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Who's Portfolio? Koshou's thats who's xD

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by Koshou, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. Ratchet2325

    Ratchet2325 Well-Known Member

    Those are great. I really like the doodle. I have a couple drawings from a year or two back. im not really sure why i stopped.. Anyway, maybe ill upload what i got and Draw some more. Love to see more from you soon. :3
  2. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    You will :D
    Right now I'm working in creating my one anima characters :)
  3. drybones41

    drybones41 Well-Known Member

    OMG, a human bunny easting a burrito... looks simple but good.
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Dude. I came in my pants when I saw that doodle!
    Keep up the great work and develop that talent! :D
  5. j c 2000

    j c 2000 Well-Known Member

  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    If you need ideas, then you should totally do an angry person putting an axe through a computer and the desk it's sitting on. Double points if the user is at said desk at the time with a scared expression on his/her face.
  7. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    Hope you like it C:
  8. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    These have got to be some of the best drawings I've seen from a non-professional artist.
    You truly have an amazing gift.
    I especially like the detailing in the hands picture and the near-perfect rendition of geishas in the original Japanese art style.

    I like the bunny and the burrito too. :D
  9. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    Cool guy C:
    Thanks Toffee<3
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Very vivid and surrealism style drawings Koshou. You capture a lost essence, and at the same time are able to hearken to times lost with the pencil celled style I adore.

    Truly fine pieces to marvel at, and marvel I am doing.
  11. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    * in awe by your words *
    Thanks it does mean alot to know theres a reason I have my skill
    I adore comments like yours<333

    (well I appreciate all comments!)
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    By all means, I hope you continue to add to this, and keep them coming.
    The only tragedy in this, is the fact you might forget about this thread, and stop posting.

    That would suck.
    I'd be proud to make one of your drawings my desktop background.
    Please promise me you'll keep drawing, as that was one thing I could never do.
    You capture a world, a paradise even, full of mystery and hope, yet you do it without ever leaving the pages of a notebook.

  13. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    I promise I will keep drawing C:
    Drawing is a huge part of my life :)
    It's all I'm good at haha
  14. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Not true. I saw your picture, you're good, damn good at drawing.
    but it wasn't the only thing God hooked you up with. Believe me on this one.
    being able to use a God given talent, to enjoy drawing, and to make people smile on top of that, means you're set for anything that may come your way.
    Please have more faith in you, not just in your abilities, but in yourself in general.
    Draw for a reason, rather than having a reason to draw.
  15. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    I agree.
    It would be an absolute tragedy if you didn't keep adding to this.
    You are truly gifted and have an amazing eye for details.
    Though I must say, I don't think you're art isn't entirely how dedboy is painting it..

    I admit, those drawings truly are amazing. They are some of the best artwork I've seen in a long time.
    HOWEVER, I see some significant room for improvement.
    I see that you mostly draw upon influences from anime, and Japanese culture when you do your artwork. This is good, because you have a talent for details.
    Now, the next step you should now consider in doing artwork is drawing a bit from realist paintings and/or modern art.
    Having experience with proportions and detailing the human body will only help add to your talent.

    And also, try mixing up different styles to give your art a sort of "signature" of you. Your art is amazing, yes, but if you don't develop your own style, then these won't be any different from the art of the artists you drew upon.

    Still, you are very talented, and I'm sure with enough practice and training, you will truly master your craft.
  16. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    Haha Toffee these aren't drawing of my best work
    I do agree that I need improvement but detail is my strong point
    I can draw from doodles to people lol
    I'll show you what I can really do >:]
  17. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    By all means show us! :)
    If these aren't even your best work, then I'm sure what you have in store for us will truly be awe-inspiring!
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    She will. Just let her find her spot in her soul. Once she does, her work will bring us to tears.
  19. Koshou

    Koshou Well-Known Member

    Okay :)
    accepted ^^
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I especially like the geisha one, has that "looks can be decieving" vibe to it which I love :)

    Keep it up m'am.