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Why are christians so hated?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Maxuellis, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    ...Are you a damn idiot? Honestly. Christians were not the first humans to walk on this planet. Get that through your skull. Christians came WAY after a whole mess of NOT CHRISTIAN societies. They just decided to take the current rules and use them. The fact that you think christianity made rules that were in place faaaar before it was even thought of makes me wonder if you're just trying to troll us.
  2. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    hmm, i agree that christians were not the first people to walk on the earth but they made the rules since there obviously werent any rules about 2000 years ago anyway. SO in conclusion, this makes your post utterly useless and undeniably pointless and not to mention extremely redundant.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    christianity was NOT the first religion either. There were laws and other religions long before christianity made itself a blot on the world.
  4. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    Can someone...please...help me here? The amount of moronicity in this kids posts is leaving me at a loss for words.

    Then again, typical Bible thumper, he's saying society didn't really exist until Christianity came about.
  5. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    Oh, its a blot now is it? Just staining the world and creating a mess am i right?
  6. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    Yes, you are.
  7. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    ok then, i'll stop. I'll let you'se have your fun. good night :)
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    I'll quote my self for the moral subject
    his post summed up nothing especially not well, it's usual diversion tactics, i don't fit in to any of those characteristics and most the people i know don't either the only ones that do funny enough are Christians

    as for dying, i will just die nothing more.
    my brain will stop functioning that's it, i will not think i will not feel nothing.
    and i like that, the idea of being around for eternity sounds shit, i want to live a full life and die.

    OBVIOUSLY!! what are you on about have you read any books at all or even have any knowledge of your own religion.
    to start christianity came hundreds of after the death of christ!
    there are many cultures thousands of years older then in the days of A.D. with structure and rule.
  9. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    and yes, i was partially trolling. I think its funny how most of the forums are being commuted mostly by 14 year old boys and they actually have a say in the world. nothings up to them nor religion. its all politics these days. beliefs dont exist in the 21st century. To think this is just plain silly.
  10. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    The fun part is I'm not 14, you moron. I'm 18, 3 months away from 19. But, unfortunately, I have to call you a successful troll.
  11. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    well, ok, on a serious note, i think that christians are hated somewhat because they dont take into account other religions or beliefs. I do agree they are rather ignorant and stubborn about what is "the truth" in the world, and people who arent christian just become sick of it.
  12. shinkukage09

    shinkukage09 Well-Known Member

    cjfc.vp, the sad part about your trolling...is that there are a lot of christians who would say those exact things that you did...and feel that they're true.
  13. 709zzy

    709zzy Well-Known Member

    If you have actually read my post, then I wouldn't have to repeat myself:

    Well guess what, I have met many Christians in my school and I have not seen a single one who fits the descriptions either, and the only ones that fit them are non-religious people. Does that mean everyone who is not a Christian must be a:

    No, because what we see in a group do not represent the whole group.
  14. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    umm, can you summarize your summary? I still don't know what you are trying to say?
  15. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Muslims go to Jannah. I don't think there's a heaven in Judaism. A bunch of other religions follow samsara, the cycle of reincarnation. The beliefs of Christianity are no more true than any other religion, and the problem is that most Christians act like they are the only real religion.

    And what do you mean there were no rules 2000 years ago? How about the Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables? Civilization existed thousands of years before the birth of Christ. Have you been learning history in a Catholic school?

    And don't troll, then admit to it; that'll get you banned.
  16. managod101

    managod101 Well-Known Member

    Not to worry about being offensive, i think they are just desperate for ppl to join their religion because i know from experience, catholics are the most popular, hands down.
  17. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Popularity doesn't mean anything, to be honest. In fact, the minorities are often the more level headed, while the majority are either jumping on the bandwagon or are just brainwashed.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i see again we get in to specifics and individual people or groups, remember this is about why are they so hated, which is a general question requiring a general answer.

    all that has been said can be agreed upon without having to argue over "well the Christians i know....." and "you can say the same about...."
  19. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    because the history of such a single-minded religion is atrocious... plus,let us not forget how imposing are they on people who dont belive in anything super-natural. That is why abortion is considered a right out of reach by a woman... and since the Church has only male leaders,this subject should be rendered mute (male-only-club has no right to say what a woman should do with her body) and yet here we have it day after day.Even rights for GAY people are being trashed because of Christian belief of what is "natural" and what isnt.As if being gay is the work of the devil ,so to speak.Ignorance prohibits them to see our history clearly: ancient Greece had art depicting gay "business" plenty of time.The world knew gays before Christ was born including the "holy" Roman Empire.And ofcourse other instances that others might remember better.
    If you study history (i did to some extent), you will find that the "good book" is nothing but a hear-say account on the past of this religion.It has almost no bearing to what realy happened. That is why it is called RELIGION - you MUST believe it happened,otherwise it doesnt work. It is the only product (faith) that has no guarantee it works ,but you can find out if it's true or not only when you die.How convenient.
    If religion was that real, i wonder why it doesnt "work" for us others. Why do only Christina people see Saint Mary in visions or believe they saw Jesus Christ,but in other parts of the world is something totaly different.Why didnt the Incas or Mayas see the God it is portrayed in Catholic churches ? So ,what happens to people who lived 15 000 years before Christ ? tough luck being in hell just by not being born a Catholic believer :) That's only 1 contradiction out of 1000's on this theme.
    Besides,dont forget the billion dollar settlements of priests who raped or molested little children.People then tend to hate everything that has to do with Christian religion,which is ofcourse stupid. I personaly dont hate any laic person who believes in god or what-not.I do hate it when their views are imposed on us. Example of a doctor who doesnt want to give an abortion pill to a RAPED GIRL because his religion (christian in this case) prohibits such actions. Crazy enaugh?
    Taking into account these things i said,it is easy to assume why people tend to hate (in some parts of the world ,im guessing) Christians.This is only a crude explanation in my view,how i understand why this can happen.But certainly i dont tollerate hating somebody just because of a certain belief.I understand it,but i dont condone it.
    But there should be a question what is it you consider HATE against Christians? For example:somebody would consider hating Christians just by someone to be stating that their religion is flawed or contradictory or derogatory against women...

    Another reason for hating Christians,in my opinion, is what the majority of so-called believers DO. It is not their beliefs that are dangerous,but their actions because of their beliefs. I heard of only one religious person that made any sense ,plus he argued that everythin in the bible must be taken FIGURITAVELY and not literarly,which makes sense in a few aspects.

    I myself was never raised nor conviced to take part in a religion other than believing in myself when i can ;) I never saw any visions nor did i explain the un-explainable by not thinking hard enaugh and just saying "it is a miracle!" ... i tend to be too rational sometimes,but that habbit can be debated if it is a flaw or not :) i think it isn't :D (and this is the real difference between belief/religion versus rationale. Religion tends to make people BELIEVE ,even if something ain't true.Rationale makes people THINK which brings up debates and rational conclusions.that is why people who say that science is like religion are ultimately wrong,no? )

    These were my 2 cents.I hope it made sense at least in a small way...it is kind of late here (2:27 AM) and im freakishly sleepy ;)
  20. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    god one of those people who go around premoting a religion came to my house. i think they were mormans?
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