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who is harder to raise: boys or girls?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by hi1116, May 7, 2010.

  1. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    lady gaga lool
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I've heard a few "instances" because a few of 'em were hoaxes &/or was a result of medical malpractice where the infant boy's ding dong was accidentally mistaken for placental mass & was cut off (yeouch!). But I am wondering, is there a chance a hermaphrodite human baby can be born?
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    theres nothing wrong with a slap on the ass if kids misbehave, i have no problem with it but for now the naughty step and taking away the toys works fine.
    I am dreading the point where my daughter gets into her teens though, im the most laid back guy on the planet but im going to be grey/bald with worry
  4. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Yes, there is. It's genetically related actually, but cases are few and far between. Although one part of their genitals are usually deformed in some way. For example, a working penis but a deformed vagina or the other way around.

    Look at Lady Gaga for instance ::)
  5. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    It's actually relative. No child is same with another, so it's different from each person.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well when you get a boy to raise I suppose it would be harder, I, myself have not yet observed a girl enough to pass correct judgment.
  7. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Good people are for sure harder to raise.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    as this is my area of expertise (studied childcare and now at uni studying children and young people) i will say that all children basically have the same potential and it is only how we treat them that has the effect on how they behave.

    there is a large amount of factors that have impact or determine your view point or the reality of the question in hand

    i could probably sit here and write an essay but i can't be bothered but to sum up what i would say.

    through the way we treat boy and girls differently the most generalized answer i could give is boys are easier to raise.
  9. PeachMilk

    PeachMilk Well-Known Member

    True in our household.

    Four women.
    Three men.
    One week.

    - - - -

    In my family, both parents and four out of five kids has some sort of mental illness, so my case isn't going to be fun either way.

    It's the parents, not the kid.
    I noticed little boys ( in my neighborhood ) are very rambunctious little scamps. Very energetic and somehow causing mayhem with simple things like dirt... and miniature baseball bats.
    Then again, meeting my teacher's little boy was very pleasant. He was a little ball of energy, but was very controllable and enjoyable.

    It really does depend on the parent. You see those kids on tv with the nanny who curse, throw their legos and say they hate their parents. Then you enter another house and see a kid with manners. They're going to be easier to raise if the parent does it right starting young. I do believe in a spank if the kid is really out of control, but they need to be disciplined to learn what's right and wrong. Whether that means a time out and a small talk of why they were sent there in the first place, or getting their toy taken away.

    Then there are those kids who grow up fine and then turn into shit when they're adults...
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You realize those shows are scripted, right? It's like watching Maury Povich, with the "My 12 year old is out of control, trying to get pregnant! She has unprotected sex with dozens of men every day!"
  11. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    THEY ARE! I don't think all of them are, but I know some are...
  12. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    honestly i think boys are easier to raise just because they dont mature as fast as girls do

    - boys dont have PMS
    - boys aren't excluded from rape but its less likely to happen
    - boys grow hair not breasts (well.....some don't)
    - boys arent as emotional in most cases

    unless they grow up to be gay then boys are harder since they turn into "girls" most of the time, and most girls who are gay turn into "boys"

    i dont have any kids so i guess i dont really have any hardcore evidence other than my own reasons why
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    men have breasts as well. breast cancer has a higher rate of fatalities in men than women, purely because most men don't realise that they can get it
  14. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    yea thats scary, i meant we dont "grow" them like they dont get bigger they stay the same size... the growth is weight/hormone related in men its not natural for men to have like a C cup
  15. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I don't know, I saw a man with bigger boobs than mine (they looked like it). On a man, DDD+ breasts are absolutely disgusting attractive.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ethier is bad depending on background, other external influences such as friends and tv, dislikes, etc.

    I know me and my brother would of been tough, ratty mates, violence on 24-7 so we LOVE those kinds of shows, and nothing but gaming in between.

    And we were both spoiled brats as well, so there goes our parents money :p
  18. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I have a son who's almost 3 and (man, I hate to sound like the bragging parent) basically the most well-behaved kid I've ever seen in my life. I'd like to note, also, I have never once hit, smacked, spanked or ever used any kind of violence against him as discipline. People don't give kids enough credit but they're well aware when they're being treated with respect and are way more likely to act respectfully in such an environment.

    That being said I can only imagine as he grows which I'd find more difficult. I thought I'd be able to relate better to a girl, being a woman myself (as it's not overtly obvious here), but considering I prefer videogames to Barbie any day this is probably for the best.
  19. DECADE5

    DECADE5 Well-Known Member

    I call girls. Mostly because of puberty they want to do all kinds of adult stuff and try everything out themselves, but they can't comprehend that not everything is safe for trying. (Damn human biology, I blame God *let the flaming begin >:D* ) They want to get 'real ladies' REAL quick and often do something stupid *teen pregnancy FTW*. For guys it's transformers, guns, cars and then sex but maybe it's just me.
    Now I know I said stuff maybe too harsh, but damn me, if I marry and get a daughter to raise. It'll be a nightmare scaring off the hordes of potential virginity-takers. That's no joke.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    No guys are just the same, or at least i was. come 13 all i wanted to do was fight, drink and get laid, girls my age hung around with us and did the same. pregnancy doesn't just affect the girls either, the fathers have responsibilities too.