360
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I played DMC4 on the PC. not a bad game.
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Um...neither FF13 nor is devil may cry 4. You really need to read up on your computer games :p
    When have you ever ridiculed Nintendo?
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Facts have never stopped our buddy Ultra from ranting and raving.
    (It is funny that he lists DMC4 and FF13 as PS3 exclusives though).
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    see how they have forgotten about the exclusive of these two games [devil may cry 4 and final fantasy 13]. devil may cray 4 was originally for the ps3. capcom eventually decided to make it for the 360 as well. remember, final fantasy was suppose to be a ps3 only exclusive, then square decided to make it for the 360 when they revealed it during one of the game expo's. with the story behind heavenly sword, that they didn't earn money, nor did they even break even after selling 1.5million, it means having exclusives isn't going to help you earn money if you only release a single game for a particular console on the ps3/360.

    i have ridiculed how zelda spirit tracks is a bad game. trains in a fantasy game?! no way. can you imagine trains in a diablo game?! no way. but somehow this never existed before just as somehow devil may cry 4 and final fantasy 13 was once suppose to be a ps3 exclusive only and became multiplatform [which typically means ps3,360/pc, also psp in some case].
  7. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You made it out that DMC4 and FF13 were current exclusives.
    [quote author=ultra] with the story behind heavenly sword, that they didn't earn money, nor did they even break even after selling 1.5million, it means having exclusives isn't going to help you earn money if you only release a single game for a particular console on the ps3/360.
    What about MGS4, Halo3, Disgaea3? I can't think of any more off the top of my head, but quoting one failed game proves nothing.

    [quote author=ultra]i have ridiculed how zelda spirit tracks is a bad game. trains in a fantasy game?! no way. can you imagine trains in a diablo game?! no way. but somehow this never existed before just as somehow devil may cry 4 and final fantasy 13 was once suppose to be a ps3 exclusive only and became multiplatform [which typically means ps3,360/pc, also psp in some case].
    Umm...Final Fantasy VII had trains. I think you need to look up the definition of fantasy, it's not exclusive to Lord of the Rings type products. Also the steam engine was invented in Ancient Greek times as was the railway, it was just they weren't put together so it's entirely possible that in an alternate universe that they might have been long before most fantasy settings are set.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ff8 had trains
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    I remembered the time where some people wanted to hate Zelda because of Spirit Tracks. When it was released they were so wrong.
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    final fantasy had flying air ships as well. would it make sense to see those in a zelda game? what about a diablo game? fantasy follows a various setting but when a game is first made, it has already define the setting. playing majority of the zelda games, it has been defined a certain way. it would not make sense to redefine those terms again because then the game is no longer that same game. alienation of the gamer. in final fantasy 1, they had air ships and this means trains are okay in the game because of the way the air ships are designed. take a look, http://www.ffcompendium.com/h/trans.shtml. it's technology, a helicoptor on a boat. it displays a weird image of fantasy. so do trains on final fantasy make sense, yes because of the setting of the first game. if you took all of those away, it would feel different and not a final fantasy game.

    halo is the property of microsoft. so it will never become multiplatform. but it did went to pc right?! but pc is the domain of microsoft.

    metal gear solid 4. did they make the new metal gear game multiplatform or did they made it exclusively for ps3?!

    you see folks, i'm criticizing nintendo but for some reason i'm still a nintendo fanboy according to them. so am i a nintendo fanboy or am i not?!
  11. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    im not sure, i dont get half of what your saying.
    i know 1 thing though, gaynorvaders a ps3 fanboy :p
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I don't care whether you're a fanboy or not, I think you probably are even if you dislike one game that strays from your vision of what Nintendo is. As far as I'm concerned you're a very ignorant person as it seems that you just ignore any part of a person's post that you can't disprove.

    A train could be introduced into Diablo 3. New games can occaisionally introduce new concepts, that's how gaming evolves. And as I tried to explain; the steam engine is less technologically advanced than full plate.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    now they say they don't care if i'm a nintendo fanboy or not. but when i discuss about things they label me as nintendo fanboy. so in this instance i'm not a nintendo fanboy. but only when they don't like me. i mean, what is going on here?! am i or am i not a nintendo fanboy?!

    it's more then just one game. nintendo has internal problems. there are games that clearly don't sell but they insist on making them. i don't know why but they do. are they that dumb not to see that. clearly yes. you see another point of me criticizing nintendo. so clearly i'm still a nintendo fanboy. i don't know how but i'm still a nintendo fanboy.

    i wouldn't want trains in diablo 3. i would like air ships. even better, they should combine space ships with boats and even space station. it would make sense because the first two diablo clearly has made a defined setting and it wouldn't change anything at all if you suddenly see air ships or space station or space ships in diablo 3. i can see it clearly making sense. let's ask some of the members if it makes sense to see these things in diablo 3. do you people think it makes sense to see these things in diablo 3?!
  14. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member


    Maybe the games are too hard?
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    when all else fails, that you can't label ultra as a nintendo fanboy or something else, then it leads to name calling and other mockery. what is often great is you find at least one saying, i don't understand because you have so much bad grammer. they became experts in writing.
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    You do rather invite it upon yourself you know.
  17. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    console wars, go on youtube and search it up!
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    if you have nothing nice to say, then why say it at all. it shows arrogance.
    is that what it is, arrogance?!

    look at the previous comments about me. neither of them need to say those things, but they do. are they arrogant. yeah they're probably arrogant because there is no need for that. i didn't force you to type those comments and those are your actions. take responsibility for your arrogance.
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    A small amount of arrogance, perhaps, but also frustration and altruism. Frustration at your lack of attention to what's been said to you in all topics, arrogance that I presume to know more than you on the rules of social interaction on the forums and altruism because I'm honestly trying to show you why people get angry at your posts (of course there's always self gain hidden in there somewhere).

    Also; you're not exactly humble yourself...
  20. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Well, I think it's obvious prices differ from region to region.

    3 or 4 out of almost 50. Nah, sounds small.
    And I got most of that number from an EB Games employee.
    In my group of friends, only 2 systems broke. And they were PS3s.

    The Xbox is just as good as the PS3 or Wii.
    You just can't look at an Xbox and say exclusives,
    since Microsoft gets games off the PC and puts them on the console.
    Halo is still an awesome game. Sure, some say overhyped, but so are most famous series. Like Kingdom Hearts or Resident Evil.
    Then, there's the money thing.
    But take a look at the online games people play.
    They're mainly being sold to the Mature Rated audience (Mass Effect, Halo, COD, Fable, etc.). So Microsoft can easily get off charging for the online seeing as how most of its users would have some sort of income. Plus, you get more from the Xbox online than the PS3 online (Such as speed, amount of players etc.).

    I really don't see the need for saying which system is better in the end though. Everyone has preferences.
    I'd rather just have a game system to enjoy and not fuss about.
    But since I'm into violent games and a hardcore FPS player, I chose the Xbox.

    There is just one thing I don't get and would like a PS3 user to explain to me:

    The Xbox came out at around $250-300 while the PS3 came out at $600-700.
    The Xbox stayed the same and became cheaper until Elite and then stayed at $300 and making Arcade $200 or less.
    But the PS3. It changes a bit and then suddenly drops its price.
    Everyone said that Microsoft is the greedy one, but the PS3 was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
    Why didn't it just come out at $299 if it doesn't have problems with it's current cost?
    I heard the PS3 loses money with each sale, but gains money with sales of PS3 games and accessories.
    (Taken from a news report I should have bookmarked.)

    And any PS3 fanboy that takes this above paragraph as if I'm slandering the PS3, I'm not.
    Just wanted to know.