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which is harder to master? piano or guitar

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lugia543, Sep 6, 2009.


which is harder, piano or guitar

  1. piano

    0 vote(s)
  2. guitar

    0 vote(s)
  1. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    I did both in Music at school last year, and I'd say guitar is definately harder. But really, it depends on what you're learning and how you're being taught.
  2. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Well, if you're used to typing and gaming a lot you might have a better chance at playing the piano.
    But really, the whole question is pathetic, mastering the guitar, pfffft, that's not hard, there's a lot more input for the piano, the guitar is easy cake compared.
  3. i believe it depends on what style or even what guitar you are playing.


    -piano is of course, very hard, to sound really good at least

    -theoretically, piano is so much easier seeing as C D E etc are right beside each other and sharps/flat keys are the black keys.

    -requires intricate finger movements on both hands and hand-eye coordination(unless your eyes are closed)

    -depends completely on what you are playing.

    -To some people, once they can read music sheet fast, they believe its easier.

    -did i mention intricate finger movements on both hands?? that is probably the main reason why piano is so hard.


    -electric guitars make it easier to sound good because of distortions and other things.

    -the acoustic has harder strings and when you play a classical song the smallest mistake you make will become obvious.

    -your less dominant hand has to build up strength and learn to make intricate finger movement. Same with your dominant if you are playing classical style.

    -no matter what guitar you use and what syle you use, you still need a lot of calouses.

    -no requirement of learn music sheets, tabs will do fine.

    -if you only strum, the guitar is oh-so-much easier, but you can do more with it.

    -then there are the techniques such as hammer-ons and pull-offs, slides and bends(ouch)
    to make life harder.

    Overall, if you look deep into it... they are both hard as heck.

    from my experience at least
  4. estabob

    estabob New Member

    Really people, guitar hero and rockband are no where near as hard actually playing guitar. Maybe it's just a joke but it pisses me off when people think they can play an instrument because they can play a video game well.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Like that? : D
  6. or even those who just assume guitar is as easy as such games.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Any person with half a brain knows it's harder.
    Just still, the guitar isn't that hard.
  8. the difficulty still depends what what you are playing.

    either that, or you are more talented at the piano
  9. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    i think guitar is much harder to play for long periods of time. With a guitar you're not pushing some smooth keys, you're messing around with some rough strings and if you do that for too long you get mega-callouses on your fingers. It's pretty painful.
  10. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    I have tried Both. Guitar us heaps easier.
  11. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    It's all about the style, really, but all in all, I'd say guitar is toughter since it's (a lot) more physically demanding.
  12. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I would argue that it depends on the person and their aptitude and will to learn the instrument. :)
    Not to mention that both require practice.
  13. blaziken123

    blaziken123 Active Member

    guitar looks hard, but you just need a sense of rhythm and it will be SO easy. Piano is harder,(only whith 2 fingers) since you need to move fingers SO effing fast.
    Piano is hardest(but not as hard as tenor sax(which i play)since you have to move your fingers fast in every direction, and breath very harshly).
  14. private69ner

    private69ner Member

    piano is harder since the use of two hands.
    most guitar players use their right hand in an up and down motion (unless ur a left handed) and left hand doesnt need to go ridiculous lengths to get a note an octave higher and move ur find about 1 cm down to another string.
  15. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    What about fingerpicking,alternative flatpicking,tapping lol.....and to reach a full octave higer it streches 12 nothes

    try and play this on piano


    You can play any song on piano on the guitar,but vise versa you cant.Guitar is a much more versatile instrument ,as the video demonstrates

    also this
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I agree with you saying that Guitar is harder to master. But not on the "You can play any song on the piano on the guitar, but vise versa you cant." part. I mean, they weren't meant to oppose each other or compete with each other's sound. The Piano has a certain style, and so does guitar. You can't play "Flight of the bumblee" on the guitar and make it sound exactly like the Piano one. Or John Legend songs with a guitar. It's just not possible, even with effects and what not.
  17. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    I missed wrote that comment lol sorry.

    What i meant was......
    Name me one song you can play on the piano that you cant on the guitar

    Then ...
    Name me one song on the guitar that you cant play on the piano

    You get my drift....the guitar allows you to use more teqniques and make songs more dynamic...

    Look at blues(im a blues player).....Blues on the guitar uses(mostly) the pentatonic scale, you can play the same 3 notes in hundreds of ways due to the versatility of the guitar.slides,bends, etc etc
    But on the piano ,its just the same 3 notes over and over(unless you change order lol)

    catch my drift.....
  18. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Then you're talking about versatility now.

    And once again, each instrument has it's limits and strengths. They were'nt made to do what the other can do as well.

    And to be fair to the Piano, let's take Guitar as it is. An acoustic guitar. No peds, no amps, no wires.

    There's virtually a million things you can do with a guitar. And there are an equal number of things you can do with the piano, just in a different way.

    BTW, the 3 notes on the piano? You can go Stacatto, Sustain that sh!t, or Chord em, or blah.
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Or you could get to people to create a piece with a an Acoustic playing and a piano, and then be ready for sheer awesomeness. I think that solves the whole arguement. ;)
  20. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Lets just agree to disagree lol.....

    I get what you mean :).......lol....
    dont wanna cause an arguement :(