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which is harder to master? piano or guitar

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lugia543, Sep 6, 2009.


which is harder, piano or guitar

  1. piano

    0 vote(s)
  2. guitar

    0 vote(s)
  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You should try drums then, that's two hands as well as two feet doing the work. :)
    Maybe it's because I grew up on the drums, but piano is far easier for me to play than guitar.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I tried my hand at drums and got fair with it but I had an accident at work that messed up my right leg and hip and I can't do a lot with it anymore about all I can do to walk without a cane so thumping the bass is out of the question let alone sitting and moving around for long period of time and using my left is out of the question as I just can't get the rhythm down so as usual I gave it all up (can't do the rockband drumming either and that sucks.)
  3. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Is this a serious question?
  4. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Of course it would depend on the person and what kind of person they are. Some will master the piano easier, whilst others will be more inclined to excel at guitar. Personally I am better at guitar, partly because I am not interested in piano and partly because I have never tried it. Guitar ftw!!
  5. mr.nintendo

    mr.nintendo Well-Known Member

    guitar is easy and piano is hardar even votes say it
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Mastering? Guitar. Probably.
  7. jayMASTERjay

    jayMASTERjay Active Member

    It really does depend. I think every instrument has its intricacies and difficulties. You can't really say can you?
  8. Wesker85

    Wesker85 Member

    I wouldn't know. I'm learning the accordeon.
  9. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    I've been playing the piano for quite some time and it's easy but I find it quite hard to play the guitar.
  10. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Piano is actually harder...though it's worth it.
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Quoted for truth. Each instrument has it's own set of difficulties. The guitar has limitations that you can do but it's all within these set limitations that you can pull off something great. I think the piano is far more free than most instruments as you can have many hands going at the keys at once.
  12. emmkayye

    emmkayye Well-Known Member

    For me, i'd say guitar is harder because you have to find the keys/notes.

    Whereas in piano, you press the C key and a C will be played. Just like that.

    I self/friend taught myself to play.
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    For a beginner maybe, once you've gotten good at the guitar, you'd know what note is where. I like how you chose C, because if your guitar is a standard tune, you can play E, A, D, G, B and e with no problem. If you're so inclined to have C as an open fret, just tune the guitar to drop C.

    Also, you'd still have to find out which key is C on a piano, most acoustic pianos don't have markings to tell which note is what (mine doesn't have any).

    There's also some guitarists who are self taught that can't read sheet music, so knowing where that C note is, well, they wouldn't know.
  14. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    definetly piano period.
  15. denekie

    denekie Well-Known Member

    Its easier to play without chords on a piano than on a guitar, But if you're doing it with the chords it's much harder on a piano .

    (i play both)
  16. Zairen16

    Zairen16 Member

    Personally, I dunno why people keeps saying piano is harder. For me I'd say guitar is.! I play piano and doesnt even have a hard time playing even from the start!...
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's an opinion to think if either one is easier/harder to master. I think it's impossible to know because everyone could think differently. I'm good on the guitar, and alright on the piano, but I wouldn't say that the piano is harder, it's just that I'm worse at the piano. Each intrument has their own set of difficulties and challenges, this varies to person to person. Striking the keys accurately could be harder for one person versus strumming notes accurately on a guitar.

    It also has something to do with natural skill. I'm having a tough time relearning the piano, compared to when I first started learning the guitar, the piano just doesn't feel natural to me.
  18. MerchantGhost

    MerchantGhost Member

    For me, reading music is harder to learn than actually playing! lol
    I took piano lessons when I was younger, and I find the piano is very easy to pick up(not physically) and learn quickly.I've also practiced guitar for a little bit.
    I find the guitar is harder to learn, because it seems you need to also become used to the feel and weight of the strings(which can hurt your fingers). Though I play both by ear, so my input may not be very helpful ^_^;
  19. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    I play both guitar and piano. I am a lot better on guitar than piano but I have put more work in on the guitar. There are more ways of playing guitar than there are of piano. With guitar there are so many approaches you can take. Whether you tap, play slide guitar, oblique bends, subharmonics fingerstyle, travis picking-I could go on and on. Especially if you play electric guitar because then you have to take into account the way your guitar/amp/fx pedals are set - that in itself is like learning another instrument. It has only been in the last 6 years that I have finally found a tone that I am happy with as well as being distinctly my own. With piano, you don't have to battle the instrument just to get a note to sound true. When me and my friends jam- they are able to transfer their musical knowledge across to the piano. They don't play like Beethoven but they can construct triads construct chords and play scales easily. With a guitar you have to build up your hand strength and dexterity before you can even attempt to play bar chords on an acoustic. To become a master on either instrument does take a lot of work, but with a guitar it can be a real test of endurance and will just to get to where you want.
  20. nanna10

    nanna10 New Member

    i think piano is hader to learn..