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Who is/are the worst rapper(s)?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Barathrum, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    2 Pacman?
  2. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    I dont like french rappers. I hate rap in combine with this language, i dont know why!

    My favorits are Aggro (the complete label), Bushido, Alligatoah!
  3. metashinryu

    metashinryu Well-Known Member

    ice-t sux.
  4. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Ice-T goes, what are you talking about. If you like rap, and don't like poeple like Ice you have no taste in rap music
  5. klevelend4

    klevelend4 New Member

    I consider myself fairly eclectic in my choice of music, but I will admit that rap/hip-hop consume the majority of my listening time. I have been listening to hip-hop since the late 80's and still love it today. To those that say hop-hop is dead are wrong it's just underground. Rap is just one of the 5 arms of hip-hop including: B-boying (breakdancing), graff (graffiti), Djing, MCing, and Life. Hip-hop isn't really a genre more a way of life and to be honest most don't live it anymore. Rap nowadays has taken a different meaning, instead of rhyming about struggles, oppression, and injustice, we have rappers taking a different perspective of money, drugs, and women. These rappers are supposedly giving hope to those that don't have these things and showing that you could live the high life and portray themselves maybe not in a more flattering light but a different class light. I'm not saying I like commercial rap I'm just stating what has been conveyed to me from those that defend it, and I can see their side. To those that say Rap is not music take a seat, how many people do you know that made it big writing poetry, how many people look down on poets or look the other way. Rap is a way people can express themselves without being labeled a poet, take a look at Goodie Mobbs first two albums and tell me these men aren't real poets. As far as rap and the state it's in, it has been on a decline since the mid nineties just check Nine - The Lyin' King http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDMWWfuxefc really listen. Sorry, for the rant but this is a subject I hold close to my heart.
  6. tenchan4

    tenchan4 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100%. I've been following this thread for a while and am glad somebody was eloquent enough to say what I've been thinking for a while now. Thank you.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Okay so Rap is a medium for self-expression, that's fine. But how come the only topics rap music keeps on recycling is either, about making out, having lots of bling or money, your life as a street punk in your hard ass hood & your crib or car that you tricked out. Surely there are other things going on in the world you can focus on right? And you also think using words like F*ck, b**ch & other deregatory & degrading words in the lyrics is poetic don't'cha? Wrong :p

    Yeah rap is poetic, it's so Avant Garde that it's gone from artistic to total schwarvage.
  8. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Read klevelend4's comment. He explained it quite thoroughly. Anything MAINSTREAM is shit nowadays. ANYTHING. That doesn't exclude rap. Please, do not base your judgment on what you see on MTV or what you hear on the radio.

    Also, what kind of vocabulary are you expecting from the rap artists? I expect somewhat meaningful lyrics, but unless they hand out degrees like crack in the 'hood these days, I'm not expecting a literal masterpiece.

    Also, not meaning to be rude, but you might want to use actual words to convey your point. Your last sentence didn't make any sense. Schwarvage = ??
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Schwarvage = Garbage

    Haven't you heard that before? Try looking up an old episode of Batman Beyond, the episode where Brude & Terry watched an Opera based on Batman's legacy.

    Well rappers could try using symbolism to express their thoughts, like for example saying "let's journey together to the gates of Valhala & beyond", instead of saying an extremely profane, "c'mere b**ch & I'll f**k you up!".
  10. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Being able to express yourself like that requires some form of intelligence. With that said, I rest my case.

    And I don't care how intelligent the person is that is rapping, the truth is the slang and intentional mispronunciations make it all sound like they are all stupid.

    One other thing, they all walk around with their pants hanging off their asses, with one hand grabbing their crotch to hold their pants up, and they all claim to be "original". Explain to me how in the hell someone is supposed to be original when the all look, walk, talk, rap, and act alike?
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I don't want to disagree with you on your point apophos, but surely if they tried, rappers can make "intelligent" & worthwhile songs. And yeah, those rapper gestures are absolutely annoying.
  12. Big Green

    Big Green Guest

    Fabolous is good. Lil Wayne fell off a lot. I also like Cassidy, Papoose and Hell Rell. But I can't choose who's the best
  13. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Let me say this in a different way. That's like saying because Britney Spears is a slut, Christina Aguilera is a slut, and Hannah Montana is a slut, all of pop music must be full of women who make up for their faulty singing with sexual appeal. Generalization: it doesn't work.

    As I stated before, I only have contempt for the current generation of rap artists which are more into "bling-bling" rather than actually rapping. With that said, just considering what may be the most mainstream (and worst) rappers and forming an opinion that "rap is not music", etc. is false.

    You want intelligent rap? Listen to Nas, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Talib Kweli. Then form an opinion. Comparing the worst of one genre to your ideals is not fair at all.

    No, I haven't heard of the "word" "schwarvage". In fact, a google search for "schwarvage" gives you ONE RESULT. Another post of yours with the same "word" in it. So, you tell me who's using "slang" and "made-up words".
  14. klevelend4

    klevelend4 New Member

    I could pick just about anything negative out of any genre there is nowadays and make a case of how awful and how much I hate what it stands for. Don't let a few artists or songs out there offend you, look deeper expand your tunnel vision. Just because I'm not a fan of alt./ emo. rock I don't go around bashing their music and the people that listen to it, there is good music everywhere and every genre. If you easily get offended by it don't listen to it, I haven't listened to the radio for more than 5 years. There is positive rap, hell there's even Christian rap just like they have Christian metal, if that's not an oxymoron in it of itself. If you want some music that doesn't bash women and talk about money look up the Lightheaded Crew it consists of Ohemga Watts, Braille, and Othello all three on their own are very jazzy and the majority is positive, same goes for L.A. Symphony which Pigeon John came from. Just because you don't understand something you can't go around dismissing and bashing it, that's a sign of ignorance and we have enough negativity in the world and we don't need to add to it. If everyone acted this way the world would be in a lot worse shape than it is now. All I'm trying to say is understand..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzSi7voW7Hc
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Soulja Boy

    and Eminem really went low...
  16. Voldnesis

    Voldnesis Member

    I have a low (but not loud and obnoxious) tolerance for most if not all rap music... I like any genre of music you can mention that was made with some effort and rap doesn't have much of any these days. Half-assed remixes and 8 minute long dance/bass repetitions don't do it for me, but I tolerate. :)
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The reason rap has no meaning is because they don't have much left to complain about like discrimination for example...
    It's not like they'll complain about the credit crunch...
  18. Voldnesis

    Voldnesis Member

    You're right, instead they merely sing songs (if you can even call them that) about the dumbest and most disturbing things ever; murder, gangs, reping (mis-spelled on purpose) someones mother, ect...
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Basically rap is now verbal diarrhea... They want to make a 'song' but can't think of anything decent to make so they just say what basically goes on in their head, no logic at all... Now some rappers may not have lost their true rap speech but unfortunately they don't get to mainstream...
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It's more of a monologue than singing. its basically speech with some generic 'music' rhythm (though 'noise' is more appropriate) backing it.