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Who is Australian?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by necr0, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    There is a lot of racists. (Sadly...)
  2. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    ik there are im Not racists to any kinds of people
    are you?
  3. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Not really.
    I am very strong on the Asylum seekers debate, but I wouldn't call that racist.
    I simply have very very strong views on it.
  4. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    Mr.Heuristic is an immigrant (from UK) now Australian ( not flag waving here ?) immigrant from the UK when I was a teenager
    Sorry to re-invoke this - an old post / thread - but that's me - an Australian through and through !!!!
    The talk of (UK members) referring to us Aussies - as convict stock etc, humors me ( why the put down guys?)
    Settlement 200+ years ago was a true struggle for these "unwilling" cross continent victims of "bread stealing " crimes ??
    I subscribe to the Kevin Rudds SORRY to the Aboriginal people - to the original custodians of this great land we live upon.
    Many languages of this land have been lost due to white fella annihilation practices and forces beyond their control ?
    They - (Aboriginals) looked after it (Australia) for 80,000 years until the white man came along 200 + years ago
    My best mate is a true Australian historian ( he educated me ) in the major mis-truths of our (Australian) history here !!!!!
    It is a pity the UK does not get the same info as we have here - then maybe .... you could think in another way ???
    We will always be convict stock (SCUM) to some UK bigots - but were proud of it - ROFL !!!!!

    It is terrible Aboriginal culture has become a political issue to white Australians (It embarrasses me ) I am white UK born ???

    They my mates (Aboriginals) are of this land - This issue is beyond ownership
    It is an issue of who did the best job for the last 80,000 years + ???

    I vote in confidence for the Australian - "colloquially" termed Abbo's" they deserve a better deal in terms of respect ?

    Only a Labor government will give you a break here - fellow Australians !!!! ????

    Thank you for listening to my rant on UK vs AUS viewpoint on this topic
  5. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    woah woah woah, the fuck is this?
  6. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    Native Aboriginals - The True Australians (nurture people) deserve much more respect than they get . . .
    The term Abbo's is derogatory - excuse my my terms of reference here !!!!!
    The Australian native aboriginals deserve better than what they get - ! ! !
    Gov't-Intervention is many faceted ideal . . . Let's get it right people of Australia
    For their future .... be positive .... is the only way to go - support Aboriginal rights
  7. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Are you some kind of Aboriginal spam bot?
  8. Sarra93

    Sarra93 New Member

    you missed australia day :<
  9. Mr.Heuristic

    Mr.Heuristic Active Member

    We immigrant ... (imports) have to live with the Aboriginal native keepers of the land we live upon)
    You / we gotta show some sort of respect to your 80,000 year old neighbors !!!!

    I think we modern (white) Australians can learn something from our early inhabitants .... Nuff said !!!
  10. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    no look at the names of the people he quoted :/
  11. ColeMorrison

    ColeMorrison New Member

    Aussie born but live with the Poms. Adelaide myself.
  12. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    uh. Adelaide.
    Your water is horrible.
  13. William!

    William! Well-Known Member

    LOOOL! yee im 100% aussie, i follow footy, and man, haha, yeah julia gillard... i probably tease her more than anyone else on earth!
  14. reekon_retro

    reekon_retro Well-Known Member

    I'm from the land directly north of Oz (it's initials is a picture format). Love footy, Queensland finally got their ass kicked LOL... Hope the decider is a good nailbiter though, hehe.
  15. RY-Cleru

    RY-Cleru New Member

    Another one right here. ^-^
  16. Sarra93

    Sarra93 New Member

    nex is australian too but I think he's ashamed to admit it for some reason :s
  17. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    you're a mean spirited person