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Which music game do you like the most?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by questXtreme, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. MasterKupo

    MasterKupo Well-Known Member

    dunno if its exactly music but elite beat agents, kupo.
  2. PuffyChain

    PuffyChain Well-Known Member

    wangan midnight maximum tune
  3. Pyronix

    Pyronix Member

    First music game I played was O2Jam. It was alright for the early easy songs, but I choked when I saw the lv20+ songs. My fingers just can't keep up with that...

    Second one was Stepmania, which I kind of still like today. It's easy on the hands, and I can play casually.

    The most recent one for me was Rock Band. I could NOT play the guitar for my life, so I just settled with the drums. I still suck...
  4. itz_jeo

    itz_jeo New Member

    Mario Paint, Flash Flash Revolution

    buh sadly flash is shutdown rite nao?! ;[

    my fingerz want to tap the left, up, down, and right keys xD
  5. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

    square enix games