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Which game would you like to see on Wii or DS?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by asdzxc123789, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    post a link
  2. gsjasmine

    gsjasmine New Member

    Golden Sun 3 of course
    at least Golden Sun 1&2
  3. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    I thought of this awesome idea. Elite Beat Agents (Osu! Tatake! Ouendan in JP) on the Wii. They should make a Wii camera, like the Eye Toy (maybe Wii See, or Wii Eye?). They could also use the Wii MotionPlus thing. So it's like dancing with the Agents to songs, and downloadable songs, and customization of our agents (hair, suit, etc.) I'd be on that thing for ages.
  4. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member


    Um, I'm pretty sure I mentioned it first.
  5. Snyper777

    Snyper777 Member

    ummm it is 4 the ds
  6. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    lol I think they were being sarcastic...
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Halo Wars, wouldn't be bad on the DS to be honest
  8. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    A new Ace Attorney game. With multiplayer. Somehow.
    Super Smash Bros. Everyone wants it.

    Pikmin. No, not a remake. Actual Pikmin. With a level editor.
    Paper Mario.
  9. Ookami would be a good game for DS and Wii, evidenty there aren't enough buttons though. sad :(
  10. whohassocks

    whohassocks New Member

    F-Zero for the DS and Wii!!!
  11. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    Okami was already ported over to the Wii. However, I'm not sure if the DS can handle the graphics without making adjustments, like with Phantom Hourglass compared to Wind Waker.

    Now, game I like to see... A remake of older Fire Emblem games? (unsubtle hint)
  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    STAR FOX WII would be great!!! (will it ever come)

    As long as they keep it as a action/flight sim
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Mario on drugs, forget Dr.Mario... Mario on drugs will do fine
  14. xXHomeboiDXx

    xXHomeboiDXx Member

    Street Fighter DS
    GTA Wii
    King of Fighters DS
    Tekken DS
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    GTA wii won't happen, the console is aimed at kids and GTA isnt a kids game. Tekken DS won't happen either because of licensing issues.
  16. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    aq worlds ds

    Jurassic park wii

    jet fouce jenimy ds

    soul calubia wiii (not legends)
  17. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    oblivion for nintendo ds
  18. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    resi 5 wii

    i suppose you'll post this again soon right ::)
  19. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Patapon, would be intresting to see how they would intergrate the touch screen.
  20. 00Davo

    00Davo Well-Known Member

    GTA: Chinatown Wars sniggers at you from the corner. You suffer a -50 drop in Self Esteem as you realise your error in the mis-association of Nintendo consoles and GTA. Due to your decreased Self Esteem, your Charisma ability score is temporarily drained by three points. What do you do next?

    Hilarious. Let's make it a classic platformer style, but add a variety of illicit substances which mess with the interface when consumed, but provide massive multipliers to... something.

    Anyway, an Ace Attorney title on Wii would also be cool. Multiple players objecting Wiimotes. Awesome. Although the concept of Ace Attorney multiplayer is difficult. Hmm...