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which is harder to master? piano or guitar

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lugia543, Sep 6, 2009.


which is harder, piano or guitar

  1. piano

    0 vote(s)
  2. guitar

    0 vote(s)
  1. conder

    conder Active Member

    I used to play the guitar and only had a few snags (I was rubbish! :D) ... and right now i'm really motivated to learn the Piano. I've always wanted to sinse I was a kid. It obviously depends on who you are, what your experience with the instument is and how good your concentration and coordination is... and maybe just how much you want to master the skill.
    I hope I get the chance to start learning soon :)
  2. caleb_666

    caleb_666 New Member

    i've tried both, guitar was easier
  3. matty_34

    matty_34 Member

    As soon as you can master chord quick changes on the guitar, there isn't much more to learn, but the co-ordination required on the the Piano is much great at later stages than that of the guitar. Btw, I've played both along with a few other instruments the Alto sax and the Bassoon.
  4. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

  5. hightimes

    hightimes Well-Known Member

    I believe the piano is harder at least for me. I've tried both and I stuck to guitars.

  6. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Piano was easier for me. But, that's just because it feels more natural to me... But, hey, everyone is different and you won't really get a 100% answer.
  7. Tian Maut

    Tian Maut Well-Known Member

    For me it depend which instrument you like the best and Talent.

    I play both of them. But my guitar skill is far more better than my piano skill because I love my guitar more than I love my piano.
  8. xJonx

    xJonx Member

    Well, I voted piano but that's because I can't play to save my life. I'm an experienced guitar player so obviously it would seem easier xD.

    All I can play on the keyboard is Mary Had A Little Lamb and the theme to Super Mario... o.o
  9. ax_colleen

    ax_colleen Active Member

    piano is more easier since you don't have to do much when playing, in guitar, you have to press, strum, and move to the strings, yes portable, but piano is easier to learn.
  10. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Who can't play Super Mario on the piano? it was the first thing I ever learned
  11. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Piano is harder. I mean, you have to play different notes on your left hand, your right hand, and your feet. That's just plain crazy.
  12. monocledsardine

    monocledsardine New Member

    As far as getting to a professional level is concerned, piano is harder because the standard for piano players is quite a bit higher (though it depends what style of music you're playing in).
  13. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    guitar is harder... my piano's teacher told me about it.... and violin is harder than guitar... [in classical mode]

    if you only play for the chords... well i guess guitar is easier cause i don't know how to play any chords in piano.... i learn classic...

    even though, guitar classical score can easily played in piano... haha...
  14. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    There's a real relativity to it...

    If you go into learning either instrument with no prior knowledge in musical theory, piano might be easier to learn because of its design. It's a whole lot simpler to understand and there's less thinking about it. In guitar you'll eventually just memorize all of the notes on the neck with time, but prior musical knowledge would greatly increase the learning curve of figuring out which frets result in which notes.

    You also need to consider personal coordination. Naturally people are often better at piano or guitar.

    Plus, "mastering"? It's hard to define that. If you consider your personal ability relative to the ability of the average musician, guitar would be easier I guess. The average piano player is a little more passionate than the average guitar player these days, which is usually a 15-year old power-chord fuck-up.
  15. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    well if you play classic.. it really is harder to play it at guitar than play it at piano..... i've already mastered in piano classical, but not with guitar... it's just so hard to use only one hand to settle the note and ony one hand too to produce the note....
  16. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Must be out of keys, IMO
  17. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    Guitar By Far.......
    The fretboard is a much more complex then the piano,because the shapes,scales and modes are demanding then the piano's 88 keys.

    Also anybody can play a little jingl eon the piano,but you dont see anyone doing that on the guitar,because it takes pratice to get your fingers used to the strings and fretboard.

    I played piano for 5 years,and gave up and have been playing the Guitar for 9 Years....and IMO the demanding effort that goes behind learning the complexity of the fretboard was much harder to get my head around.

    but that's just MO
  18. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    it depend on how you describe mastered is, to me mastered means you already finished your study properly... as i can say i've mastered mathematic elementary school level since i already passed it.... ::)

    i've finished my piano course at elementary school... since then i occasionally perform in hotel/any event... i started guitar course at junior high, but never finished it properly... since then i tried to learn by myself but its really hard....

    once again, it depends on how you describe master is.... ::)
  19. flashSTRIKE

    flashSTRIKE Active Member

    i play both piano and guitar, but in my opinion, the guitar was more harder for me to learn. but, in saying that, i havent been playing the guitar for very long.

    BUT, i never had any "natural skill" in playing the piano nor the guitar. all of what i know has been earned through practise.
  20. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Based on experience, guitar is harder to master, but easier to play. There are a plethora of techniques within the guitar, not including effect pedals, and to master all of them is harder than master all of those in the piano.