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who is harder to raise: boys or girls?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by hi1116, May 7, 2010.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    One reason and it's always the same: profit. Goddamned capitalism.
  2. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    yes, I guess the question should really be what kind of twisted parent would actually purchase said clothing for their child and allow them to leave the house looking like that?
  3. bsarmini

    bsarmini Active Member

    Girls are good at some things and, sorry to say this, usually work harder when it comes to education. Boys are usually tough and care about their strength
  4. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've seen it go both ways.
  6. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Me too; but this is supposed to be a PG 13 forum
  7. ultra

    ultra Guest

    this is the easiest question. the answer is the girl!

    it's a girl! one thing that is often a problem with girls is that it's a girl. a girl can get pregnant. if a girl get's pregnant, it's a responsibility of the girls parent to help even though her parents do not like it and that is more trouble. if it's a boy, he is kicked out of the house and on his own. the idea is that the guy is to take responsibility, which is why he is kick out of the house. the woman on the other hand is irresponsible, and it's okay she screwed up in the first place because she's stupid. this is why the girls parents are responsible for her even though they don't like it. this is why parents are more concerned with their daughters as opposed to their sons. so if you're a girl, reading this post and your parents are on your back about staying late, it isn't because of drugs and such [even though they may say so], because guys are also just as likely to do drugs as girls. but what differentiates girls and boys is that a girl get's pregnant and a boy does not.
  8. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    "So sorry Mr and Mrs Smith; I'm just rambling on. The nurses and I will give you some time alone with the new joy of your lives".

    Also, ultra, I loled reading your post despite the fact that it would likely qualify you to some sort of state-benefit for the mentally impaired.
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Most parents seem to think that they are not accountable for what their children do. It's all video games' or tv's or some other such BS' fault. It makes me tired and sad every time I see another example.
  10. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Some guy was already doing calculus in sixth grade while another guy memorized 200 digits of pi in third grade. Though those are only two examples. I'm not quite sure if I have any more.

    I've noticed that girls are more into reading though.

    I'm sorry, but a ton of the girls in middle school act like dumb bimbos.
  11. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    LaughingStock and ultra, you two seem to have some women issues.

    The hard part with having a girl isn't teaching her about training bras or tampons, it's trying to teach her about being constantly aware of her surroundings because, as a women, she's pretty much in constant danger. Doing this while also trying not to make her afraid of everything is a very difficult balance. Not sure if you're all aware, but about 1 in 3 females will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. This is a HUGE number, almost hard to comprehend, but the fact is most of you probably have a woman inyour life who has been sexually assaulted. Unfortunately the number of assults that go unreported for one reason or another is also staggering.

    No, teaching girls about their periods is the easy part. Trying not to panic every time she leaves the house? THAT'S hard.
  12. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    But I'm sure all the guys are exemplary members of modern society.
    I think that that's an exaggeration...
    I couldn't believe that statistic when I read it. But, after doing a little research, it looks like it's true :(
    I also found that 1 in 8 men will be raped in their lifetime (according to figures held by the FBI; which means that the statistics apply to American men. I'm sure that the frequency of rape in male prisons is what has pushed the figures up).
    "The FBI estimates 1 out of 8 men will be sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime and these men need support as well".
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    The difference is, when it comes to violence against men and violence against women, about 95% of the time it's men committing the violent act. As a child and relatively helpless, you are more likely to be assaulted by someone close to you - a family member, priest, teacher, coach - than a stranger. As one ages, men tend to fall off the radar in that respect as they can better defend themselves, unless it's a man-on-man crime, whereas women continue to be in the line of fire, be it in the form of domestic violence, date rape or random crime. Women are quite regularly attacked and, unfortunately, this is virtually ignored by society as a whole. Maybe, like yourself, it's just too hard to comprehend the actual facts so you just don't believe it...most of the time, though, it's just plain ignored.

  14. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    It was just the "1 in 3 woman are sexually assaulted in their lifetime" statistic that I found hard to believe; and I did check to see whether it was true (as opposed to outright dismissing it). I don't think that society ignores crimes against women (or, at least, western society doesn't), but there are a lot of miscarriages of justice that seem to be related to the sex of the victim. Here in Britain, there have been a lot of reports of women reporting rape whom are heavily interrogated by the police to assess the validity of their accusations (them saying that they feel like the criminals is pretty common. I don't know if there have been any improvements recently).
    Women are often the targets of crime because the perpetrators of crimes look to pick the easiest victim, and most men are physically stronger than most women (as you said previously) and find it easy to intimidate women. Women are at a disadvantage here, I certainly would never argue otherwise, but being cautious about personal safety is better than living in constant fear and paranoia.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    domestic violence by women against men is the ignored statistic, especially in the western world. There's also quite a lot of cases where a woman cries 'rape' to get a man in trouble for no reason other than being vindictive. In these situations the system is heavily biased against the man, and even in the cases where the man is aquitted, his reputation is permanently tarnished. Same happens with kids, they accuse someone of touching them inappropriately out of pure spite, and the person's life is permanently ruined, even though they are completely innocent of what they were accused of.
  16. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    There barely seems to be any of these cases, and the ones that do come to light are extremely unlikely to end in conviction.
    It could (and probably has) happened. I would imagine that the minor making the false accusation out of malice would likely be in their teens though; I find it hard to believe that a young child would make false rape allegations (but there was a story here in Britain a while ago about a little girl that made up a false story about someone coming into her house and molesting her, I think. That's a very rare turn of events though).
  17. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    This is a question which requires chapters of writing, or even books (and that would take forever, so i will be brief)
    Men are easier to raise we don't ask for much...
    when i was small give me a rock and tell me it was a transformers and i was happy
    im not saying i was stupid, i just had a big imagination.
    Give something like that to a girl, and say it was a doll, she would most likely loose it....

    *On the other hand you could see this in a money sense
    -sweet 16 (or 15 for mex)
    -baby showers
    -marrige cost (if they ask you to chip in)
    -parties (must be done perfect....well actually preety much everything)
    women are more materialistic....they believe that they require more to survive ::)
    hey im not cheap but imagine what you could buy with all that money

    -parties (small get-togethers)

    **see it in our day an age (both men and women)
    and you can probably notice some diffrences that have come about in society for exampke:
    -i saw a 7 year old kid with a phone....(wtf...why does he need a phone)
    (i was either blind or something but i don't think a big portion of kids had that [lets call it]privilege back in the day)

    ***raising & personality- it has a lot to do with it
    -snotty kids
    -parents being lenient towards kids actions

    etc...etc... etc....
  18. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Doughboy, IMO boys can be demanding too, I think that we do ask for quite a lot.
    Computer games, games consoles, toys, bikes, instruments, software, computers etc (I know that these things aren't exclusive to boys). And then in the teenage year I think that males can be equally demanding too (driving lessons, a car, drinking money, money for "clothes", money for school supplies etc). I think that it's true that the type of things that each sex generally asks for varies, but the boys and girls both have the potential to be equally materialistic. I'd like to know which sex is most likely to get a job in the teenage years and what the average age for getting a job is (I can't seem to find modern statistics, the nearest that I got was this.).
    As you say towards the end of your post, it depends on how an individual is raised and their personality.
  19. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    For me it is the same whether you raise a boy or a girl ;D
    It is the mental development that results in the difficulty of which is the harder to raise >:D
  20. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    markswanyeah you make some good points
    although the software and games can be debatable, in my experience i only had a gb, and gamecube growing up with two games and i was happy.
    yes we can be demanding but the fact is women tend to be a little more (this is based on my experience)

    mostly personality if you ask me (etchnicity maybe....by that i mean sweet 16)
    i agree with UniqueNinja